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Everything posted by Radar

  1. Yes. Very absurd, Captain!
  2. I'm shocked that so many pay to go to games. I've stopped watching on TV let alone pay. We don't even have decent broadcasting anymore. There's not one thing about this entire franchise that I feel positive about. Been around since the Knox family and this is the lowest this franchise has been in my opinion. That press conference confirmed it.
  3. I had hopes for the coach and GM but any hope has evaporated. Only thing that I can hope for is the owner will crawl out of whatever cave he's been in and sell the team. Frankly I've pretty much stopped watching awhile back.
  4. You're in for a long wait.
  5. You're in for a long wait.
  6. The problem is not up front. It's upstairs.
  7. Well some GM's can see the obvious it would seem.
  8. The NHL at it's best. At least they have a front office that is alive.
  9. Was hoping for the big sell off as in franchise. Now that's something I could have got on board with.
  10. I'm convinced this coaching staff in its entirety must go. Won't happen but any hope for next year depends on it. KA is secure so I think we'll change assistants at best.
  11. Good soldier, they'll keep him. Plus, what realistically could you get?
  12. Running a billion dollar company doesn't necessarily mean he can run any company let alone a sports franchise. He's either clueless as a hockey owner or just doesn't care at this point. I started out excited about his purchasing the team to now thinking he may be the main problem.
  13. Simple answer......no team I've disliked more.
  14. Man at one point I liked the guy as our coach but I'm now so tired of him. He so matches my view of this team and what needs to change.
  15. Agree but my overall respect or better put care about what professional players think is non existent. I watch for the games sake. There are exceptions but for the most part these players patronize the fans and care about two things $$$ and attention. This fan salute thing whether it's done or not meh.
  16. He's so bad. But .......typically one of the boys.
  17. Well guess we would have to say goaltending has not been the Achilles heel this season. This year it's our offense. If we matched last years offense with this years goaltending we'd be looking much better playoff wise.
  18. Agree. Can't someone be a fan and still be objective? Norcal, please define what you think of as a fan. I've been here since the teams existence and the poster you question is just observing this team pretty much spot on.
  19. No. Didn't miss it. Truthfully I had ,for the most part, stopped watching awhile ago. This team seems pretty blah.
  20. Please compare that with our marvelous record. Hoping you're being sarcastic.
  21. Please,please,please get someone else to coach our power play. Someone off the street could do as well.
  22. Adams has to stick to his plan. Free agents of any real impact won't choose to come here. Trades would be limited to players without NMC or Limited trade clauses as they more than likely would nix a trade to Buffalo. So as much as we want to bash our GM we need to realize that in the real world he's operating with his hands tied to a significant extent in my opinion. Now it can be argued how we got in the position we're in but it won't change that position.
  23. I think Granato and associates have to be gone after this season. No real reasonable reason for keeping them.
  24. Well no score. Against this team? Who won the period? Well we're not behind right?
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