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Everything posted by Radar

  1. Sorry but I don't think Stamkos is going to go to anyone not at present a contender. Including Toronto.
  2. Honest answer. He won't. Trump is a narcissist, a rich one at that. While I can understand people are upset with our government at this time let's face it our anger should not lead to electing a what I honestly believe is a bad person of no moral convictions who lies about himself and his opponents. Frankly I question his mental state at this point.
  3. I really don't think that's the case with Moulson. The effort seems to be there. Could be system I suppose. Hard to figure. Hopefully he can turn it around as I think he's a good team guy with character.
  4. Disappointed RJ not doing game. Just hate listening to Dunleavy. Please let's get someone else to replace RJ!
  5. Maybe if they are drinking Molson.
  6. If we're not around how do we know? I think I will ask my cat.
  7. Maybe he won't be here but he's not horrible. Armchair coaching is really easy to do.
  8. Dunleavy is terrible.
  9. I always thought Darcy was a gentleman and a real good person. I don't want him as a GM he is almost too nice for that job in some ways.
  10. Cruz has had a few very questionable things done by his campaign lately. If you don't trust Hillary I fail to see how anyone would trust either Cruz or Trump. The GOP better pray that someone other than those two gets the nomination or they will have handed this gift wrapped to the Democrats.
  11. As a veteran (Vietnam era) am I alone in being disgusted at Trump using vets to just get more attention. The networks already have played into his hands by covering him non stop because of his outrageous behavior. It's certainly not because of the substance of what he says. Sorry but in my mind he is classless, offensive and an embarrassment to our country's political system. We have reached an all time low in this whole group of candidates in my opinion.
  12. Dunleavy is tolerable for tv but radio he is terrible to the point I can't hardly follow the game.
  13. What would all these gripers do if not for message boards? Frankly I'm happy with our coach.
  14. Education is necessary for most to climb up the ladder economically. A good education is not universally available and it's not usually the fault of the students but is because the best schools are usually in more affluent communities. I was one of the fortunate ones who grew up with good education available to me. I confess that I don't have any particular aversion to the idea of socialization of health system (which I worked in for over 30years) or socialization of natural resources. Revamping how we fiance public education would be a good thing as well.
  15. It seems pretty agreed upon that wages for most workers has been relatively stagnant while the upper class (the very wealthy) have been increasing in wealth. I am in my seventies now and don't feel young people today have the upward mobility economically as my generation had. Most families required two incomes to live at around the same standard one income provided fifty years ago. True many want a lot more now but the distribution of wealth in our country has been going out of wack for quite some time now. Unfortunately we now have a political campaign financing system which allows the wealthiest individuals to literally determine who will represent us. The average citizen could not run for most elected positions even at state level. Don't be fooled into the idea of individual representation. Money does buy votes in congress and the money flows from a scary few relative to our country's population.
  16. Ok. I was just saying that many Americans relate socialism to be communism. Agree capitalism and communism don't play well together. My guess is if Bernie were to be the Democratic nominee the other side will insinuate a connection of the s word to the c word.
  17. Is the American thinking that socialism and communism are synonymous because of ignorance or propaganda? One is a political system (communism) and the other an economic system. Not promoting anything but let's please , to be fair, make the distinction. Many socialistic countries are certainly not communistic.
  18. If you don't think he's still got something.........listen to Dunleavy do a game.
  19. I was saying competitive not necessarily winning. I guess my hopes were lower than many but I'm happy to at least see them being competitive.
  20. Actually they have been pretty consistently competitive. The problem could be that the air of negativity and last year's tank and now getting Eichel and fans thinking ....great we are there now has deadend the spirit. It takes more than one or two players first of all and I think getting Eichel and all the fanfare over the draft has left many with a big letdown. Sort of like the buildup for Christmas for kids then the day arrives and okay now what?
  21. No he didn't.
  22. Anything would be better than WGR. Don't care who owns them.
  23. Frankly this team is what I expected for the most part. Did expect more from Girgs and Moulson at this point. Ennis has been hurt so hard to judge him but I had a feeling we might not see another year from him like last year. Didn't expect playoffs but an improved watchable team and that's what I'm seeing in my opinion.
  24. He was a good NHL coach in the 1990s style of play. Time passed him by and today's fast paced offense was beyond his skills. I liked him too I do agree he was better suited for that period and that particular team. Bylsma is a much better "hockey" coach in my opinion.
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