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Everything posted by Radar

  1. Okay, your post isn't really worthy of reply but please elaborate on Trumps experience and qualifications.
  2. The republican party, in my opinion, is further to the right than the Democrats are to the left. Trump I don't believe is either right,left or centrist. He is whatever gets him spotlighted and cares less what he says or does in order to meet hi need. Frankly I hope the GOP becomes more like it was prior to the moral majority days when you didn't have to be beholden to far right wackery. I know what the far right people will say but Hillary is more center than Cruze and what Trump was willing to be to get nominated.
  3. When inflation was flat and I worked in the business side of medicine medical costs were going up at an average of 18pct annually. Obamacare as they like to call it was a scapegoat for not having to reform our healthcare system. If you want to find the real culprits it's the providers, drug companies and attorneys. Our presidents healthcare plan is not the problem.
  4. Once again.......there is no knocking the socks off. He will get the maximum ELC period. Haven't we gone over that to the point of museum.
  5. Yes. Basically he has spent resources making him a Brand name. Give him credit for that. Everything he has practically has his name plastered all over it including his plane. I know of many more successful billionaires who have private planes that don't have to put their names on them to tell the world "here I am". So yes you are correct he has used his money well in promoting himself.
  6. Donald Trump is mentally off. I don't care a scrap about bankruptcies etc. He now would like a foreign government (Russia no less) to hack into a government officials emails. I am amazed that anyone can listen to this crazy and even consider him for president. I am done with the Republican party. They have lost me until they come to their senses and get the Grand Old party back into the hands of reasonable people with convictions not just the desire to beat someone. They are the party of hate right now. I will sit out before I vote for any of them again.
  7. No I think it's Trump who said he could do it by himself. Frankly I'm not a huge supporter of Hillary but Trump is just plain obnoxious and dangerous. Probably the only Republican not named Cruze who wouldn't beat Hillary. The GOP really is scratching their heads at this point. Too many candidates split the primaries and allowed Trump to sneak in.
  8. A third candidate vote in this election at least in my mind hurts Clinton more than Trump. As much as I would like a viable third party I would hate to see Trump win. Even if he had policies I agreed with I couldn't support someone who I honestly believe has mental issues which to me disqualify him for president. This man could be dangerous if ever elected. He is narcissistic and his hateful message does nothing but elevate the air of violence in my opinion not help to solve it.
  9. Worst of the worst picks.........#1 Schopp and Bullcrap and #2 Andrew Peters. Simon and White by default okay. So failing grades go to (drum roll please!) WGR as a wannabe sports station.
  10. I am okay with Sal or Coller but prefer Murph over the rest of the sports guys on WGR. Of course that's really not saying much.
  11. I think this is part of the switch to MSG/WNY network where they will simulcast Buffalo sports programming. I agree Murph is kind of bland but he is also knowledgeable and not as confrontational as other sports hosts around who I think appear less knowledgeable than Murph.
  12. Man you jump to conclusions. Must be you have preconceived mind made up. Is this just what you want to believe or do you have inside information that even the news outlets don't yet have. Sounds like Muslim phobia has gotten to you better known as Trumpitis.
  13. I am one who has deep feelings for civil rights but do we need to reduce everything to white,black,or whatever color of choice? Once again the media seems to and we buy into it. Is there any such things as objective thinking or do we automatically assume the worst?
  14. Not positive but think they must cuff him as policy.
  15. I totally agree with you on this as well. I think most of us may be viewing these problems from relatively afar and I don't think the media does well in showing both sides but rather stirs the pot. Of course that's what sells.
  16. It would be interesting if we all spent one month as a police officer. Just sayin.
  17. When they march these black evangelical "pastors" out to preach the world's gospel and the people can't see through this? Shame. If the Democrats follow suit shame on them. Any person who has sincerely read and studied the teachings of Christ should be deeply troubled by the exploitation of religion by these people.
  18. I as a Christian am appalled at the rhetoric by professor's of Christianity and the support of such hateful rhetoric by other professing Christians. Statements that are bordering on slander, accusations of treason ect. I don't care what party or conservative or liberal these actions and words are not representative of Christ's teaching. If the Democrats follow suit with this hate mongering rhetoric I will sit at home election day for the first time and I am 73 years old. I am a veteran but I would not serve again under a Commander in Chief such as Donald Trump.
  19. So not allowing a convicted felon to have a firearm is unconstitutional? No. Under the constitution does our government have a right to protect its citizens? I believe so. There is no problem with background checks constitutionally speaking the problem is getting congress to pass it and I have my own opinion on why they won't.$$$$$$$
  20. Okay so the police somehow know this guy and his service record. Then contact the professionals treating him. Then proceed to look for ways to not injure him and get the help he needs. Do I have this right?
  21. Not necessarily. I now have some unconfirmed reports of a flight plan between Bermuda and Vancouver. Reports say a young man wearing sun glasses and a Harvard jersey boarded the plane who appeared intoxicated.
  22. Sorry if you take offense. I'm not saying never to question policies. I'm trying to say someone eventually has to start talking about solutions. I have questioned the government myself. I'm a Vietnam era vet I questioned that war. I questioned war after war but no one has suggested how we don't get into them. I admit that my son is a police officer and I am a bit upset that we question taking out a man who refused to surrender and was threatening other lives. These individuals are scrum for the most part. Now I respect your opinions but yes, I may be a little wiser after 73 yrs than you at 29. Not a put down at all because at your age at looked at the world a lot more idealistical than I do now.
  23. Just had a reliable source tell me the subject has been seen.......in a casino in Bermuda. I'll try to track this down.
  24. You sound like a lot of windbags in congressional hearings (both sides of the isle). I have questions. They never deal with answers.
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