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Everything posted by Thorner

  1. Say what, “we back!” when we throttle them? Media day says these guys are ready. I’m not sure for what..but they are certainly ready
  2. He was poor all of last year not just in Buffalo, should be mentioned - - - The put up or shut up vibes are *awfully* similar to what we said last offseason just ftr I don’t expect the narrative would change much if we miss this year The time to put up or shut up isn’t now: it’s already passed. Right now the name of the game is salvaging a playoff spot
  3. I just thought it sounded funny tbh
  4. You do see more centres in this mould nowadays I think a lot of it is because, once in the O zone, guys are free flowing and going wherever they want regardless of position - this imo would be due to possession being the name of today’s game. You gotta keep moving to do that In terms of positional designations, it’s really mostly D zone stuff, to others’ points up thread
  5. You’d be surprised
  6. Briere was a fantastic playmaker
  7. And last year was the first year any team would have been game planning for him Of course. That’s what I mean: I’m open to different being proven but if it’s not proven yet you aren’t a top 15 player. That consistency is part and parcel with the definition imo He’s had a top 15 season
  8. Go on? Do you believe Tage was a top 15 C in the league last year? Cause if not, what you’ve done is a good job illustrating the cherry pick - the idea a handful of interesting numbers can be pulled from what we know is, in totality, not close to a top 15 season. Like, not even close to close. He was closer to being a 2C than a top of the league player
  9. And nothing to write home about defensively. Never understood the cherry picking of goals
  10. He doesn’t have an established sample size to the extent we can just “write last year off”. Last year could be “him” as much as anything. He’s 27 and has like a year or two left of his prime. Waiting around on prospects never made sense - if KA ultimately doesn’t work out, we’ll almost certainly be looking back at the lack of action after finishing 1 point out Could Tage have a top 15 C season this year? I think it’s definitely possible. But I’d say it’s unlikely he carves that out as mainstay designation. He’d have to stabilize as that for several years and there isn’t a ton of runway especially for a man of his size
  11. It’s hard to even compare and contrast my thoughts from then to now considering the chasm of time in between: I’d have to go back to the mid-way point of my life between my birth and today to see. That was 19 years ago and I was 19 at the time
  12. @Doohickie
  13. It’s Greener’s birthday. Whoops sorry it’s Greener’s world. Check that; world. QUINNER’s birthday My mistake. still on an emotional high after seeing Dahlinerr is gonna be ok
  14. I meant “choice” as in the scenarios we consider to be available to us/them. Dahlin getting injured now of course in no way means he’s less likely to get one later “I’m glad it’s now” -we *don’t* know it’s not later, too: this news is an independent event at best - - - thankfully it seems minor..but we’ve seen these things change before over time.
  15. Hopefully it’s just a moo point now
  16. Good news! Injuries don’t work that way, they aren’t a binary choice
  17. I agree with that, certainly no excuses
  18. Worry is the wrong word, of course it doesn’t affect the outcome, nothing we do does. This isn’t really about being a philosophical discussion: my point moreso is that based on only the new data we’ve been presented with (Dahlin hurt, no update) the odds of us having a lineup as good as the one projected just 48 hours ago have objectively gone down from the point of view of our current perspective. It’s poor news, now, until confirmed as not so.
  19. If they picked Dahlin they aren’t going to switch up what was probably a multilayered decision because he got hurt. You’d be changing a multi year philosophy to address a few weeks / months I’d imagine they give an extra A out for now, and if Dahlin isn’t there day 1, do some “rally around the captain” marketing. If it was always co captains that’ll stick regardless
  20. I’m worried about it. Why wouldn’t I be? He’s our best player and it could be anything. Sure, it could be precautionary, but we could also be in a situation where we *weren’t* debating the injury status of our MVP on literal day 1 of camp. It could be better Have to hope
  21. I just hope we are talking weeks at the most and not months
  22. Won’t be co-captains I don’t think Would be a weak decision so maybe I’m just biased, but I still don’t think it happens
  23. Ya no update on the actual injury I mean. Pissed does not sound good, though
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