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Everything posted by Radar

  1. I really hope both Jack and Sam stay. Seems odds against it though.
  2. Okay. But his (big) assumption was with no big trades. I'm not as big on VO as many. Still see him a PP specialist. Also see him as part of a trade possibly.
  3. In this case money wouldn't win in my opinion. Anyways, don't think they're cash strapped byany means.
  4. Not buddies but I believe the jobs are interconnected. Seen many cases over the years where if not at least having a good working relationship it doesn't work.
  5. He may be to hockey what Billy Martin was in baseball. Like it or not you do need to be able to work with others. I do thi k he's a good coach but that's a fan perspective. If I'm a GM or owner my perspective would be different maybe. Still think all things considered Granato is the guy and I'm okay with that. The KA/Karmanos team is the one that's going to determine where we go in my opinion.
  6. You broke my heart! Love them peanut butter cups.
  7. Agree.
  8. Donnie "Meatballs" looking better all the time.
  9. Hope you're wrong. I'd rather have Granato.
  10. We like to bash the Bruins but that's a team and organization I'd love to have. Their most hated player? Yeah, I'll take him as well.
  11. Option? Yes. Is he interested?? Have to assume they have those answers and it wouldn't require an interview face to face.
  12. Yes, I agree. But getting all upset because the people you hire report back to you is not evidence that you're telling them what to do. Again I think the Pegulas have hired the wrong people more so than telling them how to manage. That's on them. The buck stops there but this getting all upset and speculation on why KA would meet with them is foolish. When I met with my superiors I doubt our employees worried about them meddling.
  13. Can't really blame you for these sentiments.
  14. Hockey franchise is a business. An entertainment business. The product on the ice is providing entertainment which is the product you're selling. Seems that an owner of such a business has an invested interest in his product he's selling. If the consumer isn't entertained he has one way to transmit that to ownership........stop buying.
  15. Agree. Still lean toward Granato over BB.
  16. I believe PA has referenced fracking rather negatively in regard to the Pegulas.
  17. I think you're correct but I take the view of okay Granato is our guy now show us we're wrong. Thus the search. Backlash? Heck, how could it be any greater than it already is?
  18. As many say "hate" is a harsh word. For me the word is not interchangeable with dislike. For others it may be. I dislike how they have operated the franchise. I don't dislike them because I don't know them personally. For me to say I hate someone because I don't agree with them is a bit extreme.
  19. I think of the names so far I'd stick with Granato.
  20. I think you may be correct. Karmanos does have the experience. I'm not anti Adams but his inexperience in front office concerned me. With Karmonis I think it's much better. Still would have liked a POH ops but don't think that's to be. In any case I think what KA/Karmonis do with roster is more important than who the coach is. Short of a Gallant I'm okay with Granato. Players seem like him and let's face it it's not like he's inexperienced.
  21. In this case no scraps. Seems zero chance of that president of hockey ops I wanted.
  22. I think you're going to be disappointed.
  23. I edited my post to say Rhino is younger. Both play wing or center. I would not trade Rhino for Miller.
  24. I think they're pretty even myself. I think Rhino is under valued by many on this board. Rhino is I think three years younger.
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