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Everything posted by Thorner

  1. Great out of town scoreboard as usual. Sabres should be in a playoff spot technically within a few days, is my prediction We are in a new stage now, “math is unlikely” need not apply. We will be 2 points back after today with only 1 team in between. Caps schedule is ridiculously hard in a travel sense, and yes they have games in hand but when you have like 3 saved up your schedule gets ridiculously compacted down the stretch, which adds to the difficulty. it’s our spot to lose. Keep playing at the pace we have been lately and we’ll snag it
  2. Messi has double the Instagram followers In the states? Sure More often than not the out of town scoreboard looks good and today is no exception we have a better then 50/50 shot of doing this
  3. Washington also has a brutal schedule including very difficult travel. Philly schedule tough too. Ours doesn’t look as bad when you consider the thing you pointed out
  4. Caps are pacing for 92 but they are pacing to be third in the metro, now. Philly is also pacing for 92, but we only need to pass one. (Plus islanders, Detroit obviously) Upps the odds a little tho, because instead of needing a team pacing for 92 to drop back, it can be one of either of those 2 teams.
  5. I used to do that with the score in the newspaper in the morning as a 7/8 year old kid
  6. Not sure if home is an advantage but yes
  7. “Chief, why do you keep quoting TLC?” ”Who?”
  8. They do. Picked a bad time for us for them to string a few together. One saving grace here is their schedule is tough. And I mean TOUGH. The opponents are hard but it’s more than that. They have a stretch as follows: Road - Home - Road - Home - *Road - Home - Road *represents a back to back. Back to back with travel. In comparison the Sabres, one time, have to come home for a single game, before heading back out on road
  9. We don’t know he’s the plan yet, do we?
  10. I’ve attended a few of those. Duff sings Cackleoke
  11. @Indabuff much appreciated and thank you for choosing chaos
  12. If that Brady thing gets one more downvote I’m posting it before every game if we win, until we don’t
  13. All you naysayers vomiting and downvoting. Brady was the good luck charm You’re welcome
  14. As I’ve maintained, our next captain by rights
  15. I expect cliches, don’t get me wrong, I’d just rather not hear the worst part of the GM’s schtick, the part most insulting to my fellow fans, regurgitated. Granato was saying this, pre season: “2 years ago, we weren't in a position to really go after wins,” Granato said. “We had to grow, we had to gain experience. And we've got it to the point now where these guys, winning should be expected on a nightly basis. Should go into games expecting to win” Tuch seems to just be offering an excuse. The worst excuse, at that. I don’t expect answers from Tuch. Especially not in this format. I think just avoiding that sort of active insult to our intelligence, which is honestly how I perceive it, would be what I’m after. Again, no answers necessary. If he sat there and said “goal was playoffs, and we weren’t good enough. Need to be better.” then, for me, that would have been a nothingburger, expected, and fine hope that clarifies my stance
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