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stinky finger

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Everything posted by stinky finger

  1. Come on Fonzi. Say it......"I was wro, wro, wro....I was wro....I was wro.....NG!"
  2. This guy looks famliar.
  3. Ditto - you just saved me a few key strokes.
  4. Oh man....haven't thought about this in like forever. My dad taking me and my 3 brothers to the HOF. I was 10 (49 years ago). Luce and Gainey were there signing autographs. Good times. Glad you brought that up.
  5. "I know Noth-ing" "...Just a little more to the reich..."
  6. I'd rather him there than Beantown
  7. Swing for the fences
  8. Jack really got his ugly on tonight.
  9. I'm not one for small talk,
  10. Easy - not Jack
  11. My money is on Reinhart to have his name etched before Jack.
  12. Yeah - go FLA. I'm not crazy about any of the final 4 but I owe a debt of gratitude to the Panthers for beating Boston.
  13. Know joy No pain
  14. Sign me up for for a pure defensive player. We have room at the inn....
  15. Even if they bad -mouthed Buffalo, does anyone really think the vetting begins and ends there? Not me. I think these guys know a good opportunity when they see one. Their agents do too. I believe these players are more savvy and have a real time awareness. Now, I'm not saying they're lining up to come here, but I do think we'll land good quality players this summer and moving forward.
  16. So much for Devils winning the cup.
  17. Pork chop, eh? Was he the other white kid?
  18. I have 66 pts currently. Possible 341. I have Devils or Oilers in final.
  19. As we reset: I got NJ and FLA advancing.
  20. His analysis is fine.....but please, keep your limbs inside the vehicle. Stay seated. I'm a curmudgeon.
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