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Everything posted by Radar

  1. That grab a brew thing is something I do quite often because of this replay crap. I'll be at an aa meeting by the end of a game.
  2. Too early to panic. I would give it another month before I start to seriously worry about our scoring. Scoring is low around the league it seems like. The rest of the months schedule looks pretty tough and I would wait until the middle of December before I make any real judgements. Actually they have played up to my expectations so far. Maybe my expectations were too low but they are all playing with each other for a very short period of time at this point. Goaltending has been better than expected as has our defense in my opinion. I'll give forward lines more time to get together before I panic.
  3. Hate replay crap. It all evens out eventually unless your a conspiracy thinker. Just play the game. If off side isn't picked up by the linesman so be it. We'll win some and lose some. The whole flow of the game is changed by this stuff. Feel the same way about football. My watching enjoyment has not been enhanced one iota by all this replay stuff.
  4. I would not want any significant moves by us until we have a larger sample of games to make judgments on. Thus far it has been better on defense and goaltending than I expected and I am happy with our forward lines for now. Yeah, we all expected more scoring but I'm not for trading any of our forwards right now at least.
  5. Frankly let's just do away with replay. Okay we lose some and we win some calls. Better than scoring and finding out 30 seconds later it's off sides. Just by the off side challenges to date you can see how many goals in the past would have been negated and big deal what goes around comes around. If it's that far off side than the official should be able to make the call almost every time. As a fan all these rule changes have done nothing for me and the flow of the game is impaired in my opinion.
  6. While I do think we have not finished well doesn't it seem like scoring is pretty low around the league as a whole. Seems a lot of talk around about how to increase scoring. Anyway, on paper it seems we have enough scorers and they will eventually start going in. Big disappointments for me so far are Ennis and Moulson. Hopefully they will get there game together. Rest of this months schedule is pretty demanding and I expect we will have our share of losses. Still this team is fun to watch and way improved over last season in my opinion.
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