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Everything posted by jsb

  1. Not sure how I missed The Wire when it was originally on but because of the bolded I started binging on it this weekend. I'm about 1/2 way thru the first season, I'm hooked. I hope it stays good. Yeah that may not sound like much of a binge but I also binged the first season on Ozark this weekend, I'm binged out.
  2. I get the bolded because I've only read 2 books that I also enjoyed the movie but let it go, we get it, you don't like it. The most disappointing part to me although a bit of me is glad he's not dead is how in the world did Jaime not die??? Really, heavy armor, deeeeep water and Bronn drags him underwater across the whole dang lake/pond and in 3 deep breadths he's back to normal??? I don't remember Melisandre being at the battle and bringing him back to life. That was my GTFOH moment and yes I realize it's a show with dragons so it's not supposed to be realistic. Is Jaime not only called the King Slayer but is he inching toward being the Queen Slayer also. He didn't look to thrilled with Cersei's threat to me.
  3. And if you don't believe it....... Just ask her!!!
  4. Looking at this, there's a video of 2 horses and the dragon trying to take out Jaime, Bronn wasn't on a horse so I will assume it was Dickon who jumped in to save him.
  5. An interesting read on this particular episode and GOT as a whole https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/act-four/wp/2017/08/06/game-of-thrones-season-7-episode-4-review-the-spoils-of-war/?utm_term=.5c2be966520a
  6. Fair question, I just wonder if playing 3 of your top 6 scorers 15 minutes a night is adequate to keep 2 of the 3 very happy. Especially with the same 2 on contract years.
  7. IMPO, you're wasting Kane putting him with those 2 slowpokes. I also don't think Pommers can last the whole season playing heavy minutes with those 2, otherwise you're not getting the ultimate advantage of putting Evander and Samson together by playing them 3rd line minutes.
  8. Well I think I thought of one, the Hound, I thought Brienne killed him. I could be wrong but I remember the scene being stopped but not with the expectation that they both or one died. It kind of left you with the idea they were in deep trouble.
  9. Well, Tywin Lannister didn't expect to die on the throne, Ramsay Bolton didn't think his dogs would eat him, Robb Stark wasn't expecting his demise at the Red Wedding and Ned Stark was expecting to be let go. It wouldn't be the first surprise death on this show. Dickon saved him earlier, I'm not sure who saved him from the dragon though. Jaime had that look of "it's over, I'm done". I can't remember anyone being saved to come back at the next episode on this show before.
  10. Top 3 I would think Brienne-Arya scene was way too awesome, they just became best buds. The "No one" line was super sweet too. Bronn or someone might have saved him from Dragon fire but with heavy armor, deeeeep water and one hand, my bet is Jaime wasn't ultimately saved by anyone. Jaime's fate just opened up the gates for Euron to step in.
  11. Which one???
  12. https://twitter.com/NHLNetwork/status/892399551708975104 A little tidbit from Weekes on NHL Network
  13. http://thehockeywriters.com/10-nhl-teams-trending-up-for-2017-18/ 10 Up and coming teams in 2017-18 Season
  14. I worked there from 71' thru 77', open hearth, strip mill, coke ovens, bricklayer helper. I was laid off for about a year in 76 thru the beginning of 77. Don't remember the exact dates but I was laid off during the blizzard of 77', came back to work for awhile and was laid off for good, I think in October. I still have the brass coin that designated your employee number and allowed you to get in the gate. At its peak it had 20,000 employees there
  15. That's a fair deal, he gets a 27% raise for a decent year but it's a 1 year deal to prove if he's really a #1 or not
  16. Sabres....... 1st level Jack ROR 2nd level- overpaid but valuable Risto Okposo Kane 3rd level-young but haven't proven anything Mittelstadt Nylander Reinhart 4th level Everybody else including Scandella who needs to prove he's back from injury and can really handle 1st or 2nd line minutes. I think he can and will but we'll see. Minnesota didn't think that highly of him if all they received back is Foligno and an over-injured Ennis plus we took back salary to help them out.
  17. I could see where Pegula was giving full reign to his Hockey Front Office and them bumbling their way out of jobs. If the tank years had worked out to where we received Ekblad and McDavid it would have helped solve our D issue and also getting a real generational player. Eichel is one hell of a player but he's not Connor. I'm still teeter tottering on Samson. Then last year happened and it became apparent that the patients had taken over the asylum. He stepped in to straighten things out. So far it looks like he did a nice job stepping in. Nolan I'm sure had his feelings hurt by both the standoffish attitude of FGMTM and not feeling appreciated plus feeling like they were blaming him. Fact probably is they should have treated him better but fact also is that his time as a high end hockey coach in the NHL is long over. He should have just kept his mouth shut.
  18. Doing your aunt isn't incesty??? Well I guess they are in Southern Westeros huh???
  19. That's a bit incesty isn't it??? So you predict they are going to go Lannister???
  20. Your dead on with the Ramsey idea After last night, I guess he wasn't boasting. Hard to tell but I don't think that was Yara hanging from the ship's bow at the end. If it's not she and Ellaria appear to be the proof Cersei needs as hostages. Whenever I think I have this story figured they kill off some of the main/minor protagonists to put a different twist on things. Theon the weenieless weenie. He has to hero up somewhere down the line. It would have been nice of Euron to have waited a little bit to give some flavor to that Yara-Ellaria tryst also.
  21. They have their Pegula now, I don't think it will happen that way and their minor league system is stacked WOW, talking smack while the Indians are 13 games behind them now. I'm expecting the Indians to make a bit of a comeback but the Astros currently have the 4th best run differential at this point of the season EVER. Just think they've done this with 4 of their projected starting pitching staff out on IR the majority of the last month and they should all be back possibly by the end of this month. They lead MLB in BA, hits, 2Bs, HRs, OBP, Slugging and have a higher team OPS than the 27 Yankees and have scored 50 more runs than the 2nd place team in the AL!!! Plus with all their perceived pitching woes they are 3rd in the AL with a .015 ERA higher than the #1 team. This team is truly special and if you are a baseball fan you need to see them whenever they're on a national broadcast.
  22. It won't matter in the AL the Astros are going to rule there for awhile.
  23. Hammy Math??? I'd like to see him just bust out this year and get 90+ points. Having said that being burdened with not only the pre-ordained GM role, Captain and leading scorer can he properly manage all those responsibilities without it affecting his play??? I'm guessing he'll be primed to shake off all the naysayers and critics and be in tip top condition to prove himself as the true leader of this team.
  24. Doohickski???
  25. STRONG statements.......... weak backbone :P
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