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Everything posted by Thorner

  1. “Oppose the sport in general” lol what nonsense is this. Doesn’t even make sense I am simply saying I wished KO joy and happiness and love in life but that I had no particular leanings on whether he won a Stanley Cup. It’s not that hard
  2. No, sports for me are about investing in the joy of my loved ones, in real life, who are rooting for the same team as me, arbitrarily. Making celebrities/athletes into symbols and infusing them with narratives admittedly isnt really my jam, but to each their own, in fairness. My interactions around here, even, are a lot more real than any of that storytelling. It’s not the story it’s sharing the experience with the person who tells it to you. You’ve changed my mind slightly, in this sense. YOU seem to achieve some level of happiness through KO’s victory and THAT makes me a bit happy, I can share in that a little, because I at least know you a little. And like you a little bit too.
  3. How is it gross? Art/artist I have goodwill for all humans. I’m not prioritizing Kyle Okposo’s sports related happiness over others because I’m so biased I can’t separate from the fact that him playing on mY tEaM somehow makes him more deserving than others we aren’t special. He wasn’t more deserving cause he’s not evan Bouchard the word you are looking for isn’t “sad”. I honestly resent that. It was neither here nor there. The word you are actually looking for is “confused”. As you seem confused in terms of being able to understand the effect of personal bias
  4. Meh. He makes a reasonable point. I don’t know why people are so often afraid of saying the truth out loud: there’s no way a cup like that is as sweet. - - - I don’t need to be happy for someone who quite literally has no idea, or care, who I am. And why should/would he? Would he be happy I won my league championship? Sports are already a one-sided relationship, but it’s a *product/consumer* relationship. They provide entertainment and I provide the coin. Extending that “relationship” in sharing in the personal joys of someone I’ve never met and don’t know who’s no longer related to my team in any way would be….weird, honestly It’s neutral. I’m not happy for him, im not angry at him. 20 humans lost and 20 won. Wouldn’t my happiness be a reflection of not having enough empathy for the losers, if we are doing sort of moral judgment virtual signalling circus? Should I be empathetic for all the losers and share in the joy of all the winners? It makes no sense they won. It was entertaining. They are paid a lot of money. Transaction complete. that’s it
  5. Florida would have won without him, yes lol
  6. And they ditched the korpisalo contract
  7. We missed the boat on this imo that thought can change, though
  8. Prime Crosby played less than 10 minutes and was held pointless in his first cup clinching game
  9. I don’t get Maurice saying he wishes for the Jets to win the next Stanley cup. Is he retiring? Even if he was..wouldn’t he want his panthers to repeat? odd
  10. kevyn Murray would be a good GM
  11. Excellent, well said. As on point now, as then. I thought I wanted to add something but realize I can’t. I suppose other than just to say, the reason this stuff matters is because all the reasonable transaction babies gets thrown out with the bad overall team bath water and the stylistic, strategic nature of certain moves that are actually reasonable in strategy get ruled out because “Murray did that and we sucked.” It’s like he ruined trading for a goalie or players to jumpstart your core for everyone. Not only weren’t the theories all bad, even some of the *execution* wasn’t, just the overall body (sometimes the threads are filled with too many eye rolls to delve into this stuff I guess) That’s what I was alluding to upthread, the 1st 2nd thing offsetting
  12. At the end of the day, if you didn’t want to give it to McDavid this year, fine. You’d be wrong but w/e But for gosh shakes just change the definition of the award to “most valuable player to the team who wins the cup” because if what McDavid did in a losing effort wasn’t enough then nothing reasonably is. It shouldn’t be a consideration at all because it’s just insulting everyone’s intelligence to entertain that there’s a good-faith debate where a losing player can win it, when the stats can indisputably, so obviously point to one guy being the best and it still not matter.
  13. I didn’t write the criteria buddy. Nor am I the one who voted him the winner I was just right
  14. No it means he feels the award should go to Carter Verhaeghe He’s embarrassed for the league
  15. Reality disagrees. Connor’s name is on the trophy. its not an award for “player you couldn’t have won without”. Multiple fit that criteria every year. You are literally just inventing your own criteria because you are unable to cope with the actual terms of the award by all means, you and the other one can continue dealing me your eye rolls and vomiting emojis because you are in your feels and want to kick and stomp your feet about it
  16. And McDavid set the assist record
  17. McDavid scoring 42 points is more unprecedented (3 times before this year) than a player from a losing team winning the Conn Smythe (it’s happened 5 times before today). It would have been a far bigger blunder to not reward his playoffs, in a historic sense
  18. There isn’t a player on Florida who did more to lead Florida to one that McDavid did. Or even as close to as much. McDavid as an ingredient supplied more than any other player. Florida just collectively averaged more contribution over a 23 man roster people need to stop acting like this is some sacred thing. It’s not like a player from a losing team winning is unprecedented. Giguere did it. McDavid was all time good. If not him? Who? I get for you the answer is “no one” but that’s a personal bias moreso than an accurate reading of the award’s criteria
  19. It didn’t “blow up in their face” it went to the guy who most deserved it. Like by far. Him not being there is whatever. Everyone with half a brain can understand why. To not you’d have to be willfully choosing to not look beyond the optics. You are just salty because you said there’s no chance it would happen
  20. The mental dynamics change when the teams are back on equal footing. It’s not a house money situation anymore
  21. Do people still think Florida has no chance?
  22. You absolutely need to go get your stick A free 5 on 3 because you want to be a useless pylon
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