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Everything posted by Radar

  1. Let's face it this club is snake bit right now. Jack, Kane and starting goalie out. That's something very few teams are dealing with. Your talking about guys you are heavily depending on this season.
  2. If message board posters determined the fate of sports coaches/managers very few would last a full season. Sports fans are emotion driven and emotions nullify brain activity many times. Some don't even need to get emotional for this to happen.
  3. Donald needs a good shrink. The a guy is definitely psycho. To think he has as much support that he apparently has is scary and has me wondering how crazy are we as a nation.
  4. I in all honesty didn't see anything dirty on the play.
  5. Well we may be getting a top pick again anyway.
  6. Does this season have a bad look before we even get it started.
  7. Now this is the truth. The GOP doesn't resemble the party it once was. We used to have a conservative party which was absorbed into the GOP which then went even more to the right and much more confrontive since the contract with America. Largely a party of hard line rhetoric and obstructionism at this point. The old GOP would probably be winning the white house this time around but they wouldn't nominate a reasonable candidate (Kasich) so now they will probably lose an election I think they could have won.
  8. My wife and I live in Western New York and both retired and retirement income is little over 50,000/annual. I would say we are comfortable and able to take vacation each summer for couple weeks. We eat out on average once a week. Have to add still paying a mortgage for about five more years. Biggest threat to our security is definitely health. We do have investments that we now have to take out the required minimum withdrawal on. I think a lot of retirement planning is answering what kind of life style one expects or desires in retirement.
  9. With a few exceptions I tend to agree.
  10. Radar

    MSG Simulcast

    Update. I'm now wondering if this is a DirecTV problem and not MSG problem. In any case I could not get the simulcast of Hockey Hotline today which wgr550 was saying would be on.
  11. Advertised to start today with Hockey Hotline????? I'm not getting it maybe technical problem? Oh well.
  12. We need our citizens to all take Government 101so we at least are educated on the function nd responsibilities of the different branches of government. Tax laws or laws for that matter are the function of congress not the president. He can use his veto or try to influence congress to do something but the tax laws we have are the responsibility of the House and approval of the Senate.
  13. A third party candidate who refers to East Korea. A third party candidate who couldn't recall a country leader he likes (apparently he doesn't know who they are). Wow this leaves me filled with hope for a third party movement.
  14. I believe I read somewhere that my congressional district is one of the most conservative in the country. Chris Collins is pretty typical of people in the district. Many times I have to remind myself of this when talking with friends who grew up here. I think the state overall though is pretty blue and the GOP has a long way yet to go to change that. I would agree not as far as it had to go a generation ago. I think also that, to me anyway, conservatives have been more and more appealing to emotions and less to the intellectual side. There are many conservative intellectuals but we don't hear as much from them as we do those who aim more to our more emotional side.JMO.
  15. Not sure it's not on msg on directtv just football.
  16. Very nice football game????
  17. The longer this goes the more value posters will give him. He is good and potentially very good but not deserving of Ekblad money. I trust Murray to know his value and ownership to pay it.
  18. I can understand completely not supporting Clinton but can't for the life of me understand supporting Trump. Clinton is for me by far the lesser of two evils. I may not vote but I fear Trump as I don't think he is mentally balanced and I saying that literally.
  19. Media drives this whole "issue" to a great extent. Cable news ,although I am against censorship, does a disservice to our social and political environment to a great degree. It's almost becoming the Enquire mag of years ago. Talk radio 24/7. JMO.
  20. Now I would not be surprised to see Nash to Buffalo and Rangers taking back some salary.
  21. Trump is a white bigot...period. Sorry but I have never seriously questioned people's mentality for supporting any particular candidate this is an exception. Trump supporters, if they are even slightly serious, I question whether they are just racially or just plain off to be supportive of a person that is so classless and bigoted to say nothing about dense on real issues.
  22. I could care less about what number any player wears. What's the big deal?
  23. Right now anything but WGR is improvement. I think they are proof that local sports fans are pretty rabid that they can get anyone to listen to that crap.
  24. That's why any insurance program must use a community rating system where high risk to lower risks are grouped together. Healthcare cost issue has to be dealt with as well. I worked in healthcare environment for 30 years on the business side and I am convinced our system is broken badly. We spend more and get less than other systems but we have allowed ourselves to be brainwashed into thinking our system is the best one. It may be for those making money off it but the majority of Americans would be better off in my opinion with a socialized system such as Canada's. At the very least a universal healthcare plan for insurance.
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