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Everything posted by Thorner

  1. Nahhh we’re only mad cause of the 13 year drought. Not KA’s place in contributing more to it than any other GM
  2. It would be absurd to bet on Levi to play 30-35 if missing next year truly isn’t an option. But I’d still probably be more surprised if they add a backup: Adams made an even riskier bet with Levi last summer, don’t see why he’d balk this time around when there’s a better likelihood of success
  3. Three cheers to our revamped social media presence. A loveable team to be sure
  4. Good trade chip tbh Ya. D+2 junior numbers are kinda W/e
  5. Not quite that streaky I don’t think. They went undefeated on the road for like 10 or something stupid
  6. Ya as of right now 11-0-0 would get us in a tie with Washington’s pace. If they finish on pace, 10-0-1 wouldn’t get it done
  7. @PASabreFancan you check the out of town board for me?
  8. Calgary is on a back to back with travel, should be easy pickins
  9. Because I don’t agree with anything anyone says
  10. Larkin being back changes them A 1-0 loss to unbeatable Nashville doesn’t change that Anyways, let’s just wait and see
  11. Zero chance If we are factoring in games in hand Alex Tuch was saying “we’ll get there, don’t worry, yUNGest team is the league!!1”’ a few days ago. It was over, then
  12. Because there is a team pacing for 92, a team pacing for 90, and a team pacing for 88. The chances one doesn’t hit 90 is exceptionally unlikely 89 won’t do it, 9-2 won’t do it. 9-1-1 at minimum and that probably doesn’t do it it is over
  13. No, my anger is just with the 4 putrid years Youngest team in hockey doesn’t mean anything. If you tout that as an indicator of looming success you are falling for the company line “Philly, Tampa will take a step back”. Baseless bias, we hear this literally every year
  14. They only have as good a chance as Pittsburgh, maybe New Jersey. And they all have slim to nil. If the only requirement for meaningful games is not being mathematically yet eliminated the sens are playing meaningful games
  15. Because there’s less runway. We have to go 9-1-1 at worst to make it, that’s 90 points and cutoff is currently 92 its over
  16. I do find it funny that Chad is still continuing with the “Chart” thing, at this point. We’d have to win out to have a chance, not sure what it even aids in calculating at this point
  17. That’s kind of the meme.
  18. People ALWAYS value the mystery box, that’s why A first round pick ABSOLUTELY pulls in a trade. Please spare me any impending Lehner comment
  19. Have we ever gained useful information in 13 years of doing this? What did we “learn” from our 8-2 stretch or whatever to end last year? That Levi was ready? That the squad was deserving of being run back? It’s a meaningless sample size to draw from and you glean even less where prospects are concerned. They are playing out the string just to play out the string. Even before the math got too much for me you could see this was the case with the players just read Tuch’s comments about how he knows we’ll get there eventually He wasn’t talking about amounting to anything this season. They’ll ride it out
  20. Also the Jets are frauds
  21. At this point the Sabres having a 3% shot or whatever on Moneypuck is absurd. It’s definitively over. Yes, others were saying it earlier: it’s definitely true now There’s nothing important left in these last 11 games
  22. It’s absolutely an excuse used by the Sabres. A bad one, at that. Intentionally going hyper-young isn’t a loophole for having expectations. The only thing that matters in year 4 of a plan is delivering actual results. If your team is too young to do it: your plan is exceptionally faulty They’ll probably be even younger next season: it doesn’t mean anything. Cobbling together a young team isn’t hard. People realize literally anyone can do that, right? All Adams has done is collect a *perception* of the future. He continues to add pieces that make people perceive the future to be good. It means literally nothing if the perception of that future never crosses paths with the present
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