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Everything posted by Thorner

  1. It’s difficult to make heads or tails of tbh If we enter into camp with Kulich as a top 6 C we are already screwed It’s literally the definition of insanity - - - @thewookie1care to follow up or are you good with leveling your cowardly X and retreating to the shadows? What say you? Please, explain to me why the Reinhart trade wasn’t a disaster, why that’s worked out reasonably for our squad ftr: if you are going to say “we had to trade him”…I’ll just get ahead of it and say, honestly…that’s genius. I never thought of that, it’s totally true, we can’t really blame Kevyn Adams, I agree we need to have patience, and we need to see this out till at least 2030 Fans will NEVER be happy with this team, no matter what they do. It’s sort of unfair to the team. What can they even do? No matter what they try, the fans complain. I think the fans just want to be unhappy
  2. I hope we get to hear more from Chad and co that we just need to “get it over the finish line”, followed by a refrain of, “you can’t put it on Adams” well, which is it?
  3. Dude I KNOW development isn’t linear - that’s a key aspect of what I’m trying to say. I haven’t given up on Quinn at all. Learned my lesson with Reinhart. I do think Kulich would be good but the way KA tends to operate… look, if we pencil in Kulich for 2C next year, we *aren’t planning and allowing for non-linear development* if the mandate is playoffs! As only with linear dev would Kulich provide the necessary play. We’d be counting on him to AVOID common development pitfalls. we need to look at these players *by way of contribution to a team that makes the playoffs* You are analyzing as if the goal is to farm players. That’s not the goal. The goal is to make the playoffs
  4. I definitely am not getting my central point across or you aren’t reading it: it’s not about peak production. That’s a tiny aspect. Our evaluation metrics are truly warped, after all this time. The trade was disastrous *for the course of the team*, first and foremost if Kulich scores 40 goals next year I’ll sit here and say the same thing: awful trade - - - Our avatars are so similar now!
  5. I did not say we got nothing for Reinhart. I said the trade was terrible
  6. I BEG you to extrapolate out Quinn’s numbers from last year. Go look at the projections for this season. How many times do we need to see the same thing play out?
  7. I cannot believe this is still coming up: no, we did not have to trade Reinhart. Adams bridged him. Reinhart is on record saying he was open to a LT deal at the time I like how in the conversation you’ve taken on the role of defending, to use your name, GM howdy doody. And for what, to cling to your original point that the trade is “showing value”? I truly do not care. The trade was awful. We didn’t have to trade him you want me to concede we didnt “get nothing” for Reinhart. I didn’t say we got nothing. I said the trade was a disaster, and it was. The disaster has *already happened*, I think you are missing this aspect of my point
  8. There is almost zero chance Adams makes a top 6 addition now
  9. Don’t worry guys, Kevyn Adams has other stuff going
  10. But I mean for the record, the narrative would be that had Adams made a proper offer for EP, they’d have made the swap and kept Miller but it doesn’t even matter to me to debate that. I’m comfortable resting my laurels (among other things) on the results or lack thereof
  11. I merely blame him for fielding a terrible hockey team every year
  12. Be silent! Keep your forked tongue behind you teeth. I have not passed through fire and death to bandy crooked words with a witless worm…. HARKEN TO ME
  13. Sauron has yet to reveal his deadliest servant. The one who will lead Mordor’s armies in war. ….the one they say no living man..can kill. You’ve met him before. He stabbed Frodo on Weathertop
  14. Too bad, Kev. Maybe next time
  15. I liked your comment on twitter what else do you want from me
  16. Have you ever watched wrestling? the boos will have quickly turned to cheers by the time Ray has finished with Terry at centre ice
  17. I know, I just meant the fact we are “removing what actually happened and replacing it with the pace we wish we had played.” It’s removing the negative variance of the performance, the largest stretch of it, when attributing the average pace to the frame instead If your pace after *removing* your largest stretch of negative variance (which all teams wish they could do) is still coming in below 90 even after doing so, it’s saying something or maybe it’s not: but that’s what I was trying to essentially: assigning it the average pace essentially IS removing it, because you end up calculating to 82 either way. If you remove it entirely you still get the same pace
  18. It’s a complete disaster. Look at the results of the players since the trade - not just hypothesized peak performance In addition, one removes the results of the team from the equation when you just focus on what Kulich might do at his best. Complete disregard for the variable of time For the construction of a roster and how this hampered ALL the other players, too. It’s not just about the raw peak peformance, that’s an exceptionally 2 dimensional look at it - - - And let’s look at it two dimensionally, as well. Why not. We traded Reinhart four years ago. Reinhart has 54 points this year. Kulich has 14. Top 6?! Cause Cozen sucks? Kulich hasn’t emerged, isn’t currently emerging as anything. No more than Jack Quinn did last season To even less of a degree, production wise - - - So, no, Levi being unable to find footing in the NHL at all, and Kulich registering 14 points 4 years after the deal, all the while Reinhart had been an mvp level player or close to, leaves us with nothing but a definitive fleecing - I need not hear about emerging “value” when I mention how bad the trade was The statement stands on it owns: the trade was and remains a debacle of the highest trade order
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