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Everything posted by Thorner

  1. I’m sorry you find the term “radio silence” offensive. For my part, calling a specific argument “ham handed” is a little different than saying there’s “something wrong” with how someone thinks, but in all honesty, I don’t mind, i wasn’t/am not offended. I get that a lot so I’m used to it. As for the numbers thing, give me one sec
  2. Yes? It’s detailed in the article you didn’t read
  3. @SDS you are following along, yes? It’s just joking around, or whatever? Statements like “Eichel has not added *anything* to their success” fit along with that? Because that is what is being argued. He hasn’t added anything. By all means go off
  4. You do realize your facts are all wrong? Sabres recorded 59 points after the Eichel trade last year, Vegas recorded 67. Vegas also had 20 more this season. Like, in reference to your comment that sabres have been better than Vegas since, in other post
  5. The Knights were significantly better than the Sabres this year, dude. Vegas falling off the map last year in the second half because half their team was injured isn’t revelatory. If you come back with something noteworthy, we can try again
  6. TLDR you get to be Gandalf tldrr you get to be the good wizard guy
  7. They only “haven’t amounted to anything” from your perspective because you never imposed a ridiculous ceiling on him to begin with. This is what I’m trying (and, yet again, failing) to explain cohesively: I don’t have an issue with your framing. But for many, “anything” included *even the ability* to be the best player on a good team, a good playoff team. It was said he wasn’t good enough to be the focal point of a playoff team, that the Sabres would in fact make the playoffs before Vegas. These are also not the most extreme things said. Under the prism of these statements, yes, he assuredly has achieved something
  8. We may indeed be two sides of Saruman but assuredly *you* are Saruman-as-he-should-have-been
  9. The accomplishments are relative to the folks saying that he was such a cancer they’d never be able to amount to anything with him there. That he was an organization-crippling cancer. These are things that were actually being argued and said in presumable good faith. I’m not sure how you can share this board with me for so long and launch yourself into this conversation in opposition to me when from the very beginning I’ve always been clear that it was those extreme, logic defying takes that rankled. When is the last time I quoted you on this issue? If you can’t see the difference in the takes I have issue with, I’m not sure how to explain it further like if you want to pretend all these Jack takes on your side are created equal, I can’t do that. You are forgetting how extremely off base things became, how absurd the projections of his future career became. I can’t do that
  10. I think you’d be better off following through with the other, more permanent request I made regarding my account
  11. Read the post I quoted and tell me it’s not trying (and admittedly WOEFULLY failing) to make a logical case to take away from his accomplishment I don’t hate the Jets. I don’t really hate anything. I also rarely post about the Jets
  12. “Already one of the more gifted offensive players in the league, Eichel was never seen as a defensive option. Being the top-line center on a Cassidy-coached team comes with that responsibility at both ends of the ice. Eichel had the best defensive season of his career this year, recording a plus-26 rating at 5-on-5 and a career-high 46 takeaways. “I’m not surprised. He’s been arguably our best defensive forward in terms of closing in our end, being on time, killing plays,” Cassidy said. “I just think he’s bought in with what we’re trying to get him to do.”“ great article on how well Jack has rounded out his full hockey game. Apologies because POITZ aren’t mentioned https://m.lasvegassun.com/news/2023/apr/18/entering-first-playoff-run-jack-eichel-leads-golde/
  13. I have a lot of fun explaining to these guys how throughly they’ve twisted themselves into a pretzel through poor logic Make no mistake, this is now an Eichel thread
  14. I used to be sad because of how vile the targeted comments around here got, directed towards JE. Now what makes me a little sad is the total lack of self awareness Exactly Ya, I had stopped doing this all year. I really thought it was over. That’s ok im thinking I’m back
  15. You are completely proving my point. A ham handed, one sided skew that takes so little context into the equation as to render your opinion truly meaningless. Rampant bias. I suppose I thought “radio silence” because I’ve been staying out of the jack discussions on here during the year, I only assumed since he was having such a good season, best player on the best team in the west (this is where so much bias comes in - you’ll do anything other than admit he’s been the best player on a very good team - that he WAS capable of being that all along. That we didn’t construct that scenario here is a Sabres problem, not a Jack problem), that we WOULD be getting radio silence as you folks have been objectively proven so definitively wrong. I suppose I underestimated your ability to fib to yourself The fact we had so many guys with POINTZ and they did not, yet they are in first, and we are not, shows how lacking your analysis is of what you need to construct both a winning team and successfully bind players to that formula You are totally blind if you haven’t noticed the fact that Vegas missing the playoffs last season was met with “coach killer, cancer”. Yet the knights solidly making it this year was met with “meh, just along for the ride.” It makes me disappointed for your posting quality
  16. Dahlin will definitely come in at a shade below 10 per. Over 8 years, of course
  17. Dude winnipeg has been ass in the playoffs all but one season. I see them a lot. I’ll continue rooting on their downfall as my most hated team the Jack doesn’t elevate in playoffs after 1 game is just more painfully evident bias he also wasn’t good enough to be the best player on a playoff team and Buffalo was going to make it first. It’s just endless goal post moving.
  18. 2/3 3/3 woulda had us in oh well, hopefully next season
  19. I’m not sure fairness ever applies but it would feel ridiculously unfair to get poached already when we are just finding our way, after searching for so long. That’s the world of business I guess. Hope they can shuffle to avoid it, owner’s money could be key here
  20. And, yes, I understand the playbook. All the good stuff was “team effort”, all the bad stuff is “a cancer inflicting the whole team”. So, the good is only correlation and the bad is only causation. It’s a position that’s impossible to logically square, ie, it’s simply rampant bias, but, I do get it. At the very least it’s convenient
  21. I think you are probably projecting because 9/10 of your posts involve some long diatribe evaluating other posters/fans
  22. Radio silence all year while jack, as their best player, guided them to 1st overall in the west and you folks crawl outa the woodwork after 1 playoff game lol rent free. and, it’s winnipeg. They’ll blow this
  23. Dungeons and Dragons was really fun. Second rated film so far this year after JW4 A couple legit lol moments
  24. We’re really still doing the Comrie thing? The goaltending might be looking better going forward but the only way we can say goaltending has been addressed adequately is if it being adequately assessed in either of the last 2 seasons didn’t matter. The results between the pipes have been bad so far. Is it okay to say that? Actually asking
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