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Everything posted by Thorner

  1. It’s definitely not the most likely scenario. But up until recently the math was suggesting we had a better shot than any other ONE team in the race. The field was still more compelling mathematically (and even more so now) but if you had to pick ONE the math was suggesting buffalo while we were in 7th by points %. we aren’t very far off from being mathematically in 8th by points % again. It doesn’t mean we make it, because of “the field”, but I’ll do the math here real quick and I think it’s a small combination of Ws and Ls that would have us with the best odds of any one team gunning for 8th
  2. another reason how we are actually playing matters way more is b/c of the games we have in hand: as long as we have those in our back pocket, we technically aren’t relying on anyone. What matters is how we are playing because if we, say, keep pace with the islanders from HERE on in, and win those 3 games, we’re in a spot
  3. Eh, I was referring to the outlook of the fans, more so, the perspective- we’ve seen how it is: if we win 2 in a row, it’s going to be a lot more optimistic. You sort of missed my point: there is still a lot of hockey left to play. Nearly a quarter season. My point wasn’t that those two games would single handedly reverse our fortunes: it was about how the perspective would change after those 2 wins: we’d presumably be witnessing a team that’s looking much better (healthier?) than the last couple. Feeling better about what we are seeing them commit to record. My point was about how there’s still plenty of games left to put together the record we need, the fundamental issue FAR more so is that we see a team CAPABLE of doing that that was my point. If we see THAT team these next two, yes, I believe the outlook changes yet again
  4. Doug Weight honestly He wasn’t even that good that year
  5. Sabres won’t be eliminated until the last few of season, likely. At least by math
  6. Ya I feel like if all there was was the LOUD HORN SOUNDED from on high, those funny “oh that’s definitely a goal!” ones you rarely hear, we’d be ok. They seem to get the main, egregious ones. The famous Duchene offside play is so famous because up until and including that point it only happened...once once. Isn’t that an issue to anybody? Just inherently? It wasn’t a problem. It was an anomaly. And you dig up the whole farm
  7. Samuelsson seems to get banged up not uncommonly, this falls under “expected issues” and things we need to plan for in advance. Which means it comes back to defensive depth. It’s not really unfortunate timing when it’s not the first time this season or even the second. Dahlin is interesting to follow b/c it could be a realistic result of the amount we’ve leaned on him for 75% of a season so far. I just hope he’s not fighting through TOO much pain and hopefully even heals up a little down the stretch
  8. I think we’d be ok w/o the 1 RW and 2D for a while as that’s not extreme - if our 1D wasn’t hobbled. But that really seems to tip the scales b/c of his importance. He’s not THAT hobbled ie 80% Dahlin is still a really good player but, to your point, the margin is razor thin. We win 2 in a row, though, the outlook probably looks entirely different. Its not *close* to over Exactly. Still at the stage where a reasonably small or moderate sample size can significantly alter the math
  9. All sports officiating, really. NFL has an issue. NBA has techs being dished our for personal reasons. MLB umpires losing their own strike zone are under fire constantly. It’s why I don’t want robot umps or offside challenges or really any of it if I had my way. It’s probably fixing a problem that isn’t there. This stuff evens out in large sample sizes. Half the time replay is used (or not used) there’s still subjectivity anyways so you waste 5 minutes of time making the product more boring. Then everyone argues about it after anyways. Just play the game and accept human error
  10. Ya I think that’s what @Randall Flagg was getting at
  11. The emotional boost he notably gets from sooner and more easily eclipsing his career marks next season, after them being somewhat artificially lowered to end this year. I mean just for one
  12. The sh*tty reality sinking in, that the long, slow, star-player targeting grind of an 82 game season likely means that this particular year, at least, we can’t see close to the Dahlin we saw in the first 60 through the last 20, really quite sucks. This is the first season he’s been warrior Dahlin throughout, he’s probably still physically maturing, even if it feels like he’s been here long
  13. I like this post a lot, at least, I enjoyed my reading of it. To me it was kinda foreboding through the start and really all the middle, with the very real potential pitfalls laid out, that our guys will need to contend with along the way. But it ends on such an invigorating note, after a lot of it made it seem like it might go the other way*. Like a good yarn. Made so exciting b/c it’s so definitively true: the critical mass talent. Through one way or another, one inept GM to the next, the last and current GM has somehow cobbled together/found himself in a situation with (much to his credit too, of course) a roster with a bunch of REALLY good players. Like no bones about it guys like Dahlin and Cozens and TT. I feel like the main sentiment (correct me if I’m wrong) is that the ceiling of what we amount to is still very much in question: so many things we (see: KA) need to contend with, some of which have already been issues that have gone unaddressed (GOALIE) - (almost made more absurd b/c of how GOOD much of the rest is - it’s like a painful amount of value loss) - will show how good it ultimately gets. Or if there’s already been opportunity wasted. But, the key thing, it’s what you said: “Hide most of the issues above.” the *floor* being established is legitimately exciting. It’s a good spot to be, regardless of any mistakes we may have made. Maybe we don’t talk about that enough. *maybe it read more like a wrestling match
  14. I guess it’s fine health wise (???) but it would certainly make ME stomach sick. I furrowed my brow when I read it, I’ve honestly never heard of someone doing that before Cream soups? Joke
  15. Shoulda let him have that one before bed, dude
  16. Others don’t notice but imo your posting quality has taken a hit since you started working in your all-too-ham-handed thoughts on the politics of the postal industry into almost every post - - - Anyways I felt UPS had a great game between the pipes.
  17. Okay how about this: We aren’t in the playoffs by points % anymore, but we still control our own destiny: if we win the 3 we have in hand on the isles, we be tied with the isles. They have the breaker, but We play them one more time, no? well we can see to it it’s actually THAT game that decides the playoffs. * caveat here is I had to lie slightly re: control own destiny as Ottawa is tied with us but also has 3 in hand on islanders and the breaker on us (by one) currently so technically if they also did the “destiny” thing they’d finish ahead of us: but it’s a hypothetical - if we win the “3 in hand” Ottawa very probably doesn’t amass 6 points in their 3
  18. We have one more against the Isles, right? No choice but to pencil that as a W to make up for this and get back at it
  19. If you are gonna post a gif, it should be a good one. this one is always always good
  20. Well if it’s over because we lost one guy it should be a soft landing b/c no one should have expected much. We are no more banged up than other teams. Yes, I know we have less depth but truthfully we’ve been WELL above average all year re: the injury front losing Tuch and Samuelsson does hurt. But we watched them play their best game of the season without Samuelsson. They’ve run up scores without Tuch. There are other variables at work, here don’t minimize the fact the islanders were ALSO fighting for their playoff lives. At home. We lost by..1 goal? on a back to back? jumping to “we can’t win I guess without em!” is a really weird flex.
  21. Holy overreactions Batman Im with you fine folks, I’m hurting from this one. I know. but let’s see how they adjust. Still lots of hockey left.
  22. Awful game / result, whatever. Islanders are an annoying team to play against, good at what they do not out of it at all, playoff hunt wise. But biggest hurdle to clear isn’t the schedule, it’s not even the point gap: it’s the change in officiating playoff *chase* season apparently now has part and parcel
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