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Everything posted by Thorner

  1. Exactly! And who was the GM making the call on Hagel? moves and even lack there-of are merely a reflection of aptitude. Botterill didn’t properly evaluate his prospect - it wasn’t that he MOVED a prospect, he picked the wrong guy I already know I’m correct on this cause it lines up with Botterill’s well documented CHL bias again, trades are a Tool. a tool I want Adams wielding because I trust him to select, among other things, the correct prospects ie suspects to move on from, and, notably, when to do so
  2. We’ve moved on from a prospect who ranks higher relatively in his group designation than Stillman does in his? I think? I THINK Bloom would be regarded as a slightly better than average depth prospect? Stillman a below average NHL depth defender? I think it says something. Continually shifting priority
  3. Wouldn’t worry about it the ref usually fishes the puck out after a goal and takes it to the dot
  4. Thank god rah rah ya whatever - yesterday was tough to watch re: kids getting slammed to ice no bueno
  5. I think “hold the fort” is my biggest contention with @JohnCs post and considering it’s his stated opinion I’ll implore him to change it: respectfully, “hold the fort” betrays a mindset that I believe is a misreading of our current state: we are well past “hold the fort” stage: our core is blossoming and will be in bloom (sans josh) next season: it’s time to *maximize the primes* of our key guys, while we still have cheap talent on ELC! Thompson, Skinner, Tuch, Dahlin - the time is now Holding the fort, biding time next season? mistake Huge mistake imo
  6. Our goalies aren’t average!
  7. Bringing Comrie back would be a farce he hasn’t proven anything, in a decade (arguably proof enough) when he DOES play, this season, his numbers are poor if we SERIOUSLY think we “don’t know what we have in him”, next season is assuredly, assuredly not the time to find out, likely to the detriment of our emerging core HELL no. Holding the rest of the roster hostage to “let’s give this beloved boy another chance” would be a massive red X against KA and I’m really quite on the bandwagon if you’ve been reading my content
  8. Shiny new toy nothing more And re UPL: that Anderson has more in significantly fewer starts doesn’t look great on UPL either, especially when the target he’s falling well short of isn’t even our aspiration
  9. We gave him even more support than UPL usually gets, in the WPG game, even if our goal total was less. I know this because Comrie was so underworked that night in winnipeg I stood by the glass and had a 7 minute conversation with him during the play about Yellowstone
  10. More interested in what they do for GT next season, at this point, honestly. Entering into an evaluation year w/question marks in net is one thing, we couldn’t in good faith claim our realistic goal was playoffs next year imo if we enter into the year with UPL as #1 As you mention, the GT situation for 2022/23 as it stands Is What It Is. Play CA as much as his body allows and pray
  11. Good point - he WAS a prospect being seen on those levels. Maybe it’s just bias because I was always the “hold your horses” guy in the bloom threads, but I think this trade actually makes me actively happy: I already knew Adams had a reasonably savvy aptitude as a GM, don’t really need this deal to prove it to me (though obviously hope it’s not a swing and miss), but the confirmation he’s not married to these drafted prospects that some are even saying is “the future” is the real pearl in this deal. I’ve already said I trusted KA’s skills, and that not only was trading picks and prospects ok, but necessary, and a good potential way to mine value. Him going ahead and doing exactly that isn’t a red flag, it’s the opposite, and I’m certainly not going to haggle against player addition quality in this deal when the guy we moved was exactly a guy I pointed to as a reasonable prospect but good currency piece
  12. From our perspective this is fair but (and I hate being this guy) it appears Adams is looking at different numbers re: players ie their specific stylistic fit and isolating numbers from similar situations in the past. So it could be a thing where the conclusions you are drawing here or what I or other draw might look accurate based on the info we have (Bear the better play) but if we had the full slate of data we’d potentially feel different
  13. His tweets are on Private now I see? Not much sense linking him
  14. Botterill traded more picks than Murray this is a recording Looks like I was right on this front that his production was nothing to write home about
