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Everything posted by eman

  1. It's amusing me now as well. Only because it has reached a new level of pathos that TPegs will have to address. He can't avoid it for too much longer as sports media is already picking at the Sabre carcass.
  2. That was a gimme and he completely blew it. I don't mind a complete gutting of this line up anymore. Yup, we'll have to wait a few more years before seeing any progress, but with this crew, that's not even a possibility. Need a new coach at the absolute very least. That was ridiculously brutal Montour. He hit Hart with the shot. Hart had no clue where the puck was.
  3. Watching some of the Nashville/Columbus first period now. Huge difference in effort, speed, passing, hitting etc. Both clubs playing hard. Like night and day between that game and this one. It also shows how far away this Sabre club is from achieving anything.
  4. At least with Gabby Boudreau, we'll have one hell of a regular season! (then most likely go out in the first round!) I'll still take Gallant. (and Babcock)
  5. Nope, I think Gallant can get way more out of this group. RK is brutal. Listen to his BS post game. You won't get answers like that from Gallant (or Torts, or Babcock) he holds his players accountable or they won't play or they get moved. Sometimes you need a coach like that, "my way, or the highway" with the backing of a GM and owner with a spine. That way, if things still go south, you can rest assured it is the coaching that isn't working. I do believe there is talent on this team but the coach, yet again, has lost the room. Dahlin, Risto, yes, even Skinner, Reinhart, Cozens and Jack will all excel elsewhere. They could excel here to, with the right coach. Linus is a very capable goalie, Huts is a back up and was good at it until he got here. This management/ownership group has not been able to get a decent coach in quite some time. Trouble is, would Gallant, Boudreau or Babcock even come here? Babs is coaching the University of Saskatchewan for the time being.
  6. I was one of the few against the tank and got spanked for it because "we got Jack. a generational player". Jack can go, we aren't winning with him, that is painfully obvious now. RK can go, brutal coach and ***** motivator. Yes, going through coaches is a bad look, unfortunately, not having a competent GM and no President of Hockey Operations to oversee a decent coaching hire is also, a very bad look. I think there is talent on this club but we got saddled with another poor coaching choice. If you want to keep Ralph, then you need to find players that fit his style of coaching whatever the hell that is? Or move him out and get an experienced coach in here who will hold these guys accountable for their play. Once again, what we have currently, isn't even close to working. (for a 10th consecutive season)
  7. and to be honest, so is this season. Playoffs are not going to happen............again. Serious, serious changes need to happen organisationally before this team even sniffs at the playoffs. Either a dramatic change in the players or a dramatic change in the coaching staff (all of it). Perhaps both. This is brutal hockey. Maybe when people start attending games again, they can boo their frustrations just to remind management how brutal a product this is. Wow!
  8. That's the truth. Where I worked, they have the "Employee Assistance Program" (EAP) but basically, they taught you to cope, or tried to teach you to cope with whatever the employer threw at you. The rest was up to you!
  9. He isn't "Super Mario" for nothing! God bless him!
  10. Another great documentary. Again, an organization just taking what they can from you with no real regard for the individual. You hope things are different nowadays. It does show the ugly, unspoken side of fame and professional sports.
  11. At what stage of Kevin's career did this happen? I know he had a problem but was he near his career's end? The reason I ask is, it became apparent to me in the Probert Documentary, he still had plenty to give, which is why Detroit and later on Chicago would get him to rehab or totally overlook his mistakes. But other than that, they didn't seem to really care about the individual. Just what I took away from the doc anyhow.
  12. I found it sad because Probert did so much for his teammates. It even says in the documentary, when Bobby hit the ice, his teammates were suddenly stronger and larger out there. He came to their defence, he battled to get them the puck, he took the front of the net abuse to screen the opposing goaltender and he didn't have bad hands for an enforcer. He scored quite a bit actually. I know back then "manliness" meant never admitting you had a problem (although with Bobby, it was pretty well known) and knowing he had such a young and beautiful family, that not even a veteran player could sort of take him under his wing and try to steer him in a better direction? If that did happen, it doesn't come up at all in the documentary. Just a sad situation. Even the damn border guards tried to help him out in one instance.
  13. Terrific documentary. I found it sad that a guy with that much talent (he could put the puck in the net also, he had skills other than the fists) didn't really have anyone looking out for him, or able to reign him in. He went to rehab a few times, but the NHL establishment didn't seem to really care about the man, just what he could bring to the Red Wings and later on the Black Hawks. Way too young at age 41 to pass, but I guess the damage done to his heart with substance abuse finally took its toll. His poor family on the boat with him as well when it happened. Loved watching him play, and saw a young rookie in the Sabres lineup, in a preseason game, make his bones taking on Probert and actually besting him when Probert was a Blackhawk. That Sabre player? Rookie Eric Boulton. Drew a standing ovation from the crowd, myself included. Probert had a beautiful family. An absolute shame. This documentary is so worth your time.
  14. Just for an FYI, Lindy Ruff’s NJ Devils are looking pretty damn good. Another win tonight. Not too shabby for an “old school” coach. Just sayin.
  15. Because everyone here is voicing their overwhelming frustration and I totally get it. There are no rose coloured glasses for this season yet again. Not until we finally land a decent coach.
  16. I know. The last coach here that was modestly decent ( and I didn't really care for him) was Bylsma. I would seriously take Babcock as well right now. Time to get a little "old school" around here as all these unproven or "modern thinkers" aren't getting this franchise anywhere. But you're right, not sure Gallant would want the gig, even if offered.
  17. Krueger is not the coach that will turn this around. I would really respect Terry if he went out and managed to get Gallant now. I know it looks crazy having changed so many coaches, but at least it would look like he actually gave a ####! And then maybe there would be accountability on the ice and if you you get soft around Gallant, you're out of here. The effort after the start of the first is just pathetic and one we have seen season after season after season. Franchise is a joke.
  18. Wow! Remember that hiring???? That may just have been the worst of the worst! I never understood what they saw in him that screamed: "Yup, this is our guy!". Now that was brutality and is he even involved in hockey anymore???
  19. But he was "fresh" and new with a "new modern approach" is what people were saying. No more old school, dinosaurs!!!! I remember that well!
  20. At least it would put an end to the sleep walking starts or efforts. Accountability would return in my opinion.
  21. The absolute truth. There is talent here. This organisation has done a horrendous job of choosing the right coach. These next 4 games will show what this team is and I kind of expect things to get ugly. Islanders for 2 and I believe the Bruins will eat this club alive in the 2 games after that.
  22. Wasn't that coach Phil Housley??? I'll take Gerard Gallant. Tough nosed, take no #### and willing to bench ###### if the effort isn't there. I'll take old school.
  23. Truth!!! Is Gerard Gallant available?
  24. 2 AHLers in Wedgewood and Comrie to be exact.
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