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Everything posted by Radar

  1. Was a great goalkeeper. We were spoiled for so long with Hasek and Miller.
  2. Like we really want him fighting? Okay, sure.
  3. Sort of.....may be dozing.
  4. I don't think he's a darling with Sabres organization. So Dunleavy being a nice guy we're stuck with.
  5. He's probably the cheap full-time RJ replacement unfortunately. If you're listening to a game on radio you have no idea what is happening. He's terrible.
  6. Not what I like to hear from him. Quite frankly not sure it doesn't lower my desire for him to be considered for the job here. I understand it's a media show nd people stir things but still. Of course it may mean he doesn't think he's in consideration here or isn't interested.
  7. Agree. Teams also many times have an immediate positive response to new coaches regardless of who they are.
  8. I agree it doesn't say he's the right guy. Neither does pure NHL experience theand a known name mean someone's the right person. John Cooper was probably a question mark with a lot of fans.
  9. Eichel all the way. And I loved Chris Drury. He probably trumps Eichel in every category except talent.
  10. Have to look at position also. Would Eichel be a top ten center? Are centers mire valued? All legitimate questions. For me it's not Eichel that's wrong with the team. It's goaltending, young players still developing in the NHL and quality depth. I'm pretty happy with our top forward line makeup. Several bottom six guys are marginal NHL players. Our defense even with McCabe has room for improvement. Bryson has been a pleasant surprise and Dahlin is beginning to show what was expected. I would swap Risto out but even there for who? My take is this is a team problem not a leadership or Eichel problem. But I've seen the development of Cozens and Mitts as hopeful signs as well as a few others that we're not that far from a playoff team. VO I'm undecided think he could be part of a trade. Not sure.
  11. Can I take door #2 please.
  12. For the record I'm not for chasing people away but if one's purpose is simply to provoke an argument then so be it.
  13. You're right I don't want a nonsense discussion with no tangible evidence. It appears you want arguments not discussions.
  14. Not a good game for sure.
  15. Sorry you're not making sense. Or you're trolling. Seventeen posts.......hmmmm
  16. Terrible Power play!!!
  17. You're saying trade your best player? Sorry but your looking at a ROR type disaster of greater magnitude.
  18. Couldn't, couldn't, couldn't now go write it ten times on the blackboard and go directly to the corner.😂
  19. A bit of embellishment though.
  20. Defensively we're having a bad game. Not letting goaltender off the hook but we're getting clobbered defensively.
  21. Thank you. I think there's a group here that wants Granato to look bad and doesn't want to admit this team has played vbmuch better under him. I'm not for or against Granato just saying.
  22. Ok. I wouldn't say crap. We are not keeping up with Rangers speed.
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