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Everything posted by Thorner

  1. Won’t be co-captains I don’t think Would be a weak decision so maybe I’m just biased, but I still don’t think it happens
  2. Ya no update on the actual injury I mean. Pissed does not sound good, though
  3. Dahlin was the first one out on the ice yesterday I just feel like it’s more evidence he’s headed for captaincy. I don’t *think* an injury would change that
  4. Incredibly troubling. No update makes it worse
  5. Yikes
  6. Unless I am mistaken, with Ennis’ retirement, Tyler Myers is the only remaining NHLer to have scored a playoff goal for the Sabres
  7. Definitely. Murphys law
  8. The last meaningful goal in Sabres history
  9. Very odd individual
  10. Oh boy. I mean I almost certainly think he’s just carrying water for the owners, that’s sort of his MO..but yikes, it does bring home the fact there are no good answers
  11. He’s a huge dude who’s already turning 27 with an injury history. Big players generally break down much sooner, and NHL prime already ends in your 20s. Waiting on prospects never made sense, like I said. Oh well. Hope it’s minor. 3C is way too high for him on a depth chart. But I’ll take it over 2C
  12. Oh boy.
  13. That’s sort of what I mean: just being average is imo a step up
  14. I prefer a roster full of Steve Buscemis
  15. Granato may have been a net-negative. If we are relying on a coach to create some sort of alchemical process we’ve already failed. An average coach should be enough The coach should allow the roster to function to their inherent abilities, to me that’s the job, I don’t need one to create value where the roster doesn’t provide it
  16. He’s known to be notoriously superstitious
  17. Imo it’ll be more a commentary on the roster than Lindy’s abilities or lack there of. Lindy is capable enough if the roster is at least reasonable
  18. Donuts WILL do fine
  19. Ah, should have read on one more post
  20. A 40 point 4C would mean presidents trophy Maybe that’s your prediction, but just sayin’ Thorner
  21. Basically, you are right: we are old
  22. A true GOAT
  23. Right on fracking cue: Arrival outfits
  24. The only acceptable stance on nicknames as a grown ass man
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