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Everything posted by K8prisoner

  1. i hope not if its deeper than 2003
  2. first period ryan miller... you might be onto the new corsi im an idiot posting like oconnor and quoted myself ... ryan did do it in the third as you said, as well.. i was lazy and didnt finish reading the entire post, although if miller was weird that way.. oconnor is weird without the upside.. well, exxxxcuuuuuuse meeeeee... it feels like a spy vs spy episode but im game and i did try to be imaginitive without football metaphors or spellcheck and look where we are..
  3. oh forgive me, but seriously sshirley, i could only think of kickers who f'd up their lives so convincingly that they had to sell insurance because of 'nerves'
  4. you are right on with that... hasek is another great example.. didnt he almost quit... what got me worked up was just how much BU and Eichel panicked and tried to do it alone after that nightmare... truly amazing.. i bet they were all drafted though.. they had real promise or technique etc
  5. you guys know more than me but that lions kicker is selling insurance now, and is way more talented than that shaky goalie... let me know if he does,,, im not being a jerk, just believe he set any chance of playing at a higher level back significantly... and now i am curious what team would trust him... the kicker, goalie analogy is not that great but i think he is a special case.. peace .. goodnight i agree with this.. it will be interesting... i am curious now
  6. i'll be curious... i have never seen anyone nuke their future like that.. and he dropped three bombs on himself in consequetive games... its an unusual case...
  7. cmon.. norwood had talent but lost trust... who would trust that goalie until he proved he was over his issues.. he was shaky on every save... like that lions kicker (he was talented enough to get one of 32 jobs but f'd it up).... if he was a forward or defenseman.. yr right... but only a team that knows him and his family will touch him now.. maybe i'm wrong but that was astonishing... and its clearly a pattern.. i'll be curious to see what happens...for the kids sake i hope you are right but its like he blackballed himself...
  8. what team would trust him now .. it would have to be a family connection or a real good excuse after being exposed three times
  9. they might think he has a point shaving issue or has a huge heroin debt to pay off with a bookie... that was the worst moment in the national championship ever... a tru;y scarring moment..(he has 3)
  10. no way.. thats like saying norwood had a bidding war for his clutch services when he left the bills, or who was that lions kicker that won the game for us that is now starting on another nfl team (not).. he might play echl for years before any team would ever consider trusting him.. he torpedoed himself... its a shame but .. no way
  11. maybe talk his best pal jack to come back with him while hes talking him off the ledge tonight ...for redemption.. (only if the bruins win lotto and pass on mcdavid)... well, guess im a homer.. doh.
  12. We are like the Corleones or more specifically.... all the Newport families that that secretly sold drugs and guns before they passed the hot potatoe onto the next family... the sabre family is going legit! ,,, with our booty still intact after crossing the border of that final loss... after all the acrimony and infighting, harmony reigns supreme as our dirty little secret.... almost appeared (ha ha) to nearly slip thru our fingers, suddenly, never existed... my lips are moving but nothings coming out etc... (We are all bonded like the criminals who got away with it, I like it.. the American way. Fix the problem. Done. Next).. and all that was wounded was the season ticketholders and the fragile pride of a few players who (in the end or all along) did us proud. Fan Appreciation day will also turn into, player appreciation, gratitude and sympathy day, as our crafty devil laughs in the background building us the winner Buffalo truly deserves.. We have lost our innocence and are ready to play with the big boys again, Punch would be proud.
  13. jubilee.. less than 49 years is a bargain... ooh ahh...
  14. you have an excellent relationship... trust me.
  15. i completely second that... quite entertaining... thank you.
  16. as a shart secretly is, that was an f'n relief for all involved... we are good at sucking... its official... now, can we all take a rohypnol and completely forget these years... and remember how to win a meaningful game... fate has delivered us one tomorrow... congratulations to all... exactly
  17. you guys are pretty smart... clenching a draft spot..very funny.. holding on to the bitter end to release the shart all over the city of buffalo... murray is the head janitor to successfully clean up the mess.. we havent completed the clench .. we are one loss away until we can (if we are lucky) releaee all that anticipation with a victory shart.. like the multi ball, on the lotto multiplier .. we wont no until we luckily get a loss and after the lottery the true agony or ectasy of the relief and hopefully a geometric acceleration of the reggie rebuild.. i whole heartedly agree.. that is why i am still clenching and we are no where near clenched, or done cleching, ie , resulting in a shart -- how golrious that shart, relieving of stress, end of putrification (if it ever happens) depends on the lottery results.. i hope for the city and the fans' sake it goes well. we still need a field goal w three left..quite doable but not a done deal.. go sabres
  18. i couldnt choke that truth out... we could win and arizona wins two and we could actually get both mceichels or connor and hanifin etc... i dont need that worry.. just want the last 2 years to have a purpose w one great top 2 player ( not a defensmen)... but then i'll need just this and then i dont need anything else.. thats all.. well, and i need a tooth brush, i need this buudha statue and my drink unbrellas..all i need is.. ahhh happiness is an owsley gel... ill make the rest up
  19. its bizzarro world for sure...we all really want the same thing although openly cheering is as twisted as players partying to screw the frachise long term... it is truly disfuntional until the 11th.. i think we can all say ... i hope it was worth it ..OR .. FLY TO ARIZONA FEED MCEICHEL TO REGIER IN A CHILI LIKE , that cartman episode... he will have to pay dearly... we will sell his children into slavery and ... well maybe just maybe ive gone too far 9maybe), like the cheering fans and players... they should both unite against a common enemy like dr judy wood pointed out quite eloquently where we actually win united as an organization/country
  20. total bs.. no one wants to lose... a great draft pick... after and only after we were eliminated from the playoffs... and to have the destroyer regier steal if from us.....horryfying (after some reflection, of course) to anyone who proclaims themself a fan pf the city, franchise and mental health of fans and players as they enter training camp
