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Everything posted by eman

  1. I concur. Another bad start, (with essentially, a different lineup) The road trip will determine what this team is truly made of. Starting with Arizona. They smoke that one you'll have your answer. Play well on it and get some team bonding going and maybe, just maybe, there is a sign of promise. Tonight's effort disappointed me. Hutton actually saved it from being a complete washout.
  2. Because it is. If they get blasted by the Rangers Saturday you'll have your answer. All I'm seeing is excuses from posters here. Many years of excuses, 'we lack talent", they haven't gelled yet because too many new faces", "too many young guys haven't caught up to the NHL level yet". There is some decent talent on this squad. It lies in the coach, honestly. People don't want to believe that because "how can a club screw up coaching hires so many times"? This management/ownership group has. Again, we'll all see it soon enough. No excuses against NYR. If they aren't prepared to start that game with a solid effort, it's on the coach. Here's hoping they come out flying!
  3. I know, I sound like a broken record player. This lack of effort and floating through games at times, especially when down by a goal is completely unacceptable and we have seen it way too much in recent seasons. I don't mind if they get beat but put in a good effort. That's the game. But not what happened last night.....again, in a home opener. I'm sure the players mean it when they say Phil works them hard. But does he have what it takes to discipline these guys by demoting them down the lineup and maybe even sitting some of their rear ends when they put in the lacklustre effort? This is what Babcock does well. Ron Hainsey is already on notice for his performance in their opener and Babs respects the vets. Sometimes you have to do the hard stuff. They knew from the start of this season that they had to start games much better and it was discussed. It still hasn't translated. I haven't posted all off season because I am in "wait and show me mode" now. No more blinded optimism and being positive only to have what's left of my heart ripped out as another piece left last night. Lack of effort is completely unacceptable to me now and we got it in spades during the opener. I feel really bad for Carter Hutton.
  4. Not sure how so many can have the blinders still on. You are seeing a Phil Housley coached club. While I believe there is more talent here than some claim. Phil is the reason the structure on ice is so poor. How many times do you see the same thing yet expect it to suddenly change soon? It is exactly what we've been seeing the past 2 seasons. Yes there is more speed and quick passing, but essentially, it looks exactly the same to me and remember, it's no longer preseason. You are going up against the starting lineups of better coached clubs so I expect identical results to last years team as long as Phil remains coach.
  5. Done like dinner. Feel free to call me out if I am wrong on this. Phil is not the right coach.
  6. Exactly, get it done, or Phil is done. I don;t care to give him much more time. There is more talent here than some give credit for. Unfortunately, where we fall short is finding a talented coach.
  7. Phil will get out of this soon. I do expect him to be ####canned before Christmas and rightfully so. Even if your talent is poor, to come out of the gate unprepared, with a complete lack of emotion, in a home opener and have your club look completely disinterested, that's on the coach. I said all along he was the problem and that we'll know it soon enough. Phil is the problem as a head coach. Bring in someone a whole lot tougher on his players. Cannot stand the lack of effort part of this club.
  8. Hate to say it, but I'm expecting an old fashioned Pitt beat down. 2-4 coming right up under coach Phil, but hey, they only won 1 pre-season game under him last year! So there is improvement. Not sure what to make of this club so far (I know it's early but I just remember the pre-season from last year extending right into the regular season) Hope this is not the case this season. By the way, Lehner seems reborn on the Island! Good for him!
  9. Well it's a big chance for Phil to start and right the ship. I just want to see stronger efforts from the roster. For some reason, they took a bunch of games off. You could see it. There was just no effort on many a night. I know they may have a talent shortfall but some of the efforts were embarrassing. If Phil gets rid of that next season than maybe he sticks around for a while.
  10. ! We missed out on Sergachev. I do hope Botterill is much much better at drafting. It will take at least a couple seasons but the on ice effort has got to be much better than this season. This team took way too many nights off for whatever reason.
  11. remains to be seen. What pick was Alex Nylander? I'm not impressed with him at all. We got the wrong Nylander also.
  12. Basically that's what I'm saying. Don't think because he signed for 8 years he would be staying for the entire duration. If things stay crappy here, he'll want out soon enough and it very well could happen. others seem to believe that just isn't the case. It's my main worry.
