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Everything posted by Thorner

  1. Agree. Don’t see what the majority are seeing here. To me KO clearly contributes to Ullmark going off balance there which impedes his ability to make the save Anyways, great period
  2. It’s the NHL, we have a chance These are the types of games we seem to win anyways, the type that keep the carrot dangling in the midst of the ruin
  3. Ya we used to sync up the radio broadcast so we could listen to Rick instead, or else turn the online radio up after seeing the goals on tv, as the radio was slightly delayed, so we could hear Rick’s call after the fact Was great
  4. I just can’t agree. I think this rebuild has gone on so long it has passed beyond the realm of having reasonable, common fixes. It’s essentially a living entity. Any sort of “play the long game” thinking to me is poisonous and represents sliding back down that slope of being ok with inferior expectations. The goal can’t change. Because actively failing, is a step in itself. Because we haven’t yet failed, under KA, have we? Not according the management. We’ve merely developed. Failing on a goal is better than not having a goal. The best teacher, failure is.
  5. I’m honestly surprised they are as high as 5th at 5 V 5. I assume that doesn’t take into account games played? Still, points to something @dudaceksaid about fixing the PP carrying a lot of water. Need him to post more
  6. I think you beat me to this reference lol - - - ive also tried to find it online and can’t. I’m hoping it wasn’t some sort of Mandela effect
  7. I played too. Still do in fact. I cannot stress enough that I was a fan from a very young age. I can’t remember a time I wasn’t a fan, I was brainwashed into it, I like to say And I’ve never even been to Buffalo
  8. You are missing my point if you think my commentary was more about how he WILL help us, than how he will not Just because he helps doesn’t mean it was the help we needed
  9. I’d wager to say he’ll help us more this season than that 7th round pick. If KA has proven anything it’s that he believes in a baby steps approach.
  10. Absolutely not. Cannot give up on stated goal this early, would be super detrimental. Sabres play in all 82 games ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: Perfect Attendance (Bronze level)
  11. 25th in goals per game actually upon checking just now: so decidedly worse than mediocre
  12. 7th? I see them at 19th and we’ve played more games than literally everyone
  13. Maybe the Power and Cozens deals end up a detriment because being paid too soon they struggle under the weight of expectations, but my gut says those deals still end up good, maybe even very good. i don’t really think the weight they are contributing to, that’s dragging down our sinking ship is the issue, so much as the holes we put in said ship, by choice, that we refuse to fill
  14. Well said. I think I still kinda like DG
  15. The thing is a solid stretch to end once teams have already counted us out doesn’t mean anything
  16. Sure - I’d be good with that too. I just left it out cause people *frequently* use that argument when no actual, immediate deal follows. It couldn’t be a period of “evaluation” after where we spend a year deciding. It would need to be an immediate corresponding swap
  17. To answer your question: what it feels like most succinctly…I’d imagine it’s what Gollum would have felt, if he was a real person (and we allow for a to-sports conversion) You hate it, you love it. But your destiny is entirely entwined within it - I don’t feel I have the ability to step away even if I wanted to I’ve poured so much into them over such a long time - there’s no going back. To lose them would be to lose a big part of myself
  18. I wish I could do that. But for me, my first love wasn’t hockey. My first love was the Buffalo Sabres. They introduced me to the game, not the other way around. I’ve been a fan literally longer than I can remember because of my dad: there was no choice. I don’t really give a sh*t about hockey, truly, beyond the Buffalo Sabres. And that’s me being candid
  19. Look no further than the fact both “sides” have issues with what I wrote Because by value in, value out, we’ve improved
  20. It’s not snark (would say if it was, I’m snarky all the time) Adams actually does operate this way: at least in my estimation. But I’m not being disingenuous - I think it’s a “good” trade. I tend to attempt to evaluate both by the prism of what I myself would do, but also by what Adams in his mind was trying to accomplish. Usually there are several angles in interpreting these things - I try to avoid black and white
  21. It’s a candid, and believable approach, too. Don’t see it as disingenuous at all as maybe alluded to in thread. I’ve mentioned this before (usually when people say, “what do you think this is, a video game?” in response to asking the GM to make moves), that I’ve suspected some (actually a lot of people) just prefer what I term the actual video game, the Online GM Simulator mode where we analyze prospects, figure out the long term cap sheet, etc etc. Not trying to clown that approach at all: it’s more likely to lead to satisfaction if that’s one’s M.O. Same reason I’ve opined that being a “hater” of a team actually has intrinsic logical value: that team is mathematically extremely likely to not win the Cup every year. You can get a lot of mileage from just rooting against rather than for. Being a sports fan(atic) is indisputably illogical and in the end we only have ourselves to blame for continually “purchasing” a product we don’t like
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