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Everything posted by Thorner

  1. Yes, Adams put them in this position for the last 4 years, I agree “Seek therapeutic care” and it gets 5 likes good f*cking grief this place sucks. Do better. If you think you have the authority and wisdom and knowledge to assess someone’s mental psyche on a message board to the extent of passing judgment and suggesting professional treatment you are delusional John, I mean this sincerely: get over yourself If you are going to seriously call into question someone’s mental state and suggest they need treatment, *as if you know them* because of a venting post on a message board, you are crossing a line. Saying that to someone on a hockey message board is ridiculously misplaced. People should be free to be upset in the way they want without such ridiculous gaslighting. “If you feel this way you need help”. Despicable You see how hypocritical this is, right? You are passing judgment on someone because of their reaction to a hockey game *based on your reaction to a post on a hockey message board*.
  2. What does Allen playing more have to do with Dahlin’s argument to being a top 5 player? Are you serious? Missing 13 straight years The Cope is strong in this one You fantasize about it because it’s divorced from reality: no other team’s fans have it close
  3. Taro would be living it up if he was posting. We are the definition of the outlier this year. Usually being close to DeLuca implies aptitude because usually a team isn’t losing all their games in regulation: not the case with us this year thus outside looking in sometimes the DeLuca teams aren’t actually good. It’s just not usually the case At the end of the day the loser point is actually for playing a team to a tie in the only format that matters/is actually reflective. The points are well-earned because they are reflective of us being worse in regulation
  4. Me when the playoff drought began Me now
  5. One of Murray Botterill and Adams is getting assigned 20-21 I don’t care lol We can talk plan needing the appropriate amount of time all we want but Kevyn’s era is still 4 years deep, that’s simply a fact. Appreciate you are talking timeline of this particular plan, though
  6. A good start
  7. I’m sure you are correct it is the plan. But your statement of “when was the last time we could say that?” doesn’t apply, that’s my point, cause we can’t say it now. Levi may absolutely prove to be ready, but you asked when was the last time we could say we were entering into the season with 2 quality goaltenders and saying Levi is a quality NHLer goaltender right now based on all of 23 games and an .899 sv% doesn’t seem fair, does it? Regardless of your personal belief that it’ll be A-ok
  8. Levi is not proven as an nhl goaltender I don’t care where your bias lies, he’s not a proven “quality goaltender”
  9. Tage Thompson when the playoffs are mathematically out of reach
  10. Possibly. For the record, I understand the somewhat hidden true subtext of your post was an implication that we, like New Jersey aren’t far off, but I can’t agree they are very analogous situations. Not least because, well, they made the playoffs last year. Step backs for a young team are common, it’s why I theorized last summer that I was worried our 91 points was the “ahead of schedule” thing and lo and behold: looks like it was Actually making it last year puts them a great deal ahead until we actually finally do it. Speaking for myself, making it even once would go a LONG way. So much so that I’m saying next year it’s a strict necessity re: justifying an active following of the team
  11. Funnily enough, of the teams not currently in a playoff spot in the East, New Jersey is given the best odds of making it
  12. I don’t think I’d be worrying if the opponent was whoever’s first overall: we are at the point where we are just playing out the stretch, the results don’t matter
  13. Up from 0.5 yesterday lol
  14. These things could happen, though unlikely. The bigger ever-more-looming issue is that there’s an end line: the shrinking runway is our biggest enemy. We can’t just do what you outlined, we have to consider the result we need in the next set of games, as well. Because that 4-for-4 immediately loses its lustre once it becomes 4-for-5. Such is the nature of being 8 points back. So, we can get that 4-for-4, but if it’s exactly that, and not a 6-for-6, we’ll be 6 (the Power of Owen compels you) points back, with a mere 6 games to play. The walls are closing too fast and Artu isn’t here anymore to bail us out.
  15. Breath of fresh air, indeed. 1-0.
  16. Blue Jays are back
  17. How many times have we even gotten 3? Once? Twice?
  18. Keeping Granato into next year ensures Adams a shot with a new coach for ‘25-‘26 If it’s a 2 year shot that’s 7 years of runway total for Adams right there. Easy. Brawndo has theorized a similar timeline
  19. I thought Crookshank was a cat
  20. Bernier syndrome but with vibes. An Adams mouthpiece Pretty good player, some laughable player comps in wake of that big trade, but nonetheless capable if properly slotted. But not captain material imo i lost my willingness to say they had the ability to buck the odds and make the playoffs when he gave that excuse filled interview. It was dead then
  21. So we are at 73 points after 73 games? Sometimes those “where you are at thanksgiving” stats provide a pretty good statistical sample
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