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Everything posted by Thorner

  1. Tuch had a really tough go of it that entire sequence where they scored The Sabres running at Pezzetta is hilarious
  2. Almost harder to be sharp when you aren’t facing a ton of rubber (cliche, whatever, im old, what do you want from me), Comrie has been solid
  3. Habs PP has been brutal and looked it there, and our PK has been better. Wouldn’t be against playing this one pretty physically
  4. Look pretty good and better than them, just need to limit our own mistakes SN couldn’t find the time to show a replay there? We had to watch that Habs player skate slowly back to his bench on a close up for 45 seconds?
  5. Comrie nice save to bail them out, that was a really bad 2 on 1 to give up when we were controlling in their end
  6. Did he TRY to beam Newhook with that shot? lol
  7. I do feel a bit of an improv block by saying this is such a touch and go excercise… I suppose one thing we can certainly take from this is Adams will have a lot of flexibility in filling out the spots that do change, by way of prospect currency The moves Adams has made do way more for my wishes to see him make further transactions that not
  8. This is a tangent but the most important, increasingly impressive large sample size I’m paying attention to this season is the trend line: really, it’s nothing short of the defining aspect of what has made the Adams tenure successful to this point. It’s to me also the most perilous, but following through on it this year I’d say is even more important than actually making the playoffs 31 > > 24 > > 20 - our finish in league standings year over year since Adams took over. That’s a large sample size that illustrates the job well done Adams has delivered. Consistent improvement. It’s perilous, because if you add in, say, a 22 at the end of this season, the trend line is broken. And what we are left with, arguably, is merely a collection of below average league relative results. But add in even an 18, and it’s a difficult trend to argue with, because it will be full of a substantial amount of data that says we are on continually elevating tracks Just something to pay attention to
  9. I always forget that after a win, every player we have is good, and after a loss, every player is bad. Those are the two options available It’s always either “TRADE EVERYONE!” Or “Tage Thompson/insert prospect/player is Josh Allinn” I’ve actually been one of VO’s more ardent defenders in the past. Sometimes your roster needs to evolve
  10. If the only basis for declining to ever move on from anybody is, “hey, this other guy bucked the trend!” we’d just find ourselves in an eternal state of movement paralysis we should also list the names of the much longer list of players who DIDN’T pan out. KA’s job isn’t just about deciding who to keep, and the answer being a quote from Gary Oldman’s Leon the Professional. It’s also deciding who to deal for other assets. That’s an equally important part of the job. You actively construct a team, you don’t just run a non-stop drafted players assembly line wherein you stay the youngest team in hockey every season. As appealing as that may seem to many
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