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Everything posted by Radar

  1. Thank you. Hate blinds the truth. It amazes me the way some on here will listen to documented lies and call it truth. You think Clinton/Obama lie and turn around and ignore the proven lies of Trump/Bush/Chaney. I don't by the way go out of my way to defend politicians of any party but attacking the Clintons and putting blinders on when it comes to the other side well I've already received my thoughts on that. Just let me say there are two posters in particular that have no credibility with me when it comes to our politics. Oh, and one other thing. If Trump isn't a bigot then the definition is in need of change.
  2. There was a time when I think I was naive enough to think we had progressed beyond where I see ourselves now. A time when republicans and democrats I saw both as really caring about our country (us). A time when they asked for our vote based on legitimate differences on dealing with issues. A time when character assassination was not the norm. A time when there was a resemblance of respect of person. Well if nothing else this presidential campaign has made me not so proud of who we are as a nation. Sorry but I think in large part this has been fostered by a minority who literally hijacked that once proud party of Lincoln. There are democrats that play this low ball game I know but it was the "contract with America" group or "the moral majority" now the anti-immigration group...........who knows what the next will be. So now we don't vote for anyone or thing only against someone or thing. Frankly I'm pretty disgusted and I'm also glad I'm in the grandparent era and don't have to explain this to my children because this is not an example I wished set for them.
  3. Just asked a question. As far as respect not sure you should be preaching that message. I've been around awhile longer than you and I will go head to head on issues anytime. Answer my question that's all. We're you as vocal about Bush/Chaney as you are about Hillary and Bengazi? I know most of my friends who are upset about Bengazi have a big "no comment" about Iraq. In my seventy three years on this planet I have not heard such hatred preached since civil right fights. Oh, that's right you wouldn't remember that.
  4. We're you saying this about Bush/Chaney/Rumsfeld and company? If not you have a gross double standard and what you have to say now seems pretty shallow.
  5. One question. Where were all these people who are so upset about Bengazi when the previous regime lied about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction? How many lives did that cost us. As much as I had opposed that administration and its propaganda I didn't suggest they be jailed nor preach hate against them. I served during Vietnam war and we were mislead. I might say HRC bad judgement pales in comparison. This hate campaign has gone on so long before Bengazi and it was more witch hunt than credible and verifiable evidence supports.
  6. Can't think of anyone worst than Trump. SabresFaninRochester your credibility suffers so much at this point. Neither of these candidates would be my choice but Trump is so scary bad it has to be Hillary.
  7. Girgs just can't seem to finish at all.
  8. Girgs appears to have his time in the sun. Unfortunately his trade value is shot right now and I think they are stuck with him for the time being if they had in mind to use him in a trade.
  9. Wild have found their game this period. Skating much better.
  10. Trump supporters have a great knack for accepting anything anti Clinton but Trump and his problems are always because of it's rigged or the media is corrupt. Sabresfaninrochester perfect example. I have lost any thought of even considering your opinions along with others on here that will contradict t themselves over and over. These same "moralists" that have preached us now defend a person they would condemn if he was a liberal. I don't like Hillary but you guys credibility is zero in my book.
  11. He should share in responsibility for any violence committed by his band of wackos. This is beginning to look like some real dangerous environment that he has brought about. I am seventy three years old and this guy in my eyes is the most despicable person to ever run for president since Wallace. Can we keep the undocumented workers and deport this national disaster?
  12. Let's get this guy his shutout.
  13. Man what is it with these penalties in closing minutes!!!!!
  14. You did see the Philly game didn't you?
  15. #31 so far another good game.
  16. He is slow. To be honest he has been not that good so far this season. If they are thinking about moving him his value has gone down I would think.
  17. I think I will give it more time , given injuries, before I throw in the towels. I didn't expect playoff this year and I do think this team is going to improve. It's certainly not time to fire coaches, trade away players and go to tank mode after less than ten games.
  18. When I hear this it sounds like a quote. I know of no one personally in Canada that would trade systems with us. Also our medical outcomes are embarrassing low yet we spend more.
  19. Bottom line is Americans have been duped into thinking socialized medicine is evil even though the majority of them would be better served by such a system. Money pouring into politician coffers by the medical special interest groups (drug companies, insurance companies and medical providers) will prevent any changes and will continue the propaganda campaign against socialization of medicine and we will continue to buy this myth.
  20. I will not defend insurance companies but the problem isn't Affordable Care Act or insurance it's the cost of healthcare not how it's being paid for. I get eye injections and the amount of the drug is practically enough to cover my finger tip. Cost............$2400 of which I pay 20pct insurance 80pct. Drug companies are biggest money grabbing companies. Most physicians we employed wanted no minimum 170,000 a year plus benefits and many go to underserved areas and get their education paid for in large part. Entitlements? How about farm subsidies or all the write offs for businesses taxes. Then we blame the poor and politically powerless for our problems. No look at the Donald Trumps then you'll see that the problem is a rigged system alright . Rigged for people like him.
  21. Most people believe Roe vs Wade was argued in the court over abortion. It was argued over privacy. It won't get overturned on those grounds. Hillary won't take your guns away. Mexicans weren't a problem until a few years back and Trump has no realistic solution but a lot of rhetorical bluster. Again all the concerns I have about Hillary are only magnified by Trump. This post is scary.
  22. The thing to worry about are that there are so many people (educated and uneducated) in this country who support a person who appears to have some mental issues, moral issues that these same people were ready to hang a Clinton for and is even less trustworthy than the person they brand as untrustworthy. I understand partisan politics and liberal vs conservative and all that but come on . I understand those who can't support HRC but I for the life of me can't see any justification for voting for Trump.
  23. Two bad timed penalties. Three front line players out and we saw the results. Still a terrible loss in the way we gave one away but some posters are being a bit overblown in negativity this early and most are holding overblown expectations going into this given our injuries and scheduling thus far. Buffalo fan syndrome in full action .
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