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Fire Eater

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Everything posted by Fire Eater

  1. Good for you gutting it out. Maybe Sainthood is in your future?
  2. Nope. I'm solidly backing 30th place. But I've been kicked in the nutsack too many times by this team to get my hopes up.
  3. Thank God for Roundup.
  4. This team's going to give me a stroke.
  5. WTF just happened? I grabbed a beer and the Blackhawks are ahead. I need to drink more.
  6. 4 on 4 and the Sabres dominate.
  7. Another PP goal.
  8. I'm really going to enjoy watching Risto develop.
  9. I totally agree, The Sabres being down 2-zip IS a victory.
  10. Best PP in the league now?
  11. Let's not get crazy now.
  12. Sabres have a 26-16 SOG advantage.
  13. 2-1 bad guys. YESSSSSS!
  14. Someone said the other day. .. I don't know how much more of this my liver can take.
  15. Yes!!! Now we can finish in 29th and have something to build on for next year! Won't we all be thrilled when the Sabres finish in 22nd place next year! WOO HOO!!!!
  16. Thankfully the game starts at 8:00 here in the Rocky Mountain state. Even though I returned from Spring Break in Buffalo at 1:00 AM (3:00 AM for you in the East) I'll try my best to gut it out. But if both teams play to their true potential I'll be in a coma by the second period.
  17. Nolan sending the team a message?
  18. All righty then...You have to remember the spookiest game ever. Lorentz killed a bat and the fog over the ice had to be dispersed by skaters waving bed sheets.
  19. Another classic moment.
  20. I remember King Kong Korab knocking players all over the rink.
  21. The Sabres look bad so far. Maybe they'd play better if more people cheered for them in the Pepsi Center.
  22. Sigh...I remember watching Gilles Villemure play for the Bisons.
  23. Never pet a burning dog

  24. Maybe someone can slip some Rocky Mountain High brownies into their locker room.
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