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Everything posted by Thorner

  1. I donā€™t find the plan exasperating. Creating straw man arguments my guy. Ill disagree with your reading of the GM re: adding a G next season. I think many aspects of the process changes when the core has been identified and itā€™s time to take the next step: that is to say, the principles by which you are claiming itā€™s easy to predict what Adams will/has done this current season havenā€™t been established yet, for next season. I agree with the likes of Brawndo when he said now that the core is identified it means Adams realizes the strategy shifts and Dudacek when he says Adams is using the FULL season to evaluate the goalies. If thatā€™s the case, and there is indeed an evaluation going on, that means logically the evaluation could be failed and presumably an addition / upgrade made. For me to suppose the evaluation might be in the process of a fail is hardly an observational leap. I think it depends
  2. Not actually what he said. Close, but thereā€™s a distinction where you are incorrect: he said he wasnā€™t going to make deals that *harmed* the future. Not a full stop refusal to give up significant future assets in a deal that helps the now. If we could hypothetically add good young pieces that help now AND in the future, ie players that fit our current coreā€™s age group, I do not believe weā€™d be harming the future by dealing significant assets in the deal. We just arenā€™t trading significant future assets for pieces that are ONLY for short term gain in the hypothetical situation Saros could be had, I think heā€™d fit the bill. Heā€™s the same age as Tuch Thompson and Skinner
  3. Iā€™ve responded to this 1000 times: I donā€™t have the contacts that Adams has. I donā€™t have *a* contact Adams has. That I cannot tell you who Adams SHOULD add doesnā€™t go anywhere towards proving there arenā€™t options. Itā€™s not my job. Having the opinion that the goalie needs to be and should be upgraded is the opinion in itself Iā€™m *not* advocating for a G add this season. You must have missed that. I already know itā€™s not happening. You also must have missed the fact I have human eyes because you have an odd habit of spending a good portion of your posts stating and belabouring the obvious yes, I know we have 3 goalies. Youā€™ve found a way to make ā€œwe have 3 goalies on the roster and these are our goalies because these are the goalies on the team and they are the goalies on the team because they are the rosterā€™s goaliesā€ your running point now for a good many posts directed at me
  4. Iā€™m just glad Adams agreed with me on Bloom, anyways. wish the kid success
  5. McDavid gets his 50th
  6. Personally I never really pay much attention to the audience score on rotten tomatoes
  7. Canucks fans have been BEGGING to go full rebuild for ages any NHLer for now for NHLer for later deal is going to play the right notes
  8. Yep I really think the evaluation of the assets changes significantly based on the perspective of where you are sitting as a team. Window, like you say, but also practical: itā€™s like the inverse of the scorched earth tank we did. So often arguments get made that break down, say, one of our old GMā€™s overall draft records, or history of transactions, and the ā€œhitā€ rates arenā€™t even far off the average if at all. But when you completely tear everything down you are having to address so many holes the overall degree of difficulty goes way up. You have to run that perfect, Mahomes in the SB-like second half where you play mistake free ball. Itā€™s also why quantity, hoarding prospect and picks matters so much cause you need all those darts we donā€™t appreciate how much insulation the great franchises have and how much less that quantity matters
  9. Boeser is such an interesting case. He basically spawned into the league as 50 point guy and has stayed at just about..50 point guy. Good consistency, but I wonder if he ever gets one more later career jump agreed in full w/ your breakdown but reaction upgraded from ā€œlikeā€ to ā€œCupā€ for obvious, Quinn related reasons
  10. Bloom has 42 points in 40 OHL games since being dealt, playing in the league two years after being drafted, like if Savoie played in the CHL next year he didnā€™t blossom, he returned to the type of production tantamount to being the bare minimum to retain status as a prospect with a reasonably likely chance, relative to other prospects of his ilk, of developing into a depth NHLer, several years from now Totally fair. It pained me enough I threw in the ā€œeven for a guyā€ bit not named Stacey, no
  11. ā€œBlossomedā€œ is a massive stretch, even for Bloom
  12. ā€œDevelopmentā€œ: 3 x mentioned ā€œWinā€: 1 x mentioned fwiw - - - Probably just a product of the target demographic but itā€™s VERY muted re: expectations in the close to near future
  13. No I actually donā€™t have any specific names in mind right now tbh Bold stance but, I agree
  14. I get that but I did say sub 900. If UPL goes on a statistics-altering run, that can assuredly be a mind-changing run, too If all we see is more of the same, instead, Iā€™d be surprised if KA had a different conclusion than me
  15. Sorry I knew youā€™d respond right away I was just curious as to what youā€™d say if I typed that
  16. He wonā€™t? Or canā€™t? Are you supposing he wonā€™t look for an addition this summer? If we made the playoffs this year with a couple sub 900 dudes and Legend Craig it wouldnā€™t change my evaluation that entering into next season with that GT set up would be an exceptionally frivolous play If Levi comes in and is immediately good, to end the year, I might chose to be a biased fan and believe in the magic.
  17. Under 20 contracts donā€™t count? Didnā€™t know
  18. As the Sabres get better, and the expectations change, time old cliches that are so because they are often true come back into play for the first time in a decade: a bird in hand is worth 2 in the bush even if bloom has a chance to be better, the chance isnā€™t what is priority, anymore: respectfully I think thereā€™s a bit of forest people are missing here to climb individual trees. The *actuality* of what we are gaining is the play, because we are at a stage where the ends justify the means: specific targets - when you are rebuilding you must win trades, as a rule, by value. When you try to win, you can lose battles to win the war wife donā€™t call me QuickDraw for nothin
  19. So he gets wrong and I get WRONG šŸ˜‰
  20. Itā€™s becoming not plausibly believable that a team with playoff aspirations could enter into a season via 2023-24 with the tenders we have in system currently Of course we COULD make it but itā€™s leaving a ton to chance that would seem a frivolous play based on how ready for prime time much of the rest looks That is to say, failing to address G if in any way it can be addressed would be a very poor value play. We can afford to pay what it takes. The opportunity cost lost is a much greater consideration than asset loss, here, could possibly be
  21. His momā€™s got it going on
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