  21. w pleasure, im a stuperstitious man.. all unecessary purging on the 12th or 51 whichever leads
  22. i have my own ideas that cannot be mentioned but hypothetically at mcnasty phil collins face value..... if thisindividually wont ever be hired again for any team to win or lose in any of the 30 cities in the show... why, if they are playing for comtracts and jobs after the trade deadline , all they are showing if they consistently get results to spite the wonderful but emotionally frail and exhausted fans of western ny ( that were screwed for many many years by a gm that is a master of destruction but blows at building ateam w chracter ( save us Punch) and was probably bribed by philly or ny to not sign briere and drury who were probably thri;lled for anothershot at run at the cup in buffalo ( where we care) if they were treated remotely fair by a franchise that usually made good devisions in trades and contracts ( yeah i know the owner at the time was who he was but any true blue gm would have signed one)...) and the players who are new must know that we are the most loyal fan base anywhere as we all are suffering through darc corsi re gear... If i took a check to come here i would know the deal as i accepted being treated like king around a town that just wants to win and stick it to boston and philly and montreal etc.. we would root for an all alquaeda national team if they played with heart and had a shot at the playoffs at the trade deadline.. we would shower them with love and buy them prayer rugs, new skull caps and flyi.g lessons so they could fly better than the yankee pitcher in nyc 2006. after march i would do whats best for the franscgise and play to win as they have but i may not be so publically bummed that the fans are cheering for the chance at future victories ( and are giving players a pass about their bantam level play).. it may even motivate me tp play better but i know pat kalaeta would never want to stick it to the fans or i would have difficulty believing that as many like gionta have wanted to don the crest and play for us and get a check that says buffalo to take home to his family that has sabres hats for love of the team for generations. if they do lose out on the season (chl style) and the lotto then we just set ourselves back a year but... we will never have to endure a year like the last 2 (if we even have hockey at all watching the many retirements of nfl players) because the strong personalities coming to this team and staying will play each night with purpose that is evident as we see effort and heart scvattered throught the past 20 games..BUT, Players that suddenly show they have more talent and drive than we have seen all year to stick it to us will be playing suddenly on any of the teams that draft 4 to ten with a nice chicken dinner and a questionaire that asks what we could have done to motivate you to win amd play out of love the last two years that you only can express in spite.. I would bet that after watching the rejuvenation on film very few gms would trust them to maintain that for 80 games with hate as their engine. I'm not sure if the city of buffalo has to overcome the wrath of some unknown force but i do know this. The people of the city seem more aware than many other places of each others emotions and always seem to work as a team taking on all who may try to bring us down in any situation outside of the city as well. I imagine thats one reason why so many former players maintain some form of residence. This is true against all reasonable odds of success in any situation with people that have been exposed to ten years or so of licing in Buffalo or even Rochester. We even share similar fatalistic feelings and the lurking threats of doom that cities like cleveland and clubs like the redsox cubs and hartfoed whalers etc have endured like us.. We arent scum that will revert to anything like the trash from baahston or would we act like we are that awesome and become insufferable , we also arent so stupid and entitled to look for a Bartman should mceichel and a chance to win is stolen from us at the last second since we all cheered out of understanding for Norwood as he came home to a warm welcome. Sorry cleveland..we arent trailer trash as well ( although many clevelanders are very cool and many are friends that i am lucky to have).. we have some pride and perserverance that may exist individually but noy united as we have seen in Buffalo.I am glad the rest of the world helped you get back a team that was stolen from you but its like getting the jads if we lost the bills. ( it will take a generation to forget that slight). We believe we are winners that have been unreasonably denied our birthright (thats correct) despite all the evidence... I have won being a buffalo fan because i got to see gretsk(e)y's favorite player 30 times a year and despite mgmt. Burt and most who play here felt appreciated by the fans (just win weber, and play with heart everytime you step on the ice and you guys wouldnt have to worry about us hoping to improve through the draft, sir).. My super nowl was being amazed by the houstoon comeback from the endzone... I have seen enough that amazed me to believe some day it will all come together, maybe on another planet or another lifetime but it will be GLORIOUS .. Is any player thinks they should be loved by giving us the hockey version of the washington generals then he has more mommy and daddy issues than we have time to discuss. If you are an honorable merc then you do your best to earn your artificially elevated postion in society by earning the love and respect of yhe town you are paid to defend.. I believe this team has done exactly that.. aside from a few childish comments and overzealous play by the mentally insane ( that 2 seasons of victory ambiguity may cause) I believe that a more talented team that is not under the eye of caring intelligent fans has gone on a chl epic win streak because of the only man with real vitriol for buffalo... i dont have to say more... how has he motivated them? I have never questioned the teams' desire to be victorius for the fans in buffalo who not only are paying attention like fans up north but are more forgiving and have shown more knowledge and caring on and off the ice for yhe product they give us on the ice and gridiron . The city would not be the same without both teams all the players and the relationship with the fans.. never underestimate the value of intamacy that is not lost on players like pat kaleta, gionta and new guys like bogosian who remember the real feeling of hockey we had in the 70s 80s and nineties before darcy gutted and wussified our beloved team by the 2007,8 season. I think we know who the enemy is... I trust that..
  23. i love the idea of trading tank killers to arizona or toronto or whatever teams draft 4th or fifth.. hilarious another excellent point... are the players really partying and having a stick it to buffalo fans ecxtasy after their awful play over the past two years...?
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