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Everything posted by eman

  1. I do agree, McDavid didn't look overly thrilled. I have not seen enough of Jack but I trust Central Scouting and I will be overly thrilled if Jack becomes the player he seems destined to be. Best of luck Jack, i for one, wish you the greatest success here in Western New York and I will be rooting for you! Perhaps good to have an American on a U.S based club.
  2. And this is why you don't tank. Jack Eichel had better be the next Modano. You are never guaranteed the #1pick. NEVER!!!!!!!!!! By the way, when is Mike Babcock coming again? Yes the Sabres have loads of young talent but I do feel this "rebuild" will now take considerably longer then expected. In Jack we trust!!!! I still do not believe Babcock sets foot in Buffalo so start looking for another coach whose last name isn't Bylsma. Calling Luke Richardson! I hope this all pans out Sabre fans or we are in for years of more pain. Not my way of building but I am no GM. I prefer the Habs, Wings, Bruins way of building.
  3. I make no secret I love Ted Nolan as a head coach and was thoroughly disappointed he was not given the chance to mold the team with young talent after being a good soldier the past 2 seasons. I will most definitely give Tim Murray the benefit of the doubt for the next 2 seasons as he has to basically rebuild this thing and it is not an easy job. I am desperate to see good hockey in Buffalo once again and if Tim can accomplish this then my hat is off to him and I credit him for making the hard decisions. It is in his hands now. I agree with other posters on these blogs that since T-Pegs and all his money came to Buffalo, we have been promised "Hockey Heaven" and so far, it has been the complete opposite. I give myself 2 more seasons of hopefully seeing serious improvement in this club before I consider other ways to spend my winter time and money. The organization has what it supposedly wanted and now it is time for them to get it right. I'm not expecting Stanley Cups even. Just strong playoff appearances which may lead to it. No blaming anyone but Tim now if this derails.
  4. Well, Tim went and did it. Ted is gone. I personally feel it was a classless move and we'll see if Don Cherry is right. Karma is a bitch. We'll see what footprint this club has now under Murray's leadership. Can't blame Ted now. I just don't want to see Bylsma, Carlyle or Ron Wilson behind this bench. If it is Luke Richardson, I hope he shoves my doubts up my @$$. I have to say, I am worried about this club if the man behind the becnh IS NOT BABCOCK! Going to be a hot summer in Western New York!
  5. Karma is a bitch Murray. It would serve you right if you didn't get the number one pick and had Eichel instead. (and lets be honest, McDavid is who we want) Then ask yourself, does Babcock come with Eichel in tow and not McDavid? Karma is a bitch if Babcock doesn't end up here either. Now it will get very interesting to see who coaches this club. This could go south in a hurry sportsfans. What looked so promising at one point may turn out completely different. Going to be one hell of a summer in Western New York. Sure there is a load of talented youngsters in Buffalo's future. Hopw we get "the right coach" for them now. This rebuild gets seriously slower if there is no McDavid and no Babcock. You heard it here first. If it is Luke Richardson (whom I liked as a player) I wish him all the best and hope he shoves it right up my @$$! I have to say, if we don't get McDavid, I will start to worry.
  6. Babcock can and will write his own ticket. Lets not forget, we may not get McDavid, it may be Eichel. Personally, from what I saw at the World Junior's, I want McDavid. If we end up with Eichel, i hope to God he is the next coming of Mike Modano. Let us also not forget. Toronto will be wanting Babcock also and money is no objective there. Do not think he won't consider Toronto over Buffalo and with Brendan Shanahan there he may just go there. What do we do then? Dan Bylsma? No way, he inherited a Michel Therrien team and then couldn't do anything after that with Malkin and Crosby. Luke Richardson? What??????? Just because he was in GMTM's previous organization and he will be the new Bowman? (who failed here by the way) This year's Sabres with the high shots on goal and poor defense etc. etc. was not a true Ted Nolan club. We all know why they were the way they were this season. MCEICHEL!!!!!!!!! You don't trade away what this club did to not get MCEICHEL. I don't want Ron Wilson or even Randy Carlyle either, not good with youthful teams. Were any of you Ted naysayers when he appeared here with Patty LaFontaine in tow? Patty left because he was NOT ON BOARD with the tank scenario. He likes to build it like the Habs, Wings and Bruins so he was out. He didn't want to alienate the fan base and bastardize (for lack of a better word) the thought process when Sabres fans actually start cheering for the opposition. That is seriously messed up when you think about it. If we don't get McDavid and Eichel isn't "the second coming" he was hyped up to be, we are in a load of trouble sports fans. So here's hoping the hockey God's are smiling on the Sabres on Draft day. As for Babcock being a definite. I am really not holding my breath on that one. I think we may be in for a surprise as far as that goes. Seriously though, getting off topic again: Does anyone out there see Miller choking in the playoffs again this year? I can see it.
  7. I also believe that there is no way in hell we'll also get Mike Babcock so I would forget about that scenario. I know T-Pegs has the cash and we will have either MCDAVID OR EICHEL next season but to think we will get a franchise player and Hall of Fame head coach in the same season is serious dreaming. You can dream big and if this should somehow happen then we will have gone from outhouse to penthouse in a very short period of time. I am willling to give Ted the shot with young talent and let the chips fall where they may from that point. Not saying the Sabres won't go after Babcock but so will pretty much everyone else so he can make his own choice as to what is more dear to him. (location? the challenge? what his family would prefer? etc...) I'm not sure why there is this much anti-Ted sentiment on this question? Do you not remember the previous team he coached? We had little to no talent (but we did have a goaltender!!) and that was some of the most exciting Sabres hockey in quite some time. You knew you were going to see a strong effort and everyone was going to have each others backs. I loved those teams. Ted is good with the youngsters. Sometimes you have to be tough for them to develop into character players. Now that the McDavid/Eichel situation has been decided I expect to see this type of club play tonight against Pitt as the tank is officially over. I believe tonight's effort will be strong against a Pitt team that needs this game. We shall see. All I'm saying is, give Ted one to 2 more seasons to see the real Nolan team. I think we'll all enjoy hockey in Western New York once again. (and it has been a long time coming) On a not related topic, anyone expecting Miller to fail miserably in the playoffs with Vancouver this season besides me? I'm expecting it again big time!
  8. You are G-Damn right I want Ted to coach the Sabres next season. Have you forgotten that 10 game stretch where this club played with Nolan-like effort and suddenly started to jolt up the standings? Don't fool yourself, this club was then told to 'stand down" to get the main prize at season's end. That hard working team for that stretch is a Ted Nolan team. That is the team that I love and it had no McDavid. Give Ted the chance to work with this young group as he has suffered greatly as well, for "the sake of the organization". Do you honestly think you saw a true Ted Nolan coached club this past season and a half? Really? The man's reputation has suffered also because of this and I think he damn well deserves a shot at coaching some young talented players.Did Ted trade away 2 starting goaltenders and some vets? The tank was on folks and Ted had to tow the company line. You will see a hard working young talented club that will go through the wall for their coach if he is given the chance. At least give him that much. He has damn well deserved it and feel free to make me eat it if I am wrong on this. The man is a very good coach. The NHL most definitely needs to readdress the draft and how picks are decided. It totally screws with fan bases and mentality on how to build a winner. I actually prefer the way Montreal does it. Try and do the best you can on draft day but always field a competitive club. No tanking. Now that being said, I absolutely welcome McDavid or Eichel as we have no where to go but up and have suffered greatly these past 3 seasons. Just give ted the chance with some talent. I'll take the heat if I am wrong on this point.
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