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Georgia Blizzard

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Everything posted by Georgia Blizzard

  1. All of us want competitive teams that challenge and/or win championships, did they do that ?
  2. It's reasonable for fans of any team in any city to have an expectation that their team is competitive on a regular basis. This "Buffalo" attitude that we should just be thankful to the Pegulas for keeping these teams in WNY and not hold them to a high standard is Defending RB is idiotic, the guy is a complete failure in every position with every responsibility since day one and has brought his ineptness to the Sabres This acceptance of mediocrity is embarrassing What a joke
  3. Is it possible that the Pegulas are the most inept and ignorant billionaires on the planet ? While I sincerely believe their hearts are in the right places, I fear they lack the brains to ever make these franchises successful.
  4. Very interested in when someone in media get the interview with GMTM, that could be enlightening Could care less about what DB has to say
  5. Shocked and disappointed in the GMTM part, if for no other reason then the rinse-repeat crap with the Bills and how it seems to be spreading to the Sabres Questions others have raised without much comment: 1- What happens to the favor GMGM owed GMTM and impact it now has on expansion draft 2- How does this impact pending signings, i.e. Antipin, Petersen ?
  6. Right, big difference between GMTM sitting down with Jack for a heart to heart and asking, "Jack - does this coach and system work for you ? Do you feel it's maximizing your talents ? What are your teammates saying / thinking ?" vs. Jack approaching GMTM and saying "Listen, I didn't come here to play this dump and chase crap. There is no way I'm signing long term with this numb nuts running the show. Take your pick DB or me."
  7. Pham fans the flames that Eichel is behind this, if DB gets fired, it falls on Eichel, clearly Eichel doesn't want to play that role. Does TP/TM now protect Eichel and keep DB ? Possibly Hopefully not
  8. PHam might have saved DB's job
  9. So, GM asks Jack "What do you think of the coach?", "What do you think of the system?" You want him to lie ? He doesn't like coach or system, if said as much, so be it. Look, if you don't want to here the answer, don't ask the question. GMTM asked
  10. 3 quality centers = 3 quality lines Enough of this nonsense
  11. Crazy talk. Reinhart has HoF upside. Get a coach that knows where to play him
  12. Maybe if Buffalo started winning and developing a more national following, like Pens, Hawks etc, we'd start to get preferential treatment The NHL is a bush league in so many ways, you just need to learn to live with it
  13. For Eichel to assume the mantle of leadership he has to work on his in game body language. Too often he looks frustrated and/or disengaged.
  14. The Pegulas should be applauded for their commitment to Buffalo and for opening their pocketbooks for both franchises as they chase winning. They should also be held to the same standard as any owner, making the right decisions to build winning teams. The two are not in conflict, in some ways, the first is EFFORT and the second is RESULTS. Just like in life, encourage effort, reward results. And, BTW, Regier and company had some piss poor drafts between 2005 and 2012, that's an 8-year span of drafts that yielded a few serviceable players and NO STARS !! --- 8 years. That is why Reiger said long suffering, he knew how badly he had drafted and how absolutely empty the pipeline was
  15. I couldn't agree more. My son is into soccer and I'm slowly coming to appreciate the sport. I've been watching MLS and Premier League more and more. Starting to understand more of the game strategy, but, I do wish the tv analysts would spend more time on that aspect, as they do with football. The other part I've come to LOVE, is the fact that virtually EVERY game ends in 2 hours. You only get commercials at halftime. At first, I didn't like all the branding on the jerseys, but, I'll take that over being force fed non-stop commercials any day. I'm not crazy about the flopping and whining, but, it's not much different than the NBA.
  16. Agree, my interest in the NFL has declined steadily over the past several years. Combination of several factors that goes beyond the ineptness of the Bills. The NFL greed which manifests itself with too many commercials, watchin communities being held hostage to billion dollar stadiums (Minn) or losing teams (Oak, SD, StL) The change in the rules that have made this league so pass happy Concussion issues, so hard to watch guys get clocked knowing the long term health affects Over exposure. Thursday night broke me, that was over kill. I can honestly say I only watched 3 non-Thanksgiving games the last 2 seasons.
