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Everything posted by Radar

  1. Yes. Yes they are. Are goaltending's bad. Our offense is worst. Our defense???
  2. Point I'm making is rooting for and liking someone are two different things. I root for players many of whom I don't like particularly. I would say Barnaby could play but Marchant is a very,very good player and a lot of what he brings is something we lack.
  3. Did you root for Barnaby, or how about Keleta? The big difference is they couldn't play hockey and were one dimensional. Those Bruins are darn good hockey players.
  4. Truth is options were few unless you stuck with RK.
  5. I hope you're correct.
  6. Looking like no game to me. Now a Boston player on protocol.
  7. Sounds like what many of us have been saying........ownership the problem!
  8. Agree on Matt and his character and are work ethic. It's what got him as far as he got. By the way, I can say the same for our GM.
  9. I'm not expecting too much to be honest. Season at this point over and now missing the players we are makes it look like maybe 5-1 type game. Hopefully we show more spirit and aggressive play. That's about all I can realistically look for.
  10. The Knox's a class act. Boy I miss it. They just didn't have the deep enough pockets. They loved the team and Buffalo.
  11. Not sure but it begs the question.
  12. I have to say I have watched a bit of his interviews and the guy is pretty impressive. I'm still wanting an experienced NHL coach but willing to give Leaman the chance if he's the pick. I'd go with him rather than some assistant coach.
  13. What I see is a bunch of individuals who haven't melded into a team. It's a team sport. It's not just individual talent. I think this may be what you describe as an identity and if that's the case we're on the same page. We have some individual talents at fairly high level but do they play well as a team? It would seem not. This is why a coach and GM need to work as a team as well.
  14. We're all frustrated. I'm now 78 and been here since the Knox's were awarded this franchise so I feel your pain. The vision? Well to construct a winning team. If what you're asking is how then that's something most GM's aren't going to come right out with because it usually entails coaching and they are making that change. Players. They're not going to publicly announce we're looking to trade so and so. It's difficult to be totally transparent because other GM's can look to take advantage. They've said they're open for business. That's as transparent and informative as you can expect.
  15. The questions I have about Terry/Kim are the overall administration of the franchise. Primary is the selections of GM's. Also there seems a negative aura surrounding this team. Those things can't be separated from the top. The best GM he's had he inherited. The best coach was inherited. I look at the past ten years and just can't separate only constant and that's the owner. To meddle or not to meddle in this case isn't the question. Responsibility for this franchise lies with the owners.
  16. You really thought he would come out maybe two hours after terminating a coach and introduce a new one? What sense of direction description would you have been looking for? I'm not by any means covering for this franchise as I've been very critical of it but I didn't expect anything more from this press conference.
  17. Maybe. But I didn't hear anything that tells me those three are not open for consideration.
  18. I need to be informed on Leaman. Is this speculation based on Paul Hamilton or are there other sources that he's a consideration?
  19. Firing was the easy part. We've done that. The next step is our Achilles heel. They are running out of chances on this hiring thingy. My confidence in Pegula and company is pretty low to say the least but let's still believe in miracles for now.
  20. Rivet is the only one I just can't listen to. Terrible!
  21. Next move please get rid of Craig Rivet on the Instigators!
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