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Everything posted by FLYNNSanity

  1. The fact that Bettman and Campbell ignored the dangers of head injuries... And the fact they victim blame. If you read through the emails you'll see how much off an ass Campbell is. OT: Zemgus's tweets were brought up in one of the emails lol Zemgus Girgensons: @Zemgus 94 baseball season over, what to watch now? #sadtweet Zemgus Girgensons: @Zemgus 94 Last tweet was sarcasm just so know. #0gameswatches not sure why that was brought up
  2. Sorry if this stuff has already been posted. "Is it obvious to anyone else that the hockey media is under a gag order from the NHL, likely right from Bettman? There has been virtually no coverage about the unsealed emails and how bad they make the league look. And I'm not talking about the concussion issue itself, I'm talking about the disdain, disrespect, and outright contempt high ranking NHL execs show for team execs and players. The one guy that comes across the worst I think is Colin Campbell." http://nypost.com/2016/04/02/nhl-emails-show-players-need-to-watch-their-backs/ Stuff that involves Buffalo: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/2778985-NHL0029537.html 1996-11-22 via NHL0209046:"The following NHL players do not wear a CSA approved helmet: Audette, Barnaby, Burridge, Galley, May, Ray, Ward, Wilson, Zhitnik." 2006-11-07 via NHL0072342:"Darcy Regier stated that retaliation and head hunting should be illegal." 2007-06-04 via NHL0072342:"Darcy Regier stated that the players now entering into the League now have played in leagues that punish hits to the head, and suggested that the NHL follow suit." "A vote was conducted to determine whether the General Managers believed that Chris Neil's hit on Chris Drury was illegal. Nine General Managers believed it was illegal, and 21 did not." 2010-06-02 via NHL0139568:"Darcy Regier suggested that teams should only be allowed warm-up shots if they had a timeout remaining, and should be required to use a timeout to take warm-up shots." "Darcy Regier noted that all of the hits shown on the DVD to the group had occurred over the course of 240 games, and said that he worried about the officials assessing a minor penalty in connection with this rule, given the apparent frequency of plays that result in contact with the head, and the difficulty in evaluating them in real time." "Darcy Regier remarked that, while he did not advocate the role these [agitators] played, they were usually very popular with fans and media, who enjoyed their antics." 2011-11-15 via NHL0156119:"Mr. Regier remarked that players were going to the net harder than ever given the premium on scoring in the modern NHL, and believed that there should be a greater focus on eliminating contact with goaltenders." "Mr. Shanahan took an informal poll of the General Managers as to whether supplementary discipline should have been imposed in the context of the Lucic hit on Miller: sixteen of the General Managers present believed that Lucic should have been suspended, eight did not. Fourteen of the General Managers present believed that Lucic should have been suspended even if Miller had not suffered a concussion." "Mr. Regier said that if minor penalties were the cost for injuring all-star goaltenders, teams and players would do it all the time, and commented that it was impossible to replace a starting goaltender." "Terry Gregson advised that, while there was no major penalty for goaltender interference in the current rulebook, the play involving Lucic on Miller could have been deemed a major penalty for Charging. Mr. Burke agreed that Lucic should have been assessed a major penalty." 2006-04-25 via NHL0029537: Campbell to Dreger in regards to Gauthier's checking from behind major on Vanek: "I agree with the fact he is every thing you say but when I watch the hit the Buffalo player is totally opening himself to being hurt. He is looking back and has opened himself up and put himself in a situation to get hurt by anyone. Gauthier is a slow learner and reminds one somewhat of Marchment. The penalty was properly applied but to give him anymore, in my mind, would be sending the wrong message to players in the sense that we will protect you and you can put yourself in any position yu want. I don't like the guy because, as you say, he is disrespectful but I don?t think this hit was one that was from behind or into the boards. Watch catches him in a position with his head totally turned and looking back." 2007-02-24 via NHL0442079: In an email reply to Wawrow's inquiry about a Golisano letter (included) to Bettman, the league replied: "The Commissioner has not received the letter and he cannot comment on a letter that the media has seen before it has been received by the League. That stands as the comment." 2013-10-14 via NHL0040399: Campbell's email reply to Dreger: "I need to be more adamant with our linesman on can do this independent of both groups. I am for fighting as well...not Colton Orrs and John Scotts of the world either. When your mad legitimitally. I am the same person who advocated an exhibition game after a Game 5 in a series when someone like Kaleta or Lapierre (Van/ St Louis)." OH and heres some weird Bettman stuff: “Can you believe this run of injuries,” Bettman wrote in a Dec. 17, 2011, email. “Couturier just took a puck to the head.” Shanahan replied: “Another busy night.” “How bad?” Bettman wrote. “Just a couple plays but one on a Boston player and one on Mtl player,” Shanahan wrote. “As it turns out I think only the Boston MIGHT get a small suspension. The Mtl player picks the head but the NJ players leans ‘just prior’. No injury and no history. Very similar to Malone/Campoli (but in their favor this time)” “Any more concussions?” Bettman replied. “Not so far,” Shanahan replied. “Night is young!” Bettman wrote.
  3. Peter Forsberg is not very happy at all... Also, I read it could take them nearly 5 years to get back. That. Sounds. Awful.
  4. Easier to do that, than make new nets at every level which would be next to impossible.
  5. Whats the over under on Ellis , Kaleta and Sanguinetti? ;)
  6. Hes given up like 14 goals in his last three starts...
  7. “Boola-Boola Terry Pegula.” :lol:
  8. He didnt get a point last night. Bust!
  9. I like Linus's personality, but hes been playing like crap in roch.
  10. Looks like my 5-3 prediction may be correct...
  11. Eichel isnt tired, he as pissed as ####.
  12. Sabres make it a game, lose 5-3
  13. Nelson has 3 points in 2 games thus far. Muy interesente
  14. 2006 Seasons: 2016 Seasons: 200 club: 74 200 club: 116 100: 53 100: 70 300 Lvl 1: 32 300 lvl1: 51 300 IV: 17 300 IV: 29
  15. So thats what the Blue Cross Arena will probably look like in 10 years?
  16. Pat Kaleta should get PT now. Good for him.
  17. This trade looks pretty pointless to me... Am I missing something? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpuKyeUtsKY
  18. Actually Ennis, Mccormick and kind of Matt Ellis, so that is incorrect
  19. Im really excited now for what next season has in store.
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