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I can't seem to get through to the guy that I have to ask....Chad Hornbaker at 1-701-825-5999....prompts won't let me continue....I hate those things.
There is probably a law banning waterfowl trade. I will look it up because we harvest Wood Ducks. I shot 1 and buddy shot the other on Halloween one year. 85 % or more of the marsh frozen and 2 female woodies check out the dekes. That was a top 10 hunt for my lifetime. Mallards landing in dekes before we pushed the boat into the sparse reeds. Flocks of 2 to 400 landing in our dekes with crops full of barley. I don't own a semi-autoloader and don't think i would. I've seen too many go down in the marsh. I own two Model 37s and an 870 Wingmaster. Also, I bought a Model 12 Winchester last year that I have yet to fire. I have to bore the barrel to accept steel shot. I am a machinist so I bore them to whatever I think is right. This is usually about 0.003" smaller than a modified choke. The Ithica has 4 inches cut off the standard 30 inch barrel and modified to accept screw in chokes. I keep it in the boat for a backup or if geese are coming and I have time to put in bigger loads like BB's. I live less than 15 minutes north of Winnipeg. We typically hunt in the Netley and Delta Marshes but if you look at a map of Manitoba, you will see all the water between Lake Manitoba and Lake Winnipeg. This is heaven for duck hunters and sportsmen in general. A typical 5 day hunt ($500.00 USD per person per day) is $2500.00 USD. This is based on 2 hunters per guide. A day would start with you being picked up at your room/cabin/motel around 4:15 am by your guide. You are transported to hunting area and guide has all gear. After limits ( we usually stay until filled) you are transported to room and lunch would follow. I suggest this meal being the biggest of the 3 because the last of the day could be late and you are getting up early in the mornings. You then have the option of fishing, field hunting for geese, grouse hunting or kicking back and resting up for the next day's hunt. 8 ducks a day, 8 Canada geese a day, 6 each of spruce and ruffed and sharptail (some areas 4 a day) grouse a day. 20 Snow geese a day but we don't usually hunt them a lot as they fly more to the west part of the province and are VERY fickle and hard to pattern. Brekky wold be toast and coffee or cereal or something light which will be in your room and prepared by the client. Mid-day meals and last meal of the day are prepared by us. No alcohol supplied by outfitter. We have awesome field hunting for geese here as well as the Oak Hammock Wildlife Management area is one of the biggest staging areas for geese in all of North America. We hunt barley and wheat fields over decoys and we usually hunt out of layout blinds. Bird processing is extra. Clients are responsible for their proper licenses, shotshells, raingear, camo clothing, etc... All fishing gear (not including licenses) are supplied. HUGE walleye in the river at this ti me of year and there is always MONSTER catfish int he river. Manitoba does not go by weight in measuring fish but length. 28 inches is a master angler Walleye and 34 is the minimum length for Channel Catfish. Fall is not prime time for cats but you can still get them with frogs. Numerous walleye are taken in the fall and local's ears don't really perk up until we hear of a 15+ pounder or 32+ incher. All-time record for Manitoba walleye....we fish the Red River. https://anglers.travelmanitoba.com/master_angler_search.asp?fish_id=2600&lake_id=&angler_fname=&angler_lname=&angler_id=&caught_method=&fmon=&fday=&fyear=&tmon=&tday=&tyear=&organize=species&sortby=size&report=advanced&advanced=1&d=search#results I think this will show you all master angler walleye caught on the Red River. Fall is the best time of year, not counting ice fishing. https://anglers.travelmanitoba.com/master_angler_search.asp?fish_id=2600&lake_id=Red+River&angler_fname=&angler_lname=&angler_id=&caught_method=&fmon=01&fday=01&fyear=1991&tmon=12&tday=31&tyear=2012&organize=species&sortby=size&report=advanced&advanced=1&d=search#results If you are more interested in numbers and eater size fish, June is the time of year where we catch 80+ a boat per day and big smallmouth bass are in that region ( an hour away), too. This is 3 hours north of Winnipeg in the Canadian shield region of the province. We boated 128 smallmouth with many over 17 inches and 84 walleye on a 2 1/2 day trip this past June. 1 1/2 days of bass fishing and then we moved an hour closer to home and hammered the walleye. this year's guide http://www.winnipegtrapandskeet.com/docs/2015huntingguide.pdf I hope this answers most questions. If you have more, don't hesitate to ask. forgot seasons for waterfowl run from September 24 to November 30.
Ya, I do. Location, with who, how many and what kind of birds (ducks, geese), how many the dog retrieved, am or pm, wind direction and strength, date, etc... The retriever I have now is at 585 and I lost his first year of retrieves.....about 44. All water retrieves, none on land are counted, not even the grouse. Like I say, anyone from the site comes out, 20% off. World-class walleye fishing and grouse hunting while waterfowl season is on too.
Come on down, I'll give you a discount for being a loyal Sabres' fan. Prolly going out for a shoot tomorrow or Monday to see what kinda ducks (hoping for BW teal) are around. We have EXCELLENT walleye and catfishing here as well. Here's Erin's first ever fish....34 1/2 Channel Cat. A master angler award was to follow. A fun day with a buddy and his son... My dog's last hunt....retired him with 1723 water retrieves.
If anyone on the site is a duck hunter, come on down. Liberal limits and birds are everywhere. 8 ducks a day and 8 Canadas a day. quack quack Here is a 90 minutes limit for 3 guys.
