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  1. I was not suggesting we buy them a gift, more a show of appreciation (outside the arena, or something). Several members of the current team are part of the long term future, a few members are the short term leadership of the team. And the ownership/GM is the ones who should be lucky the fans still show up. It is not the players fault that the team was designed to fail. But perhaps I am alone in thinking the team deserved some respect for the situation the GM and fans are putting them in.
  2. I feel like every article I read about the Sabres lately has a quote from the team or the coach complaining about the (pro-tanking) fans who cheer against the Sabres. I understand how that can be trying on the players, and I think some of them are taking the booing personally. Although, I do not live in Buffalo anymore, so I have no ability to assist in an endeavor, I was wondering if any of the locals thought it would be appropriate to attempt something to show appreciation to the players/coaches at the end of the season, as I would think the pro-tanking crowd would admit they aren't rooting against (most of) the players, but rooting for a loss. I remember after the 98-99 season, despite loosing the cup there were thousands of fan outside MMA (later HSBC Arena, currently FNA) chanting and cheering for the Sabres despite the loss. I feel that this season has likely been extraordinarily stressful on the players, between the losses and the fans cheering the other team that some kind of public event showing appreciation and loyalty would be nice. To take a look outside the NHL, I have notice that many NBA players are hesitant to play for the Knicks, and I think the reason why is that Knicks fans will turn on you as soon as the team is playing poorly, I know the Sabres fans are booing/cheering for different reasons, but I don't think it is anyone's intent to tarnish the Sabre's image (and prevent that next free agent from wanting to sign with Buffalo. Thoughts? Comments? Anyone willing to take on attempting to plan something? Or is something already in the works? I apologize for the poorly worded rantings of a fan, I would just hate for this season to be looked back on by players (current/future) as the reason why not to sign with Buffalo.
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