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Everything posted by Thorner

  1. Injury luck will play a big part, to your point. but load management is definitely on the way. No to the extent of the nba I’d say but on the way nonetheless
  2. Could be a disconnect that stems from the fact that, regardless of what the core is perceived to be, our 3 best forwards are assuredly NOT a bunch of kids. Any future projection always seems to involve our “core” (not our current best forwards, for some reason) being melded in to one of the best offenses in the league seamlessly, at some vague point down the line, while said offence waits there, at the top of the league, in a holding pattern. ”this isn’t going to go the way you think!” is a possibility, here
  3. I need to get around to watching the KA presser. He’s a great (I think? Really good?) GM who I absolutely can’t stand to listen to when he talks
  4. Not for nothing there’s been plenty of portents foretelling load management making its way to the nhl
  5. also definitely more famous.
  6. Ya, Briere’s breakaway goal. Magical stuff. I also remember being on a high, going out to a movie or something, and my Dad rather than still being jubilant when I got home, letting me know about Tallinder’s prognosis. 2006 was THE year, ya
  7. When I was in the UK, people didn’t even know who Wayne Gretzky was. FIFA World Cup trophy is definitely more famous, just for one. Stanley is the best, though, imo. You get your name on it On a separate note: a lot of people are saying Bobrovsky wins the Smythe even if they lose in the final. Gotta say, don’t see it
  8. Following up on this: Introducing the new owner and CEO of Sabrespace, @Thorny !
  9. The tone from both, to me, suggests the idea that as long as there is continual improvement the concrete results aren’t of primary importance. “Set the cup as goal, take it day at a time, get better every day”. Results will be the unavoidable, but possibly eventual, result of their growth: not the focus of the game plan. Not “finding a way to win”, but rather, “winning will result naturally from the process.” basically a higher level version of “we just gotta play our game” rather than a tactical breakdown of the field and your opponent, and seeking ways to manipulate it in the shorter term
  10. It’s interesting that he again reiterates the idea that making the playoffs next year isn’t the goal. It’s about getting better every day working your way to a Stanley cup
  11. Ya I mean I said days ago Adams wouldn’t do it. It’s simply what I would do. There isn’t much to talk about tbh if we want to focus only on moves through the prism of Adams’ particular mindset. John does an excellent job keeping the parameters set on that. I agree with him we likely run back what we have in net arm chair GM to me, when I use that phrase, I’m referring to fans managing the roster through the lens of a GM and all that entails: you can see for an example how Adams particular thinking informs your argument, you are literally putting yourself in his shoes and analyzing as if running the team within the context of his plan. When I say I’m not arm-chair GMing, I’m consciously prioritizing my mindset as a fan ie I want to take a run next season, I’m in the business of Moments, I don’t care if I have to give up Östlund the mystery box. To me, GMs, particularly Adams, don’t really think that way he is always speaking to “the long game”, that’s his job as GM I guess, whereas I don’t see “only 1 year” as “only” at all. It’s a year. It’s a season. Don’t know how many I’ll get, don’t want to count chickens before they hatch. Again, I’m placing a lot of value on the coming year. By choice. the entirety of the best team I’ve seen as a fan, the most enjoyment I’ve had as a fan, in a way, the reason I’m even a fan, was a 2 season run from 2005-2007. Thats it. 2 years. And the hope for that again. The Jets run with their vaunted core had *1* standout season. That’s it. You guys are all looking to build a dynasty. A commendable pursuit. But it’s very hard. I see us standing on the precipice of another season/run that gives my fandom meaning: to me, it’s a Hellebuyck away. I can’t be bothered to care too much beyond the recognition I would seize this chance carpe diem
  12. I know it’s not guaranteed. Obviously. But I was using it as an example to illustrate my valuation. It’s not a guarantee we do great, but the uncertainty is equally present on both sides. It’s not certain that Peterka becomes really good, and it’s also not certain we don’t keep Hellebuyck beyond that one year It’s fine if we disagree. I’m definitely trading Östlund for 1 year of Hellebuyck. Full stop. There’s every chance our valuations are way far apart on this. I value next season significantly more in my determinations than you do I’m actively seeking to not arm chair GM, I really don’t care about potentially losing a prospect in the deal, when we have a ton, for a shot at a great season, and especially not the “problems” that arise from “blocking” a prospect goalie with a *proven vezina candidate* (I think saying that’s a block is an oxymoron, tbh), particularly when in today’s NHL you need 2 goalies
  13. No Cozens is a different conversation not only ability and projection but position
  14. Great thread to revisit re: initial takes on Tkachuk and Huberdeau
