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Everything posted by Radar

  1. I think their attention to Bills business now is because they've finished the Sabres GM business.
  2. I doubt this really. His name would go on the cup in any case and salary not effected by what happens with Pens in playoffs. My guess is their waiting for this series to end and the Pegulas have also been occupied with Bills interviews.
  3. Might be he's been picked and has yet to officially sign a contract because of team in playoffs. My guess is after this series with Washinton he will join the Sabres. He had a second interview and no one else has as far as we know. Dreger hearing the interviews have ended tells me it would be a shock at this point if Botterill is not the guy.
  4. Good post. It's been my suspicion the way this came down your posts nails it.
  5. I liked Murray. I liked his ROR trade and Kane trade he took a gamble and I still think it was worth taking it. Overall his moves ,in my mind, were so so. The other areas of operations as a GM seemed to fall short. Like it or not the whole organization is his responsibility and it appears he didn't handle it well enough.
  6. Thought I read something about Fenton having an abrasive personality but not sure. I think Botterill has the top credentials in any case.
  7. This is what it comes down to. Murray was fun, entertaining and in your face. That's what was his attraction for the most part. Unfortunately I don't think that's what builds organizations. I'm not sure how Botterill will do if hired but I have no doubt his resume is impressive. I want a team built to entertain me not a GM to entertain me.
  8. Okay, sorry I guess my negativity is no better than someone else's. Just Buffalo sports is becoming for me a drag. If we hire this guy I don't think anyone can seriously question his resume. So, do we just bash him before he has been hired. Frankly I would like to hear a more substantive discussion as I don't know that much about any of the candidates. Some posts here depress me more than the last fifty years of watching these teams. Any how, I apologize to the poster.
  9. Just when I thought we were getting to see eye to eye. The guys posts are just #### . Okay, I get it you both don't like the guy from Pittsburgh. That's fine, but sorry some posts just are #####. You can ignore me as well. I just would like an informed discussion of candidates not this stuff.
  10. kas23, man you are really something else. Darcy Regier??????? Sorry I had to see another post but like I said if someone quotes you there it is another ####### post.
  11. I'm 74 but if I were 34 I'd agree with this.
  12. In my post I'm not advocating trading our #8 pick, in fact I am against that. After the draft some teams will make trades they wanted to wait to see how the draft unfolds first. I have a feeling Kane will not sign here for a contract amount and term we're going to agree on. If he will fetch a young #2 type defenseman I do it. Antipin and Guhle look promising but not ready to say their going to turn this defense around. In the above post Baily and #8 for Hanifin I would maybe do that.
  13. Right now I would be looking for teams not able to protect defensemen in expansion draft. Next I look for deals after the entry draft. We're not going to draft a defenseman who will help us now. I think Kane is a tradeable asset to immediately improve our defense if we really don't think we can sign him we really need to get out now while he's had a good season. I'm last of all looking at free agency but that's in most cases overpaying.
  14. As surprised as I was that Murray was fired it was more that I thought he would get more time not that he didn't deserve to be fired. His moves seemed to be, with the exception of the ROR deal, very questionable to me. While as a fan I could see where his personality could be amusing and to some attractive I can also see where it could be a problem professionally. Later reports of poor communication and organization came as no real surprise given his personality. In the end I don't like the turmoil surrounding our teams and I hope ownership is learning by it and are moving forward to remedy it. I can't say the recent moves were not called for though.
  15. Come on man, you're not even competing for ignore at this point. Step it up. Intangibles are intangible.
  16. Congratulations, you qualified for my ignore feature.
  17. This, in my mind, was one of the worst trades in Bills history. I said at the time GM's get fired for deals like that. Well he got fired and I'm not surprised at all.
  18. Too bad my ignored features don't work when someone quotes people have on ignore.
  19. I think Botterill would be good hire. In fact I think the names we're hearing all seem qualified.
  20. Please. Do you think owners do the phone work and set meeting times? Really, no they hand scheduling and such off. Setting up those things does in know way mean they are selecting candidates. Not surprised that certain members on here jump on it because of their hatred from Brandon. I don't want Brandon making football/hockey decisions either and frankly do not think he is or has in a long time. Brandon paranoia on here at times.
  21. If we were hacked my vote may have mysteriously disappeared.
  22. Lombardi does not yet have one vote???????? I have initiated an immediate investigation. My sources suspect hacking has taken place and Wildcard will be called to testify. Atty advising taking the fifth is a distinct possibility. More to come.
  23. Radar

    Ignore button

    Sorry, it's not you but keep working at it.
  24. With today's technology you can operate for the most part anywhere. For that matter interview anywhere. This is I don't think a big deal. I do agree ,though, in the advantage of having someone as a POH but it's not essential.
  25. Mogilny then Rick Martin in my book. Gare would probably be third.
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