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Everything posted by Thorner

  1. He looks twice as old as me and he’s younger than me lol
  2. I assume it was mentioned somewhere in thread that Dahlin’s streak is now at 8 games? Points in every game but the first a stalwart
  3. We need someone to put together a highlight pack of his time here in this latest call up
  4. Just got home. Looks like a good win! they should probably just switch to the goatheads full time if it makes such a noted difference. At this point why argue with it
  5. Ya I mean I’m obviously an idiot in general, but this particular case I would hazard to say no one wouldn’t have taken the inference I did, based on what you said and how you quoted me loll regardless, I withdrew my X in good faith. My mistake.
  6. Mentioned him the other day. Hope he’s doing ok, but it’s probably just a break. Lord knows that can be needed from time to time
  7. That’s fine. And that’s certainly a reasonably strong possibility. But do you ever get tired of being pigeonholed onto one side or another because the person claiming it themselves can only see 2 dimensions and thus can only project the idea of opposing extremes? It’s maddening
  8. My post immediately preceding. I understand any sort of nuance on this site is unfathomable for a certain (very few) posters who prefer to simply sit on a singular opinion and never shift, but it’s always shades of grey
  9. Why don’t you try reading my posts rather than launching a pointless Zamboni like crusade. You are too good of a poster to fall into that trap of being endlessly one-note I’ve said countless times during this very discussion it’s too early to judge the results of this season I did not say they won’t make it. Please quote it if that’s what you think. I’m merely expressing the idea that whether we make it, or not, it’s still the line
  10. I agree with your concern (and your “pulled off the street August 1” point, too). I admittedly don’t understand the position that doesn’t - how couldn’t there be concern, given the going-on-13-years-missed tide we’ve come riding in on? Would be odd to not be worried about the fact it might still be gaining steam. Mathematically, it’s just early still, this season. The math at least can be separated from the dread: there’s plenty of time for this to shift, this season. I’m worried it won’t, of course, but it still very well could and not only due to a huge mathematical unlikelihood. With this much ground still to go, it’s a much better likelihood than, say, the chances of 3 unprovens locking down a crea… wait what
  11. Almost everyone to a man said the playoffs were the line this season. I’m merely attempting to make sure that’s not forgotten
  12. Is it essential for you to ignore his first 3 seasons to deliver that answer?
  13. Because Comrie was getting injured constantly *before* he was our guy. You get that him failing to play many games is par for the course, and that the matter of luck would have only applied if he had *bucked* a 10 year trend, right? Why did Dahlin get injured and broken down last year to the tune of his play falling off the map? Bad Buffalo luck? Or are there noted variables to consider. How good was our depth D? Wasn’t it demonstrably bad? Could, perhaps, loading up Dahlin with an incredibly difficult workload the entire year because we weren’t confident in our other players perhaps have something to do with him getting hurt? might the logic of this stance be transferable to other positions?
  14. I’d rather just respond to this if a question, if I may: Is your opinion that there hasn’t been a reasonable avenue for Adams to address the position since he came aboard? Actually asking.
  15. Probably a combination of rostering goalies who have played 40 games in their entire career and very oddly thinking they are capable of playing that in a single season and over-reliance on the goalies we do trust because we have zero confidence in the backup option because KA never brings in any capable goalies. Again, hindsight need not apply: even as hope sprung eternal this offseason and I was convinced by this board that Levi could be our Guy this season, I spoke about the importance of your number 2 goalie, about how it’s “much closer to a 1C / 2C situation, than a qb 1 / qb 2 situation” and how you NEED two good goalies not just 1 potential and a prayer. It is not a coincidence that Ullmark found health when they had a second reliable guy, ie, he found himself on a team that was actually interested in prioritizing results in the now: Swayman played 37 games even during a Vezina winning season for Ullmark You are right that it’s a uniquely Buffalo situation, where you are mistaken is that it’s magic or “the league out to get us” as you’ve frequently opined. it’s merely ineptitude. The luck excuse literally evaporates the larger the sample size of “apparent randomness” gets. What that tells us is that it’s not random.
  16. Even AFTER that deal, the team negotiated with Ullmark for months on an extension and didn’t consummate it. Was Ullmark lying about his willingness to sign for 10 months? Of course not. There was a price we failed to meet and if the market was as impossibly navigable as the “who even was there?” crowd would suggest, meeting his price was a no brainer. There is no where for Kevyn to hide, on this one. He’ll have to look to the standings to bail him out
  17. Isn’t availability a sizeable portion of being a decent goalie? Is the only thing that matters being a good goalie *in theory*? Why don’t the results matter? The *body of record*. The actual, cold, hard, data. What good is being a decent goalie if you don’t ever deliver decent results to consistency? He’s not a decent goalie: I’d be hard pressed to call a guy with 40 games entering into the season much of a goalie, at all especially when we were ALWAYS LIKELY TO BE COUNTING on him for a lot of games because we also placed an INCREDIBLY risky bet with Levi! We were, as a rule, counting on abject greatness out of the gate from a 21 year old it’s negligent I talked about these exact possibilities all offseason, multiple times to the point of being told I was beating a dead horse so, your options are: I’m a freaking prophetic genius…or, or, it was super freaking predictable. I think it’s obvious which one is true hindsight need not apply. Tattoo that to my forehead at this point. It would be less painful than the straw grasping defence of the way Adams has dumped all over the goalie position
  18. yes. Comrie had played 40 games before this season over the course of a decade. Injuries have plagued him, as one of many facets that have plagued him in ever nailing down a sufficient body of work. When our tandem that’s never amounted to anything…fails to amount to anything.. that’s not chance If you place a risky bet that’s TELEGRAPHED AS RISKY before the season starts, and there isn’t some sort of unpredictable, act of god interference, we don’t get to go, “weelllllll dats just bad luck! What could poor Kevyn Adams have even done?’” 4 seasons.
  19. I don’t even need to post, do I? Particularly late. you’ve got it all covered, saliently Definitely agree here
  20. Lol we have suffered and sacrificed enough since Darcy proclaimed it come on now devoting an entire professional season to “learning to play D” is something literally only the Sabres would do, never mind committing THAT product to the consumers in a GM’s *4th* season. It’s frankly absurd how can one possibly buy that? It’s an insult to the paying customer
  21. In certain facets. It’s been, as mentioned a lot during the offseason as something that might happen with a renewed commitment to defence, a give and take between the O and the D so far Well said. Have to be careful with playing the “pace game” this early, as i always say. A mere two wins and we are pacing for 33% more
  22. Bogosian Esque Hopefully for at least a while
  23. Ya, obvious suspension obvious. Was hoping maybe he’d only get a game because he was kicked out so early yesterday… alas
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