Well, maybe because the puck is in his end more? Trouba clears the zone exponentially better than Bogo and has just as mean a streak.
ummmmmmmmm, did you see where he last played hockey?
I give all new players a clean slate. Myers was consistent for the time he was here last season. Ask me again around the All Star Break and I will give you my honest opinion on his game. I think he will do well in Maurice's system. I've heard nothing but bad things about Staf from 98% of the posters on here and he played very well, in my opinion. Sometimes a change is good for an athlete. The players going your way are carrying baggage as well but they too should be given a clean slate.
I know Myers isn't about to win the Norris, I was mentioning it in context to how he played against Ovie. Maurice has a system here that Myers took to immediately. Myers for Bogo is not a wash. Think what you will but if you believe that, I have some swamp land up by Lake Winnipeg I can sell you.......actually took a drive by there today, lotsa ducks. quack quack
A healthy Bogo would have helped any team in the playoffs, I'm not disputing that. Even if he has never played an NHL playoff game. Where was he going to play with Buff, Trouba and Myers already playing the RHD psoition? The Jets still lose the series 4-0 with Bogo in the lineup. The Jets lost in the playoffs for the simple reason that the Ducks were the better team. Period. Also, you should watch Trouba play before making uninformed opinions of him. The guy is a big strong D man with as mean a streak as Bogo. Clears the puck smarter and adds way more to the O than Bogo ever will. Plays over 23 minutes a game in his 2nd year in the league. Easily the most important player in all the Jets' organization.
I guess Chevy couldn't foresee Trouba breaking a bone and Buff cracking a rib!!!!! Bogo is a punishing D man with above average skating ability. Has a good shot from the point and can play PK. He has good offensive acumen and can eat 22-25 minutes a game.
A bit much if you ask me.....7.5m for two years is much more reasonable.
+40 goal scorer if he reaches potential and probably 3-4 fights thrown in there too. You guys will love his style of play. He only has one speed and plays old-time hockey. What I personally, liked about Kane was that he would take no prisoners. If you were not a Jet, you were the enemy. He sticks up for his team mates without hesitation. Give him a dirty hit or stick and you paid the price. His speed is world class and he forechecks like a pitbull. He has an NHL shot and loves to use it.
I'll bet anyone that Kasdorf doesn't start 10 NHL games for the Sabres. A goalie in that league with a .902 sv% does not look promising. All due respect immerman... I will take what Paul Maurice says about him and he says he played Myers with Braydon Coburn in a shut down role at the worlds and was very happy with him. He shut down Ovie last year like he was a Norris candidate. Myers will be the 2nd RHD on this team for a long time and will play very well in the system. Our problem is finding a 1LHD to play with Trouba. I would be ecstatic if they moved Buff to LHD and it clicked for them. Myers with Enstrom is a good pairing. sidenote: not kissing azz or anything but I was/am surprised by the knowledgeable posters on here. It is the first forum other than the Jets I have ever visited and I was probably biased or prejudiced about American's knowledge of hockey. The way most flip flopped on this trade at the beginning few days added to this judgement; however, after being on here for a half year or so I have to come to realize that many of you are more knowledgeable than me (not hard) about the game and some are not as knowledgeable. Same as the Jets' forums I frequent. You even have an intruder that roots for a different team (me). You guys have a team for the future and I am glad to see it. It's about time you guys quit suffering. I know all about it. If you don't believe me, google our local CFL team. effin pathetic. Anyway, I like visiting here as there is less infighting and whining than most sites I visit. I was warmly welcomed, and enjoy the banter as well. I hope to beat you guys in OT of the 7th game for the cup in a couple of years. (Staf gets the goal...) jk
Kane forechecks like nobody in the league. He hits everything in the other uniform. He likes the fisticuffs and will stick up for his team mates. He will play through as much pain as the doctor will let him. He has a great shot and loves to shoot. He will probably be your fastest skater. A true goal scorer. Kane plays an old school brand of hockey that isn't seen very often any more. VERY dangerous on the PK.
I am guessing your opinion on the trade has changed? The AHL coach says he is inconsistent but otherwise raved about him.... won't make/stay with the team long if that is true. Room on the roster for a couple of forwards and 1 D man (Morrissey if he makes it). I see you are a Nordiques fan. I hope you guys get a team back because there should be one waaaaay before Miami, Phoenix, Las Vegas, etc...
He played just under 25 minutes a game last year and Maurice played him in a shut down role when he had him for Team Canada. This is what the The Hockey News has to say about him... "Is incredibly big and lanky, but also a very good skater for his size. Can play in all game situations and also boasts very good offensive upside. Can also be a big-minute shutdown defender."
Now that i think of it, Comrie won't have to be protected, will he? Also, I would sooner protect Hutch than Pavs. Pavs is not our future, this is a for sure. We can't say that about Hutch yet. I think Staf will do well for the next two years. Armia starts in the AHL but is the first call up in case of injury. Lemieux goes back to the Colts (although some people in these parts see him starting with the Jets this year!!!!!!!!!!). Myers will get his 24 minutes a game and be a big minute shut down defender. Absolutley shut Ovie right down at end of year last season.
All the best to him... The Portage Terriers always dueled the Selkirk Steelers when I was younger (early to mid 70s) and I was a Steeler's fan so, I grew up hating the Terriers ALMOST as much as the Bruins. There honestly wasn't much room for him with the 2 goalies we have and the 2 we have on the farm. I full expect Hellebuyck to be the starter in 2 to 2 1/2 years with Comrie or Hutchinson backing him up. It depends which one we lose in the expansion draft.