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Everything posted by Thorner

  1. You’d think he’d want to reap the winning rewards of the culture he helped turn around, that he had to wallow in for years he be back
  2. I had no other card to play. The standard I was trying to argue for was that the Greenway deal was in *some* part about aiding the team’s push this year and I couldn’t get even that concession Nothing more for it
  3. I feel like if they had their way Savoie would somehow make it - winning games needs to come first, but if he’s a top 12 forward in camp / first 9 by rights I don’t think they’d be LOOKING to send him back - I know the cap thing but perhaps that’s balanced out by the dev concern of MS in juniors in which case it can be straight up based on merit
  4. Not sure I buy it. Does he have a source?
  5. Ha! I beat you to THIS one Brawndo - 11, 452 Thorny - 1
  6. edit: whoops. Think you meant this year. Oh well, leaving this up - - - Why not a little camp competition? Throw in Savoie and co? it’s kinda amusing we’ve gone from “iron sharpens iron” to “clear the runway!” in how we are penciling in linemates I think JG has a good shot to give us a little help this season, and he’s in the mix to provide some value for us next season and going forward, as well. Buy I’m not pencilling him in to a role, full stop, NM t-9 Stillman has term, too. Guaranteed Sabres mainstay, next season? Many things uncertain. Future murky. Ask again later.
  7. Another thing that shouldn’t be downplayed, re: Paul Yserbaert’s comments is messaging: Detroit just “lost out” on JVR when he seemed to be coming and presumably their fans are also hoping for deadline action to help their playoff pace. the old, “oh, they are ahead of us, WE are still playing with found money” spin is fan temperament 101
  8. Penciling greenway into a top 9 roll seems pretty darn hasty We’re pencilling him in as one of our 9 best forwards?
  9. Knew you’d have one of these up immediately @GASabresIUFAN I see Greenway is listed as a LW wherever I look, does he actually play the right? Both sides?
  10. At least that many, if he’s gonna finish up here
  11. Tampa and Boston are perennially in win now mode, but ya. Still a great thing to hear that a guy like that is singling us out
  12. Have you ever seen the Simpsons episode where Bill Gates “buys out” homer’s computer business? “I didn’t get rich by writing a lot of cheques” also have you seen the Simpsons episode where Mr burns and homer get stuck in a winter cabin on a work hike? ”mr burns, you are the richest guy I know” ”yessssss. But I’d trade it all, for a little more.” So you are arguing against my idea that his move had an eye on playoffs, but saying his NON moves, did? tough day for me on this site
  13. @LGR4GM, always there to pick up on what I’m throwing down. Cheers
  14. Don’t really understand any consternation on this one, personally. If we think we got burned by dealing a Asplund for a 7, we can cool-off by simply dealing one of the 7ths we get, every year for free, for the next Asplund Then THOSE team’s fans can repeat the cycle etc
  15. Oh just play ‘im a bit o’music, he’ll fall straight to sleep!
  16. I do like the fact there seems to be a lot of agreement for where the expectations should be set next season.
  17. The fact we spent a 2nd and 5th on a player, NOW, when as you correctly point out - there’d be more to spend it on this summer, is indication to me KA feels the move could help our playoff push
  18. On the contrary, it absolutely potentially can: the difference between making it or not could EASILY be one solitary point the entire WAR for this deal, including the messaging to the team, can’t be 0.5? I think it absolutely can
  19. But presumably there were players available in that sense the previous 2 deadlines? We didn’t make a move, then ymmv, I still see relevance in the timing You don’t think there was any impetus on the deal in terms of how it might help this season?
  20. “A” for me, because I like to read tea-leaves, and for me all variables considered, it was reflective of a mindset that makes me hopeful. Non-negligible possibility this deadline amounts to zilch long term (in fact that’s probably likely - even deals like “best trade ever!” tend to evaporate to nothingness in a matter of years sometimes -) but we clearly were looking to make improvements to a team that, statistically, has been continually improving Dahlin practiced today and that was as good as a bong-rip (legal here, no illegal content in this post, I never smoked before it was legal, either), truth be told, so I was all buttered up to like this one
  21. So he’s got a limited series on Disney + on the way got it
  22. Agree on goalie I feel like there HAS to be a “help the team get in” competent for this year, no? If not why do it today, at that last hour. I know he’s here beyond but I can only imagine the talent pool is greater in the summer and if anything prices for acquiring teams is higher at the dead-line
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