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Everything posted by Radar

  1. What I am saying is Obamacare is not the reason for higher costs of insurance. Affordable is a term that simply was intended to imply that many unable to afford insurance could gain access to it. It has been successful in doing that. Also it made it so you were less likely to get cancelled or caught in the "prior medical condition" hole. We used to have something called community rating but left to themselves I have lack of confidence in insurance companies not to cherry pick and cover the healthy and cancel or make the cost of insurance for those less healthy unbearable. Still we must lower healthcare costs and short of universal healthcare or socialized system there is no incentives toward lower costs for the industry to move toward. Look at drug companies profits and you will see they will not contain costs as long as the system supports them.
  2. The reason for your healthcare coverages cost is not an Affordable Healthcare or democratic party problem. It's the not wanting to face the cost of healthcare problems. I worked on the business side of healthcare for over thirty years and there is enough blame to go around for providers,insurance companies,lawyers ect. Before retiring and before Obama we had a time of zero inflation. Guess what the average healthcare costs were doing in those years? Rising on average of 18 percent annually. The worst offenders drug costs. So carry on with repealing the affordable healthcare act and hailing our great healthcare system and at the end of the day your out of pocket expenses will continue to rise as costs increase regardless of insurance changes. Bernie is right and we still buy into our system. Socialized medicine of some type is the answer. Unless,of course, you work for a drug company, are an insurance executive or a healthcare provider raking it in. Oh, and by the way our healthcare outcomes? Not very good as we pour more money into it.
  3. Putting it another way that's why the republicans prefer to suppress minority voting. Keep whites in power. They have all the economic and political power now and the GOP overall would like to keep it that way. Popular vote is still the truest indicator but there are problems with doing away with the electoral college. Bottom line minorities still not represented all that well in government although it's improved. Money runs government so lower incomes are also relatively unrepresented in government and have to rely on the wealthy to look out for their interests. This incoming administration does not look all that representative of all classes. Being white and old enough to remember our civil rights battles of the 50's I'm concerned we are moving backwards.
  4. Decorum is a past institution. Like the GOP congressman's yelling liar at the president during session. Oh and how about the wonderful example of it by our fine congressmen during the Bengazi hearings one of whom now is rewarded with the highest intelligence post. Decorum? Like these guys showed over the past year? That's almost laughable. I would love to see a return of some decorum but this band of brothers is not the one to bring us there.
  5. Thank you. So many posts seem to be off the top of the head with no thought.
  6. This post is way too sane for this board.......Ban him!!!!!!!!!
  7. Understand the feelings of if we lose let's at least be more entertaining about it. Isn't that somewhat a league problem as well? Am I the only one who sees hockey to be overall kind of, with a few exceptions, boring. I have to admit if we didn't have a local team I wouldn't watch hockey.jmo.
  8. GM I would replace Whaley. Not that upset with Murray's performance thus far. Building a team with the cap and changes to the free agency rules over the years is not so easy to say nothing about expansion further draining the talent pool in hockey. I am disappointed with our hockey record. I still want to see what it looks like if we could get healthy enough to see the whole team together for a stretch when it comes to hockey. Football, well I never thought Rex was a good head coach and Rob below average coordinator. Whaley average to below average GM. Bills are a mess.
  9. Withholding judgement on Dan Bylsma. Rex exactly what I expected, all talk.
  10. Okay. We can always find someone to seemingly support our positions. Man if I wanted I could find volumes supporting the opposite of this person's opinion.
  11. Absolutely not. America is not ,fora democracy, a well informed electorate. Many voted for him because their mad at government. Okay I'm not happy either but Trump, to me, was so bad I couldn't vote for him. I would have voted for several others who the GOP could have chosen. Now do I believe a significant block of his supporters are racist. Yes.
  12. Wow I'm glad I don't have to explain to my children how this man conducting himself in the manner he did. Saying what he said the way he said it and it got him elected not as a mayor of some rural American town but president of our fine land. Frankly it's embarrassing. I can still remember Falwell and the Moral Majority. Pat Robertson and the gang preaching to us about the very things they now are ignoring for their political agendas. I'm open about my Christianity and not ashamed of the gospel but I'm grievously disappointed in the apparent hypocrisy many of my brethren seem to accept. For those who profess Christ I ask you to read once again what he instructed. We can't hold democrats feet to the fire and then turn a blind eye to all this.
  13. Seems Freeman once again you seem to accept the slightest innuendo about Clinton but are so blinded by the right wing. Like he's going to say "yeah, I'm a racist bigot".
  14. Unless of course we're not assuming our president-elect isn't one himself. Let's face it short of a card carrying member of a white supremacy group not many admit openly to even being prejudice let alone accepting the word racist. We white older Americans (of which I am one) voted in large part for Trump. I found what he said to smack of marginalizing groups by faith or race. In my mind not surprised people like Bannion are in his inner circle. I'm not going to be politically correct this administration is supported and is going to be influenced by people who are racist.
  15. Of course with that avatar wouldn't you dump everyone?
  16. Do you really think our unchanging congress will change it's ways? It's still a GOP congress that now doesn't need to be obstructive but they won't work any more than they ever have. That holds true for both parties. I wonder how many house seats are even at risk in elections. You could be Hitler in my district and if you're a republican you will be elected. There are democrats in districts just as secure.
  17. Please!!!!!!! Let's not start with the Ted "we need to compete" Nolan bs. Dan Dunleavy is terrible on radio. If you're watching the game he is bad but tolerable.
  18. Now that's a dumb penalty right there, Mr. Kane.
  19. World's come to an end.
  20. Man I think you guys need to lighten up a little. I'm a fan but it's not my life.
  21. I don't assume they are good patriots unless you mean patriots to their party. They saw the demographics of the country changing and feeling it not beneficial to the party they want to lessen the negative effect by minimizing the numbers able to vote. Good old boys want to stay in control when they are no longer representative of the majority.
  22. We at one time had a conservative party until the republican party saw fit to merge with it. I could see a split up possibly. I would rather have a legitimate independent party though. Anyway once they get into office and the money starts flowing in they all seem to blend in with a few exceptions looking the same. Change campaign finance laws and some term limits you might see some real change. Money corrupts.
  23. Just wondering are you unhappy with our defense performance up to this point or just reacting to preseason talk about defense being our weakness. I think we have had good goaltending to this point but also think we've been good defensively as well. Our offense is actually been weaker in my opinion. Granted we're missing two pretty big pieces there.
  24. What I don't miss is staged entertainment (Rob/Domi) stuff. Hockey doesn't need fighting to sell itself. Sure there are a segment of fans that want it but overall I think most don't care. If it happens okay but I don't miss it at all personally.
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