Doubt they are shown the door tbh. Do not think Adams *should* be shown the door, either. But making the playoffs is so clearly and obviously and by any reasonable rights the necessary “expectation” for a GM going into his 4th year on the clock, in that it cannot be “job well done” without it.
But I don’t believe a failure to meet reasonable expectations justly and rightfully means firing, either. But I don’t see a convincing argument for why a team should bring back a GM if they go 5 years without making the playoffs, so that’s where my line falls. Maybe that’s an arbitrary number, but you have to draw the line somewhere and half a decade seems fair in that I can’t be convinced any sort of strategy was necessary that would take LONGER THAN THAT in a league half the teams make the playoffs. Why the heck should a slowest of slow builds take 6 years to field a playoff team? That’s absurd
it’s an entertainment *product*. Make the gaddamn playoffs lol
He has an additional 2 years to do it now after 3 years of free pass
If that’s unfair, well, shoot me