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Everything posted by Thorner

  1. Lol this never happened Lol this never happened
  2. It matters. But I’m cautioning against feeling like we can conveniently get where we need to go merely by adjusting a solitary variable
  3. Does sound like the attitude of someone who is now on the hook Have to agree, and the Quinn answer isn’t very good
  4. But it could. Adams would be right. that’s not my point. I’ll say it again: my point is that that alone isn’t enough. We *aren’t* Vancouver. We are the Buffalo Sabres and the franchise itself is leaking oil to the extent of absolutely needing a playoff berth. For the success of the core and the fanbase. It’s about our willingness to take steps to make the result we want and need a greater possibility: to leave less to luck and chance
  5. I still think we are somewhat overselling the impact a coach has imo. Whether or not one human can come in and wave a magic wand and boom! power play is fixed and pow! slow starts are gone and schwing! no one gets hurt now… a lot of the determination for how much success the new coach has in these areas will ultimately come down to how much roster flexibility and depth the GM gives him to work with I don’t think it’s a matter of one coaching change necessarily bridges the gap to playoffs. It COULD, but the point is we can certainly ill-afford to take that chance, which is why I’m glad Adams seemed to strike a tone of expectation on his end, as well
  6. It’s not about how big of a challenge it is: it’s the perception of the challenge to the outside world as I said, it’s a win-win: you either accomplish something no one else could or you fail because it was beyond your control
  7. Not to mention the idea of a real challenge. Which id imagine is appealing to certain type of accomplished vet. You could carve a staggering place in the eyes of a fandom by merely accomplishing something…teams do all the time good chance for a legacy builder if you fail, well, people will just blame Buffalo
  8. If they promise the new coach the keys to that treasure chest or at least the guarantee it’ll be unlocked, that chest full of trade assets would be a significant boon to the job imo Picks prospects as currency
  9. It wouldn’t exactly be unheard of for a GM to get canned and a coach stay on, would it? Especially a relatively new one to the job? especially if coach is a vet, id bet
  10. Well that would be really dumb and completely unacceptable Also why would the new coach necessarily get 2 years? But yes if you are right (and, respectfully, I’ll hope that, like with your thought that Granato would be coming back next year, you are NOT) it takes a bit of the silver lining hopefulness for a better future out of the day So thanks for that
  11. It’s a litmus test for the new coach. If he doesn’t tab Ellis a position, the role Ellis is offered in the organization is Head Coach, and the new coach gets re-assigned. I’ve been looking to get into coaching
  12. Fair point about not doing it sooner if we were gonna do it Very fair indeed
  13. Not unexpected for me in the sense, I think the limp noodle characterization of Adams you see a lot rather misses the mark tbh. He wears his heart of his sleeve I guess you could say but, being emotional doesn’t mean you aren’t decisive. Again, just because you are decisive doesn’t mean you are proactive. But Adams took the job by firing staff Botterill would not and it shouldn’t be forgotten. I think he’s really smart, and smart enough to tailor a message (which I think he does a lot) that he IS that golly-gee kinda guy but I think that’s somewhat calculated. When he’s not aggressive it’s a distinct choice, it’s not borne out of fear. Like we were saying the other day, he very much has conviction - - - Also I wouldn’t say they “let Granato down”, maybe that they both let eachother down. Granato’s aptitude also came up short
  14. Adams has him mistaken for the guy who scored our last playoff game winning goal and keeps him around for moral And that role is head coach
  15. A coach that preaches heart. Up to and including to sideline reporters I’d love a guy like Berube. He’d definitely have a make the playoffs at all costs mentality
  16. Now he has my attention
  17. Given the juxtaposition with the other thread I too thought maybe we had our Bod
  18. Did he say that? Sorry I hate watching these things. Just about to go through the thread. That’s good he said that
  19. That’s the most positive thing, here: the 5 year timeline appears to be on the mark. If Adams had got to enter into next season with Granato still here, he could have been the sacrificial lamb hiring to get KA ‘25-‘26. I think this means KA himself is on hot seat for 24-25 and that’s the WAY it should be. Positive development
  20. As for Donny, I mentioned towards the end of the season: even as someone who hasn’t been quick to get on him, I was starting to question how you could objectively bring the guy back when the team looked to have so thoroughly resigned themselves to slow starts being unfixable. He seemed out of answers. They had to do it. And Terry paid Wish Granato the absolute best
  21. Results are bad, don’t care about your semantics WELL? Ftr I thought he’d be back too haha
  22. Probably only 2-3, ya. But that’s a non-negligible chuck, honestly. Individual players on hockey teams except for the top guys don’t seem to have huge WARs Jimmy had it
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