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Everything posted by Thorner

  1. You speak as if in description of a foreign species 😂
  2. Audio books ever a consideration?
  3. It’s really still no excuse especially as I consider myself a movie guy but no definitely not in theatres haha. I’ve seen the full thing I think but I was under the influence so don’t remember a lot. It’s good but obviously very verbal
  4. I will resist the urge
  5. The new series is actually some fantastic filmmaking To be honest I’ve seen most of the original but my knowledge base is more centred around the various times it’s mentioned on the Simpsons lol
  6. It was a dumb reference to the ending of planet of the apes because you said monkey edit - planet of the apes via Simpsons of course
  7. Yup. Forward progress ruled.
  8. Wait a minute... Statue of Liberty...
  9. Never go full goat head
  10. 3 on 3 resembles the regular nhl game as little but ya
  11. Used to have some pretty automatic guys, ya
  12. Shoulda sent Dahlin in shootout
  13. Quinn better lucky than good - - - too bad here. Comrie was pretty darn good
  14. Great shoot out tbh so far
  15. Comrie! Never doubted you!
  16. Nice save Goldberg!
  17. If Comrie doesn’t Lehner we win
  18. Playoff Dahlin Preview
  19. Yes he’s stepped up in biggest moment let thy record show
  20. Dahlin had a remarkable shift defending on the pk
  21. Not a great call
  22. Great play by Allen tbh
  23. I thought Dahlin could have skated right in there... Nice save!
  24. And the hustle loyalty and respect to get back
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