  15. Dude, re the bold, you aren’t going to catch me in a “gotcha”. A throwaway line at the end, tantamount to a send-up of people, not who use the ignore feature, but who feel the need to bleat on about how often they use it, doesn’t do anything to take away from the paragraphs I typed, for you, to explain my position *at your request.*. *while* others are suggesting (as a joke) more Ignore usage presumably because of how much of the thread the discussion is taking up. I can’t win
  16. Seriously, comparing Comrie and Hellebuyck? I can never wrap my mind around goaltending stuff. It’s like people have no care for the idea of *some* improvement. We saw it literally all year in the GDTs: “well, those were tough shots, what could UPL even have done? His D is bad!” *goalies are allowed to provide positive value.*. They can even do so when portions of a team aren’t up to snuff! It’s like, the idea of Ullmark gets shot down because “he’s not the guy in Boston he was in Buffalo cause of their team.” SO WHAT? Have you *seen* his statistics *in buffalo*? Way better than any goalie to play for us, last season. Even HASEK I’ve seen lumped into this convo. “Even Hasek wouldn’t so and so behind this D” ya, he would. Hellebuyck would, too. He’s very good. We need *2* good goalies. The fact we expect Peterka to provide good value down the line isn’t close to enough to make me rule out the astronomical comparative amount Hellebuyck would benefit us this coming year instead of the value Peterka would provide. It needs to at least be a consideration. That people can, quicker than a snap of their fingers rule out the dealing of, I dunno, the 300th best player in the league, for, I dunno, a top 15 guy by Value.. it’s just wild to me. Not that people don’t wanna do it but it’s like the idea is ABSURD haha. its like the inverse of “bird in hand is equal 2 in the bush”. No one wants to put a lick of value on the immediate value we’d see. It’s NOT A TIM MURRAY thing. Our team is ready to be good! i guess it’s just hyper arm chair GM mode all the time. I would trade a shocking amount for ONE more year like the run in 2006. Just one more. Considering how long we’ve been in utter hell as a franchise, how easily that can be the norm, as we’ve seen..how dicey it is to even *make the playoffs*.... honestly, give me one more run. I’ll hang em up and leave you all alone after that, I promise
  17. I got you.
  18. Why couldn’t we be a cup contending team adding a top 3 goalie in the world to a top 3 offense in the world? i would trade JJ Peterka for a singular deep playoff run time is valuable, man. By far, by far, the asset we undersell the most on this board.
  19. It’s a baby bath water thing for me. I don’t really like moves like this but if we didn’t make them, Adams wouldn’t Adams at all and all the other things he does so well wouldn’t be there, either. Will continue to focus on macro results
  20. I think most would agree YOU are the funniest, for merely suggesting the bolded. in seriousness, while the bold is, truly, wildly inaccurate, I will indulge you in the first bit. The italicized. I think a lot of what I do here on that front gets missed, or mistaken for something else entirely Love ya, though. You are kind. I hope your milk is fully stocked because I’m not really interested in the alternative
  21. Again, You aren’t missing context you just aren’t reading what I wrote I said: the “I was correct about Eichel” thing was half *tongue in cheek*. Fact is, I *was* right about a lot. I was right he’d excel with a new team, I was right he wasn’t a cancer that prevented winning, I was right that his chosen surgery course was the correct path. The rub is that I was wrong when I said Adams shouldn’t trade him. I was wrong when I said Adams was focusing too much on culture. I was wrong about a lot along the way. The irony is that my Eichel takes are being painted as rigid, when in reality, the reason they are so accurate, *nowadays* is because I’ve had to shift my stances over time. Yes, in a world where Zamboni believes no one is capable of having their opinion swayed. thats the point. As the guy who’s perceived arguments are benefiting the MOST from this current Eichel run, where’s he’s proven he can be the best player/tied for the best player on a great team, where it’d be easy for me to sit and laugh and quote tweet all the truly horrendous takes that have been forgotten over the years (S), I’m sitting here saying i was wrong about a lot. And I’ve been saying that for a year! Check the “I was wrong about...” thread! I have, honestly, seen zero move towards the middle from the other side. When, let’s be real, their takes need it more than mine. that I had to shift my stances for them to be correct is the point I am making. I wasn’t right all along. But being able to shift your stances is what makes all this discussion worth it or, just use the ignore feature. whichever.
  22. In the NHL, the successful teams are the ones that are full of, made up exclusively of, players who merely need to “play their role.” If you are counting on someone to “put the team on their back”, regularly, in a sport where your best skater can only play about a 3rd of the game, you haven’t built a successful formula Sometimes goalie is an exception but even that has its limits
  23. Read the literal post you quoted the first line - - - I don’t dismiss *anyone* I don’t block anyone I’m not Zamboni I have over 30 000 posts in 8 years. More than any poster (?) over a stretch of that length. I am here to engage
  24. Tyler Myers? Chris Drury? (Not in last 10, but)
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