  15. Haven’t read thread yet so apologies for overlap This is one I’m going to want to keep my eye on, re: Adams and his team’s pursuit of another reclamation project that they are presumably attempting to “Jost”. The player doesn’t appear on the surface to be a significant addition, so I’d assume w/o other moves Adams will be under the microscope for this one. But we still could see another move. There’s often some sort of family or personal connection with so many of Adams’ moves: it’s something that I honestly do not have a positive knee jerk reaction to whenever I see it, but in this case my fears in the past have been proven incorrect. Hard to really doubt KA right now with his establishing track record, let’s see how this guy does. Mostly I just hope it means Dahlin isn’t going to IR
  16. A first line all acquired, coincidentally, through trade. I like that last line, someone should write a song about it. - - - I support your plight, as a fan, but personally as an analyst I don’t even need to see a move from KA: I just need to know he’s open to them. From all accounts he is, and it’s not insignificantly more than some even posting here. I kinda trust his judgment now shrug emoji I feel like nino was a just missed it situation possibly, timing wise. Trades are a tool. If you trust your GM’s aptitude, relative to the rest of the GMs league wide, their direct competition, any tool that is able to exploit that advantage is one I would prefer to see wielded. I’m firm on that position, truthfully. But listening closely and not pulling the trigger is still wielding. Again I’m just pretty adamant and pretty certain for Adams that he’s truly open to potential outside improvement
  17. Anderson wins games UPL is on a team that wins games
  18. You don’t even know the hypothetical deals in question ... ? - - - a lot of what I’m hearing in this thread isn’t “anti-panic move” or “anti-win now move”, it’s just plain old anti-trade.
  19. I feel like this would be a pretty sizeable haul for Tanner
  20. Im sorry it comes off that way. will have to continue to try and work on my framing. - - - That’s what I tried I explain, to me the stage where we are debating very specific faults in a sea of good things is the mark of a good team. It’s what I’ve been waiting a decade for. The fun discussion. When we are bad I don’t think the discussion is better, though the “this team sucks” seemed to often in the old GDTs, be what the discussion amounted to, understandably. There’s a lot of cheering deservedly during the game and it fits great there but I don’t think “this team rules” serves as well as a capper: when I’m feeling good I want to talk more and patting the team on the back after is great it’s just not that interesting discussion wise. We all love the Sabres, we all swooned during the match but after the game I want to have the hubris to pretend I have any solitary idea how to fix the remaining areas that need fixing thank u very much
  21. but THIS thread is HOT HOT HOT says so on the main page im an agent of chaos lively discussion
  22. I’m not blaming Adams in this thread, if you’ve noticed. I’m simply pointing out the statistical reality of what UPL has shown, continues to show, and what we do or do not yet know he’ll show in the future. And notably weighing that perception verses the way I commonly, though admittedly anecdotally, see the other positions being perceived by the same group Good thread honestly carry on
  23. This is just more “congrats, you found a negative!”, good-wins-should-equal-say-only-nice-things gatekeeping, I’m sorry. This is when the talks get the most fun: when we can debate the more minutia because we are at a stage where *it IS* the small things that represent the difference between good and great: because we’ve established such a solid base. I’ve been waiting for this day since I joined the board If you want “hooray team!” (Which there actually is a lot of in this thread too, obviously, speaking for myself and dare I say others) exclusively, there’s always Stan twitter. If that’s what we actually want in here, I’ll willingly bow out. My reading is the group would be leaning overall towards more balanced and varied discussion but I could be wrong as it certainly depend on who you ask
  24. I just chuckle at it at this point because there is no consistency - starting goalie is held to wildly different standards than the other positions. No one is going to argue UPL is *above* average, right? So being gracious let’s say he is average. What other position is that labelled “Check. Good enough to win if the rest of the roster does it’s job.”? What is the average 1C? 50-60 points? Would we be content to write off that sort of production as inclusive of realistically achieving the goals we want, and look to the rest of the team every time we came up short because our top guy scores 2 points every 3 games? If every position was filled by an average player, wouldn’t we be about league average? That’s not the endgame, is it? i keep saying, there’s nothing wrong with wanting a *good* goalie. I feel like that’s the entire point
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