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Everything posted by Thorner

  1. This part was inane: “I can be better at saying: You know what, we are doing this today.” what?
  2. 😔 “I’m gonna fix it”
  3. Still, it’s a necessary type of move, Cozens/Norris. There’s no way imo there’s a perceptible gap between the two to the tune of me/one having any of the confidence necessary to claim one better than the other definitively - we’ll just have to see. But change for the sake of change make a lot of sense, here, if you are getting comparable ability back. What we had wasn’t working, try a new fit. Attempt something else that could lead to winning. The Greenway and Zucker signings are just ok to me, maybe leaning slightly negative. As said I think I’d be leaning towards change re: anyone im not set on. Those can bump overall score, from me, for this deadline from Adams to a respectable B-.
  4. People weren’t really expecting the version of Cozens we got this season right? But we were still saying we needed a top 6 addition. I don’t think this trade counts in any way as “addressing” the hole in that, if Norris is good, he’s getting back to the player we were hoping Dylan was, right? A good 2C. But then we still need help in the top 6. We’d be just back to square 1 with Norris, a redo on Cozens if you will I’d say the hope is this represents a re-stabilized top 6, in need of improvement, up from a collapsing unit
  5. If Thompson is staying at W, Norris could be our 1C actually Though that’s mostly semantics I guess cause Thompson is still on that line. But in a manner of speaking our top 2 Cs could be Kulich and Norris
  6. It’s just not happening. He’s clearly coming back Word has it the press conference he just had made it even more clear
  7. Ok so essentially nothing. Moving along
  8. Rip revamped 4th line. The key to our success that never opened any doors
  9. Had we claimed him earlier I mean
  10. Specifically traded for him rather than claim him for free on waivers so we could send him straight down to the A Without him having to go thru waivers again
  11. Pastrnak for Joki. the trade is 1 for 1
  12. And he used the deadline to “change of scenery” a bit of the roster: something needed, that teams usually struggle to do when it comes to something like the trade deadline. the deadline makes sense - especially when viewed through the context of the GM having more time later on to work on other stuff if he wants. Presumably someone doing their job would look to improve the roster on paper and not just shuffle things: that part remains to be seen. deadline was a fitting one. It’s just not the right guy wearing the fit.
  13. Quicker than tsn you beautiful bastage I love this board
  14. Adams disagrees so you are probably right
  15. Adams has honestly done his part in making this deadline worth watching on a Friday I had off. extend the man
  16. This trade should kill the “won’t trade in division” narrative for this or any GM really
  17. Non needle mover is exactly where I’m at. I think it IS a needle mover among fans though - in that it’s a substantial discussion morsel. I’ve no doubt Adams understood the value of doing SOMETHING We didn’t just randomly happen to draft a bunch of immature players. It’s the product of putting a bunch of young players together all at once. It’s the created environment
  18. Agree, functions as that as well in actuality I could see it going either way or staying mostly the same here, we won’t know until we see. Can make a case for either. But smart money here seems to me a more less even trade off - at least from the perspective of the moment
  19. They need better if they can get it Was supposed to be no stone unturned, playoffs or bust LAST offseason
  20. An interesting thing proposed by I think our good Brawndo was that Adams has been shopping Cozens since summer so there’s a bit of a Rorschach test there - adams correctly foretold the cozens dip? Adams putting DC on the block contributed to his lack of performance?
  21. It was posted by Brawndo that the sabres tried to ship him for EP first, so we do know who Adams preferred
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