Babcock can and will write his own ticket. Lets not forget, we may not get McDavid, it may be Eichel. Personally, from what I saw at the World Junior's, I want McDavid. If we end up with Eichel, i hope to God he is the next coming of Mike Modano. Let us also not forget. Toronto will be wanting Babcock also and money is no objective there. Do not think he won't consider Toronto over Buffalo and with Brendan Shanahan there he may just go there. What do we do then? Dan Bylsma? No way, he inherited a Michel Therrien team and then couldn't do anything after that with Malkin and Crosby. Luke Richardson? What??????? Just because he was in GMTM's previous organization and he will be the new Bowman? (who failed here by the way) This year's Sabres with the high shots on goal and poor defense etc. etc. was not a true Ted Nolan club. We all know why they were the way they were this season. MCEICHEL!!!!!!!!! You don't trade away what this club did to not get MCEICHEL.
I don't want Ron Wilson or even Randy Carlyle either, not good with youthful teams. Were any of you Ted naysayers when he appeared here with Patty LaFontaine in tow? Patty left because he was NOT ON BOARD with the tank scenario. He likes to build it like the Habs, Wings and Bruins so he was out. He didn't want to alienate the fan base and bastardize (for lack of a better word) the thought process when Sabres fans actually start cheering for the opposition. That is seriously messed up when you think about it.
If we don't get McDavid and Eichel isn't "the second coming" he was hyped up to be, we are in a load of trouble sports fans. So here's hoping the hockey God's are smiling on the Sabres on Draft day. As for Babcock being a definite. I am really not holding my breath on that one. I think we may be in for a surprise as far as that goes.
Seriously though, getting off topic again: Does anyone out there see Miller choking in the playoffs again this year? I can see it.