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stinky finger

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Everything posted by stinky finger

  1. I remember when sports were fun and simple.
  2. They're good? now? I don't even recognize their lineup.
  3. Looked like a mouth guard
  4. Hand bags and glad rags
  5. Gotta be playoffs, right? Get your foot in the door.
  6. No idea. I get up there occasionally and walk the shops. Didn't remember coming across it. I'll me my eyes open next time. Love that area.
  7. Get some rest
  8. Not a fan of DD. Though I'll have a dunkachino occasionally.
  9. Downtown near the green or closer to Rte 9?
  10. French press = fake coffee ? Well....coffee is a diuretic.
  11. It seems you never really gave it a shot.
  12. How could you nap with all that caffeine coursing through your veins?
  13. Large hot coffee from Cumberland Farms with cream. Best coffee I can find. .99 cents to boot. Love it.
  14. Yes! I see you. You're the guy with a face, right?
  15. I will. I Will. I swear i will!! WAIT - How's a handshake?
  16. Absolutely agree. Of course this come from behind model isn't sustainable. Gotta start somewhere, somehow. This is just how it's happening thus far. Where I disagree? The culture change is in motion - now.
  17. Culture change is real. They ARE learning to win making anything else unacceptable. This team has accepted failure in these previous years. This unit will not accept loss. They have learned that they are never out of it. No offense.
  18. Terrific summary. Thanks for taking the time. Your 3rd point is most true. While this streak is vastly exciting, if not unlikely, it is not sustainable. We all realize this team isn't complete. JBotts has work to do but has the makings and assets to improve the roster. What's most important - in my very untrained eyes - is this team is learning to win. Culture change well underway. So very promising.
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