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Everything posted by Thorner

  1. Sabres / Sabers Levi is here now. It’s all one and the same Just read my post about the Luke being a legend in TLJ please. Ok? Thanks
  2. We don’t watch movies the same way It would have been better if Luke showed up and acted like an invincible overpowered MCU superhero? lol dude. Say you didn’t understand the movie without saying you didn’t understand the movie The *entire point* was that Rey was right, Luke was wrong, and the galaxy DID need a legend. “What do you want me to do, stare down the entire first order with a lightsaber?!” But that’s exactly what Luke does. But not physically: People wanted the Luke from the OT back: we got it. His force projection to Crait *literally only succeeded as a distraction* because of the sum total of the accomplishment, belief, heroics and INSPIRATION Luke had built up over the course of the saga. They literally fire a million high powered rounds of explosive force at his feet, Luke “walks out” from the smoke and brushes his shoulder off, and Kylo and the first order *still believed he was actually there*. Do you understand what kind of opinion they had to have of Luke to believe he could withstand that?? “MOREEEEEEEE!” - Kylo The galaxy needed a Legend and got it it wasn’t just the Spark he provided for the resistance: the belief in his legend undid the first order people that whined and cried for the old Luke and it was staring them right in the face. Look at Kylo. Look at the fear. Luke winks at C-3PO because he knows he’s already won - - - and yes, worry for his sister made him snap in Jedi. That’s my point. His fear for EVERYONE made him snap, momentarily, in TLJ
  3. You can literally tell they came up with the “zomg look at (drastically overpowered) Vader go! So cool! So lightsaber!” hallway scene first and structured the script around it rogue one isn’t terrible at all, it’s decent, but it’s a big reason for the decline of SW. it was the diverging point where fans realized if they complained enough, they’d go back to pointlessly rehashing stories that had already been told, further watering down characters that had well played out, to a greater effect sans added fan service, tacking on “mOrE cOnTenT” material
  4. I think the big thing in your post is Tarasenko or whoever he’s the hypothetical placeholder for in this discussion, for what we do add. Look, we can look at the improved 4th line and coaching and argue we might be better overall, that’s fine. There isn’t a realistic argument sans more addition from the outside that our offense for 22-23 will come back we are short 33% of that top 6 and haven’t replaced it, and the ones we still have had career years Sorry to quote again but liger’s jumped in between
  5. 22-23? Our second and 5th leading point scoring forwards aren’t here. That’s 141 points we need to replace on top of Thompson Tuch and Cozens reverting back to career years. Who’s replacing those points? Peterka and Quinn had 70 points combined that year. Ok, so maybe we get lucky and Quinn stays healthy and puts up *70 points* on his own- a stellar year. Who’s gets the other 141? Peterka going for 70 as well? Ok, still need ANOTHER 70, and this is assuming Tage Tuch and Cozens ALL rebound
  6. Is that Eichel? Which doesn’t really count cause we sold the better player
  7. Ya he has never traded for a top 6 forward aside from cashing in on Eichel I believe. He’s never bought a player, never completed a trade where we were getting the big name Until we see it, don’t expect it That’s a 5 offseason period
  8. Agree on Rise of Skywalker being an abomination. Rogue one is not very good, it’s empty fan service. We’ll have to disagree on TLJ
  9. You TLJ haters don’t even have a basic understanding of your own OG trilogy lol. Luke, literally 1.5 minutes after saying he “will not fight” his father, hacks off his arm in a mad rage, leading to his death, and *would have killed him in the moment* if Vader didn’t get his saber up. Luke has always been an emotional being who would consider doing anything necessary to protect the ones he loves - - - You may want your beloved childhood hero to have a happy go lucky ending but that’s not interesting thematic material. That’s not a movie. I’ll take the movie where he becomes the Legend and faces down the entire first order with a light saber, thanks
  10. I’m not really trying to be negative. I’m just pointing out that I’m not sure how well “experience” serves him going forward if he’s not proving to be adept at handling the position. Is it better to be an incompetent adult than a teenager fumbling in the dark? That’s the comp so far
  11. @dudacek I share your surprise it happened at this point. We even had this convo a bit ago along the lines of how we both didn’t see it happening. Like I said, it’s still nice to see: if anything for the camp battle it’s a good sign from KA
  12. I honestly thought it seemed odd too, after going so long without making this move, for better or worse. I even posted about how I wasn’t going to mention it anymore cause they were set with their tandem, regardless of my view If I had a guess, it’s another sign of the GM being on the hot seat and wanting a failsafe
  13. It’s still Levi for sure It’s a needed insurance move
  14. Right lol This move has been an incredibly long time coming, and it’s just such a small move. It makes his actions in addressing goaltending in the past even more laughable, and hopefully this means we don’t need to hear any more arguments against the fact he torpedoed the position for 4 years. im glad he’s apparently finally learned though what we all knew was necessary. hopefully they don’t go three headed goalie monster. Would be colossal mistake
  15. Nah dude people that like something different than you aren’t just being “contrarians” to your objectively correct opinion. The Last Jedi was praised by critics, it’s not like I’m on an island. And I don’t just love it because it’s a “great movie but a bad Star Wars film”. I love Star Wars and it presented an incredible (and actually interesting) arc for Luke. dont worry, fans hated Empire upon release, too Anyways, wrong thread lol
  16. The best is you know an “I told you so” is coming once we finally make it
  17. It’s counting in the same way Murray and JB’s GM experience counted in their pursuit for another GM job so far
  18. Don’t forget to gameplan for the two players who WILL be injured, since those two are apparently safe, now I’d say so, ya. Cause it’s a per 82 stat how many games per 82 has Tage averaged the last 3 seasons (he’s averaged 7 game missed, per) - - - (Not directed at you specifically) Is it really already “this year we’ll be healthy, though!” season? come on guys, free agency wasn’t THAT bad
  19. Not traditionally I don’t think, but I could be wrong It used to be almost all the prospects, correct?
  20. So much of a fan favourite he can’t even get his name spelled correctly amirite If Beck has whatever that is he should probably get it checked out by a medical professional
  21. Oh I hope not. “Accelerated rebuild” is another term for “efficient rebuild.” The purely slow play approach doesn’t work. You time yourself out of your own players and players willing to sign up because too much losing is stacked upon losing Other teams makes draft picks every year too without the other stuff we are playing with half the cards
  22. Me, looking for the rewards we are supposedly reaping
  23. Craig Button thinks that? This, more than anything Adams has done over the last week, gives me real hope we are going to make the playoffs next year
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