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Everything posted by Thorner

  1. It’s possible. IMO I personally think it more likely Adams somewhat bought into the hype as well and thought we’d be pretty safely in the playoffs without doing much it’s not even an absurd stance. It’s human. Unfortunately I also feel rightly compelled to evaluate him by the standards of being a highly paid professional who’s job it is to provide a competent product: swing and a miss. Strike one. And you know my stance on Adams:
  2. Well technically I am saying we WERE our record last year and somehow a 20th place league finish (likely because of on over-reliance on sabres-relative comps) developed a connotation far too big for that team’s britches this is a straightforward convo because it’s another glaring instance where “hindsight need not apply”. Adams has his strengths, he certainly has his weaknesses, but perhaps more than any GM I’ve seen his errors are telegraphed. Why would we be surprised a “run it back” strategy that every farmer and their mom said was quite risky blew up in their face? This doesn’t require a deep dive BREAKING: Roster that finished ~20 that didn’t do anything in offseason is ~20th again!
  3. He was the one giving the “we’ll get there, we ARE the youngest team” podcast interview DURING the stretch drive haha
  4. Because we overachieved last year. Or, at least, there was a perception the roster was better than it was when in reality it was what the standings said it was: 20th Is 22nd a drastic underachievement? Nah, it’s more less another accurate reflection of the roster Same roster with other teams a bit more aware of an offense they needed to shut down, the various Tage thompsons they needed to key on
  5. It would have been Dahlin but the players and management couldn’t find a way to make the “Dahliny” nickname sound right for some reason - - - Tuch’s got the Bills hat though. Check mate
  6. Oh sorry I thought you were referring to Granato as the penalty haha
  7. My god Dylan looks completely gooned haha good picture
  8. I feel like someone around here, maybe it was Randall Flagg (system never allows for him to be tagged) came up with a deep dive on the perils of dumping the puck in for retrieval like half a decade ago haha
  9. 2 good ones in the east, one ok, one notable stinker
  10. So we need a Casey Mittelstadt. Fair enough, there were always two parts to that trade. But, let’s ask the question, if we had Casey, would one of our needs be a second pair left shot D with bad analytics?
  11. Yep, I mean people are falling head over heals to anoint Adams for his honesty and forwardness, here - doesn’t go both ways. If that’s the case, drop the Pegula stuff. KA says it’s on himself
  12. I’d love Bruce tbh
  13. This group of players has such an uphill battle in the field of “likeablity”
  14. We can judge him relative to the roster. I don’t think we “underachieved” nearly as much as many, but I do think Granato’s coaching left a few points on the table something like that would only presumably increase relative to a more apt coach once the roster improves. But that’s just my evaluation
  15. True re: the “penalty” but he did re-sign him IIRC
  16. Early returns say this remains an odd asset to cash Mittelstadt in for
  17. It’s a good question. They probably decided on 5 years though
  18. Ok. And if Adams gets a 6th year after not making the playoffs once his first 5, I won’t be here for it haha. Im not mad about it, but ya gotta draw the line somewhere
  19. That doesn’t look like a man with a refreshing grasp of analytics to you?
  20. Here ya go, since ya love bleacher report so much @LGR4GM
  21. You *literally* edited your post after I responded to include that (as evidenced by the fact it is absent from my post that quotes yours) and then responded by saying you already told me lol come on dude you are so anti-good faith You can’t even seem to grasp the argument we are having: OF COURSE the opinion that Murray “raided the cupboards” (it didn’t even say empty) is EVEYWHERE. My *entire point* is that it’s a false, oft regurgitated narrative. It’s shallow and wrong. And everywhere. That’s a key part of my stance. you share it, and all you are doing is quoting some random bleacher report (lol!) article that states your opinion. You aren’t adding anything to the argument! Yes, I get that person is saying what you are. It doesn’t make it true. I’ve provided the data (as have others) that illustrate why we have a different take. You can choose to do so, or you can simply continue to do nothing to actually defend your opinion
  22. Who is this person? Do they have a sabrespace account? Would they like to have an argument with me? I’d be open to it a screenshotted, random opinion online saying the same thing as you doesn’t contribute anything. It’s just a replication of your opinion. I could screenshot literally any argument I wanted to. Seriously, pick one. Pick the most absurd take you can think of and I’ll find you a screenshot. What you posted isn’t even a take it’s just someone trying to write interestingly for an article lol “he traded some picks but they still have a lot coming” you got me haha
  23. Well, you’ve turned my “this likely means Adams is on the hot seat for 24-25” into “this might mean Adams is NOT on the hot seat, as he would have been had Granato stayed, for 24-25” so cool beans.
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