  17. And if DB stays and team misses playoffs, GMTM still gets dumped. So, where are the odds to make the playoffs better, with DB or with new HC ?
  18. I said Yes, but, one caveat would be if it is GMTM's decision. Still not sure, if T Peg was responsible for the hire when Babs decided on TO If, TP has final say, I would say NO If it's up to GMTM, YES. GMTM has too much to lose on next season which will become playoffs or BUST. DB's system seems to be a bad fit with skill set and today's NHL. While defense is bad, it's a disaster under this coach, not to mention his constant line tinkering borders on OCD
  19. I thought I recall that Moulson's contract prevents him from being sent to Rochester, so, Sabres can't just ship contract to AHL and get it off their books, is that true ? Also, bigger issue for Sabres cap hit is 2018-19, so, it doesn't make sense to buyout Gorges, might as well absorb his contract in full in 2017-18 and then have no impact on 2018-19 when the Eichel/Reinhart deals kick in Edit: trying to answer my own question, CapFriendly says Moulson has M-NTC which does allow him to be sent to minors, if that's the case, why not just bury his contract in Rochester like Sabre did with Kotalik (sp?) a few years back ??, anyone ? Edit part 2: Ok, so, much for that idea --- Sabres would only save about $1M on cap -- What is a Buried Contract? Teams do not receive full cap relief when a player on a one-way NHL contract is reassigned to the American Hockey League, or is loaned to a team in another professional league. The players salary cap hit, minus the sum of the minimum NHL salary for the respective season and $375,000, still counts towards the team’s salary cap total. The cap hit relief is therefore equal to the minimum salary of the respective season + $375,000:2014-15: $550,000 + $375,000 = $925,000 2015-16: $575,000 + $375,000 = $950,000 2016-17: $575,000 + $375,000 = $950,000 2017-18: $650,000 + $375,000 = $1,025,000 2018-19: $650,000 + $375,000 = $1,025,000 2019-20: $700,000 + $375,000 = $1,075,000 2020-21: $700,000 + $375,000 = $1,075,000 2021-22: $750,000 + $375,000 = $1,125,000
  20. I guess when you sleep walk through an entire game, you have extra energy you need to get out of your system. My frustration with this team is slowly turning to apathy.
  21. I think a lot of us might have a soft spot for Reinhart because his career has been mismanaged by this organization to date and this coach continues to ask him to do things that are inconsistent with his skill set and jerks him around the lineup. The guy has kept his mouth shut and has been a team player through it all. Maybe we've hit our breaking point with this coach and this is that proverbial straw.
  22. I was going to let your post go until your last couple of sentences. You are misrepresenting my views, if the rule is a game suspension, so be it. I wouldn't make it that severe if I was HC/GM, but, it is what it is. My issue, is applying discretion and flexibility and use some common sense and judgment and delay punishment until Sunday when you can dress/skate 18 and have Reinhart sit in press box. Not sure why you can't respond to that specific argument instead of making up a different one.
  23. This is the problem with black & white rules -- What if, Lehner and Nilsson overslept and were both 5 minutes late to morning stretch ? What if, Risto, McCabe, Bogo and Kuli car pooled to rink and got flat tire and were 5 minutes late ? The world isn't black & white,people want to make it that way, it isn't, life isn't, that's why discretion is permitted in judicial system and in virtually every professional workplace. Solution in this case is simple: SCRATCH HIM ON SUNDAY !!
  24. My point is they could have sat him Sunday in the press box (delayed the punishment), he's not a dog afterall
  25. I saw LTS post, I'm stuck on him being dressed and on bench instead of delaying punishment to Sunday and have him in press box To me, that's the difference between fair and petty Edit: And BTW, one of the laziest reporters in the business criticizing a player for not staying AFTER practice, when 80% of the team doesn't is rather lame. Especially when it's been reported that Reinhart worked his a$$ off the past two off seasons and typically arrives EARLY to practice. I love when the media sits in judgment of these kids and then "mails it in" when it comes to their jobs. I listened to the post game interviews with DD and the media lets him off the hook routinely
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