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Everything posted by eman

  1. Absolutely every coach on this league has a "best before date", every coach. What I like about Quenneville is that he's tough (no way you can convince me Phil is) You make a huge screw up, you sit, keep screwing up, you get press box time. Babcock does this- he did it with Gardiner the other night is the same. The refs screwed you, you at least chew their ass out and maybe take a fine. It means also having your players back. As for assembling an "all-star roster" and coasting as a coach to get results, what makes anyone think here that we can actually get a roster the calibre of the Hawks or Caps etc? I already think we have some decent talent assembled here (not Hawks quality but certainly way better than the results are showing) This is why I continuously harp on coach Phil. 2nd season now with a horrid power play! The defense looks lost in the last 20 games....again! I'll take coach Q hands down.
  2. If Phil is still our coach, you can bet they'll surpass us.
  3. If they contact coach Q and he says yes on the phone, you have a better coach than Phil. No argument. The Hawks are old now and beat up from prolonged seasons of either winning the Cup or contending for one. This is why they are struggling now. They need to rebuild.
  4. The elderly knowledgeable one. Why can't we have one of those? Why can we no longer have nice things?
  5. I still believe if JBots got Quenneville now, that last wild card spot is still attainable and the defense tightens up under him. With Phil, no way, no how. This team is better than what we are seeing in the past 20 games. I think it is entirely coaching.
  6. 1-800-Joel!!! Now please!!! Lucic and Kassian kicking Sabre ass. Tiring.
  7. What I saw on that play (and it disturbs me a lot!) is that once the dman gave up the puck, both d just cruised back watching what McDavid was going to do on the breakaway. Hell, McDavid even bobbled the puck on his way in, looked back and realized he still had a ton of time. That's unacceptable! I don't think the d cruises with Quenneville as your head coach.
  8. I would be phoning Quenneville ASAP!!! I think he could give our defense some structure at least. They are awful. (and have been for some time) Young Dahlin and Risto would benefit I am betting. Nothing Phil has shown me so far indicates that he should remain. There is more talent here than some are giving credit. I still believe it's coaching that is lacking.
  9. and somewhere Joel Quenneville waits for the phone to ring.....................................
  10. Quenneville's still available................................just sayin' (again) You guys know by now I wouldn't mind that change. Inevitably, we'll see what JBots move is and how this club continues to move forward.
  11. and a red hot Robin Lehner!!! 35 stops vs. the Leafs tonight and shuts them out in Toronto!
  12. Joel Quenneville is still available.........................just sayin. Loads of young talent to work with here.
  13. Just ask Tie Domi!
  14. I'm going to say this now: Phil Housley, I was hard on you after initially being excited at your hiring. I have wanted your head on a platter at the end of the first 10 games of this season. I respectfully ask that you accept my humble apologies. Perhaps the combo of Jbots GM and Phil as coach has us moving in the right direction and I have never been happier to be so wrong about a coach. May you all grow together and continued success to all of you! Thank you for making Sabre hockey watchable once more! Signed: A long long suffering fan. This is so good to see.
  15. This set of opponents will show us truly where the Sabres are at. They are beating the teams we should be and that is a nice change for once! But this will be the test. I would be satisfied with a strong showing and competitive effort even if it doesn't materialize in that many points. A split would be fantastic. No slow starts please as you know who you're playing and no playing as if you're disinterested. If those things are eliminated than they may just surprise! Best of luck boys, I wish you all the best!
  16. While I may prefer Quenneville as coach, great to see some W's especially in front of the home crowd. Carter Hutton is the man!!! Casey made a sweet move and nice to see Jack get that one in the shootout. This game was so different from previous years (aside from the fact that it was winnable), only this time they did take 2 points! I hope this adds to the young guys confidence. Nice to see Casey get that one.
  17. well, nice work E-rod. I am ready for more heartbreak now. Huge kill Sabres, you can do this!
  18. Now get that damn extra point Sabres!!!! This game is so winnable!!! Canucks look tired!
  19. Quenneville please. TPegs, make it happen!
  20. I want Joel Quenneville for coach. There, I said it.
  21. I hear you on this one. I liked the hire originally as I like Phil. Then I despised him as I did believe (and still do to a lesser degree) that his system sucks. Anyhow, long story short, there is nothing I would like better then to be completely wrong about Phil. Nice to see the Sabres start this season much better then the past few. As I have said in other posts, I do believe there is decent talent on this club despite Phil, but it looks like they are starting to roll under him. Go Sabres! (and Coach Phil!)
  22. Boom. Totally agree. He'd be my pick also. Whatever happened to Paul MacLean? who coached the Ottawa Senators to some success with "The Hamburgler" in goal? I believe he would be a decent choice also.
  23. I agree with you on this. I believe this club has some decent talent and they do have speed (that part is noticeable this season) I think whatever the hell Phil's system is, it just doesn't work here. It seems completely unstructured. It seems to look exactly the same as last season even with what? 8 new players in the lineup? The shorties against, the bad PP, the horrific passing. We have some goaltending now but they will be burned out by mid season. The goaltending is the reason we already have 3 wins. It won't be enough.
  24. What Montreal does have is a coach! Julien is a very good coach and I wanted him for this team but we passed. He knows how to develop young players and as long as Price stays healthy, Montreal will make the playoffs. Boucher in Ottawa is another good coach. They have had nothing but a tumultuous off season, but they look like a decent competitive hockey club so far when everyone was predicting a tire fire in Ottawa. Armia looks like a player in Montreal. Bottom line is, as long as Phil is our coach, expect more of the same. He must go.
  25. Absolutely agree with you 100%. Another poor start to a game that put this team behind the 8 ball and they discussed this before the start of this season! Seems like a trend that is continuing and yes, their 2 wins were thanks to their goaltender, not all that impressive for this club. In my opinion, you can dismiss Phil at anytime, preferably, the sooner the better. Those among us expecting a huge turnaround at some point this season, I think you will be left wondering. Done by American Thanksgiving......again.
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