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Everything posted by Thorner

  1. Also, at least 60% of what I post is some sort of joke. Like actually that’s my obvious aim a lot. Sure I flip my lid sometimes but it’s not all one sided. Plenty of posters going the humour route, actually. I think you have a point that there’s some angrier anger at times, and less posting, but I’d also respectfully submit that you are somewhat biased in what you are seeing because of your more neutral position. I can speak from experience: relative to how this team makes me feel, I come to this board specifically cause it makes me laugh and enjoy things more. I don’t think I’m especially off base for suggesting you don’t have quite an accurate reading of the board at large: you suggested as recently as yesterday that you “may have worn out your welcome” and I can objectively say you’d be the poster *furthest from doing so* if you polled the board
  2. You aren’t making anyone angry, relax. Any downturn in posting is down to the team being bad for 13 years. You know, the enormous elephant in the room. There used to be MORE arguing here. Not less. That’s the point
  3. Yes I did indeed use the word “butthurt”
  4. You can’t convincingly argue it’s a meaningless distinction when your view yields an untradeable ….JJ Peterka, and mine argues for trading Dahlin (my favourite player) should an appropriate deal present itself.
  5. Is this the first time since this version of the lotto was implemented that happened?
  6. Start with, “everyone is available for the right price” and go from there
  7. The lottery did NOT draw ratings in this thread lol - - - So it’s all about Iginla?
  8. Sharks
  9. Bouncy balls holding true NOT CHICAGO ANYONE BUT CHICAGO
  10. Needs a haircut. already not interested
  11. Aye yai. you need to watch more sports if you think greatness inspiring hate isn’t a thing. Yes, half the nba fanbase has legit reasons for hating LeBron with every fibre of their body. Right. Lol Mahomes is a villain just because It can be geography too but the answer to PA’s question about why no one hates us is cause we haven’t been great Greatness PLUS geography makes leafs fans hate us. It’s a combo
  12. They’ve finished ahead of us 8 years in a row and 11 of the 13 years we missed Greatness inspires envy. Envy inspires hate
  13. Humour is all we have. Summer roles around and we’re sitting on the best asset pool again and any sort of trade that would hurt one iota to make is ruled out as negligent to the plan. Like sand through an hourglass “What can we get for the prospects we don’t want? Will Edmonton *retain* on McDavid? Then maybe we’d sacrifice Owen Power.” This isn’t hyperbole lol. As evidenced by his recent comments, Adams is probably already backing down from his “top 6 forward add” comment - he probably reads Twitter
  14. I dunno I definitely see some differentiation. Just look at the standings
  15. Honestly, I’m gonna need all 4 to make it worth it. And 80s Wayne
  16. I feel like the reaction to his quote is somewhat blown out of proportion. Isn’t the reaction somewhat due to that thing everyone seems to hate where, the quiet part gets said out loud? He’s getting lambasted for essentially telling the truth? He’s not a complete dunce, he’s not using “god” in the sense of benevolent lords, but more so using that word, in a pinch, in more of the greek god sense. A little bit more dime a dozen but still nonetheless endlessly talked about as the centre of a mythology. Players in Toronto ARE the centre of attention the gotcha on using the term gods is IMHO sort of feeble In that at least to me his meaning was rather obvious You are thinking of Bilbo’s kid nephew
  17. Absolutely. Should get a crazy haul for it. I don’t even want Adams to be rewarded with the bail-out of the number one pick for failed expectations tbh lol unless we use it as currency. Probably “fool me once” situation if not Exactly
  18. Another benefit of winning the lottery should it come to pass would be the debut of a new, Celebrini based timeline to competitiveness
  19. Fair enough I just liked posing the question because I knew it would necessarily yield a funny answer. Someone would have to either make the case for Krebs, or the case that not adding anyone good at C for 4 years was the plan itself Sometimes just saying these things out loud represents a very effective skewering of the results
  20. You know how it is with prospects: gotta catch ‘em all
  21. “Bae”
  22. People who rooted for the bruins last series… now look at this mess
  23. Maybe, but he’s the guy who wanted Lindy, right? Seemed pretty set on him. If Adams adds a bonafide top 6er we’ll have to give him full credit
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