  13. I know O'Reilly brings value but I do hate to lose him. Great face off man and it really is an important part of the possession game. (not that the Sabres were any good at that part this past season) but a good face off guy is hard to come by.
  14. Signed means nothing when his agent approaches the GM and requests a trade. Maybe not in the next year or 2, but if we are still bottom feeders after that, expect to "hear things" and "read things" in the media indicating a Sabre player is making noise that he wants out. Other teams may just be willing to cough up for a player of Jack's calibre. Maybe the Sabres eat a part of the contract to move a disgruntled star. It's happened. Anyhow, I don;t want to see that happen. I want Jack here for some good times and some success. Right now, we are watching a star being wasted.
  15. I hope you're right because that's the standard I am holding JBot to. I want to see at least a 20 point improvement at the very least (unless they go through a rash of injuries that decimates the club) Anything less and I don't think he's the guy either.
  16. Totally agreed. I am still excited about Dahlin as I would really love to see how good this kid is and maybe he rejuvenates Risto who I certainly don't want to give up on yet (although his regression this season really worries me). Other than that, from November on I felt very little regarding this team as I knew it was more of the same by then. Tough past 7 years to be sure.
  17. Agreed. and this upcoming season will test how good they are or aren't. Both clubs need to show improvement or I fear they may be the wrong choices again. I'm not expecting championships right away or even a playoff spot (for the Sabres) but there had better be a remarkable turnaround in effort on most nights for the Sabres and a definite improvement in overall points) The Bills need to make the playoffs and let the chips fall where they may after that.
  18. Sadly, we have become those early 80's Leaf clubs that we used to make fun of. (and our point totals are close to those clubs too) What bothers me most is that we have a bonafide star in Jack Eichel and 3 years have gone by and not even a sniff of playoffs. His tolerance for this will get even less and eventually he'll want to be moved. You can guarantee it. Kind of like Tavares in Long Island. (you know he wants out of there!) I think with each passing season Jack's frustration gets worse.
  19. True enough. It's like the rebuild that just won't stop! I really do hope the Hockey Gods finally grant us Dahlin so we can really move forward. It's exhausting being a Sabres fan right now.
  20. Same here. I really used to look forward to going to games (and that was a long time ago) Now they're an embarrassment and more fans have to vote with their wallets. Not fearing that the team may move if we don't support them. If they continue this #### why would I want to spend hard earned money on them and why would I care if they did move? May as well give my cash to a charity.
  21. True enough (and I am sort of expecting this to happen) Everyone here is basing the upside to the fact we actually get Dahlin. What if we don't? Who do we take then and how much more does this set back another rebuild?
  22. Some would argue they became All Stars under coach Quenneville's coaching! He won Cups with Anti ######## Niemi as a starter and Corey Crawford (over rated in my opinion) I'll still take him over Phil or Dan or Ron. Quenneville sits in press boxes. Didn't see that with Phil (especially when it came to Kyle, ROR, Reinhart Kane etc. He sat some of our lesser players but not nearly enough, and there were many nights this season that this club went out on the ice and went through the motions. You don't tolerate that as a coach without repercussions and we saw it several times this year. What's strange about Reinhart is that he started to show something when Jack was out of the lineup, but regressed once Jack was back. Not sure why that is. Jack is Jack and is the sole true talent on this club and he's being wasted so far which is the real shame in all of this. I can't imagine how terrific Jack would be under a decent coach! So we're in agreement then that Phil isn't that guy?
  23. the sad part being, we have yet to see an improvement on those Sabre clubs of which you speak. That is what is truly disheartening.
  24. :w00t: :worthy: Absolutely, it is why those "successful" Sabre clubs got anywhere. He allowed them to over achieve. He was the best I have ever seen in a Sabres uniform or as a goaltender period.
  25. I enjoyed the Ted Nolan coached team (the year he won Coach of the Year and Hasek won MVP) They were short on talent (Hasek aside) but they played hard and were entertaining. (and tough) The 1999 team was terrific as well as the other Drury/Briere clubs. The past 7 seasons I have hated this team and on some of the nights, the complete lack of effort they display is disturbing. Can't really see this team even contending for a playoff spot for another 2, most likely 3 years. They are really going to have to turn over this roster.
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