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Everything posted by Radar

  1. Do you really think General managers don't know he's one year from free agency? Come on. He's at this point one year away which makes him a possible one year rental which makes him of less value in a possible trade without some assurance that he will sign a new deal with any team trading for him.
  2. This is the dilemma. I have a feeling Kane may want to test free agency. This not only means losing him for nothing but also decreases his trade value. Other teams won't give up much for a one year rental so they may want a new deal in place before trading for him. If he's bent on free agency then we're in a tough place.
  3. Everything you read about the guy makes him look more and more like a top candidate.
  4. Not sure I'd say Housley is more experienced. Frankly I'm good if it's Tocchet but I like Boughner number one then Housley or Tocchet next of the names I've heard.
  5. Funny, I've come over to that thinking myself. I actually think on paper and experience Boughner seems like the better candidate. Like you, I'm not upset if they hire Housley but I'm favoring Boughner at this point of the names I've heard. Tocchet I'm not opposed to but he would be placed behind Housley or Boughner on my list.
  6. It's just Buffalo paranoia. The refs are against us, the league is against us, nobody likes us I'm going to eat some worms!
  7. Loved the " Boogie Man".
  8. This is a different team and time. I'd be okay with Ruff and think he didn't deserve to be let go to begin with.
  9. Are you saying he is even in the same world with Gare? Ramsey? , Luce?, Man I could go on. Top 20? Maybe but it's close. Now.....don't want any part of him.
  10. To be honest I am not strongly for or against any of the names mentioned and that would even include bringing Lindy back. I've always thought should have kept him and fired Darcy.
  11. Unless,of course, Kane doesn't want to stay here in which case you would have to take something in return you would otherwise not accept. It's not totally in the GM'S hands at times.
  12. These are two very good teams but goaltending still rules particularly in playoffs. I still say Pens in six.
  13. Right on. His only downside is off ice and long term will he be what we saw last season. No question he is a talent.
  14. By all reports this at the least is an upgrade to our defense. Still hope we can swing a deal not involving Kane with a team having to expose defensemen in the expansion draft.
  15. Ditto this. At least the Vanek part.
  16. I approve this message.
  17. Wow, we really do have too much time on our hands.
  18. Hey, you want a story a day.zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  19. This is a sports forum. Post about the other subject somewhere else. There are plenty of forums to do that. Unless you're considering belittling others beliefs as sport. Frankly, it's gotten old and maybe you need help with your obsession.
  20. Alright. We know how offensive the idea of God is to you. You've made that clear. You even have an area devoted to that so take this over there. You're comments are so over the top when it comes to Pegula making one simple comment that only a person like yourself takes to your extreme. I won't bring Faith up if you will shut up about it.
  21. Was he to check in with you to keep you updated? I'm amazed that he's not keeping you informed.
  22. Okay, just to wrap this up. First, I doubt this report is accurate. Second, I think we think in a world of relativism and not right or wrong. I could care less the gender of the offender. Having said all that if I own the company and say something as you speculate" is possible" then an employee can either walk away or resign. I think to retaliate in like manner only takes you to the same level. I doubt this story to begin with.
  23. My point is she may not be a nice person, I have no idea. It doesn't matter using gutter language reflects on the one using it. I've employed people and managed people for over thirty years before retiring. I would immediately dismiss an employee for using those terms without them offering a defense for doing it.
  24. Can't fathom what world you exist in. He wasn't right if he said it. End of story. Our society today really concerns me when we even over look or spin these things to be acceptable. Our president was elected after talking in this way. Not that long ago it would have been very costly regardless. I am not talking politics here just pointing out where we're at in society today.
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