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Everything posted by rumblefish

  1. true, but he got nifty down pat
  2. the peka sure has been stiff for Nashville tonight
  3. nifty player, ah Razor you got to love him
  4. I wonder how much a rubber band can be stretched before it breaks, Hackett is being stretched as much as a band can be
  5. Hackett is only making his second start I believe, don't know how much of a advantage that is, have to wait and see, that other start was against Nashville, and he got hammered, and pulled I believe
  6. what's up with May Day's do, looks like he was in a wind storm
  7. more physical is never a bad thing
  8. not the best 1st period, but at the same time not the worst either, allowing 17 shots on goal not a positive
  9. don't know about dark, but those Nashville jerseys, sure do hurt the eyes clear the track, here comes shack, ah the good old days
  10. pre game numbers suggest that Sabres have more than a punchers chance to win, I hope so, and looks like a pretty full house for the game always a plus
  11. Doug Glatt?, I always thought it was Col. Mustard in the library with a candle stick, but I remain open minded to that possibility
  12. Hackett up against it may revel more on if he is a keeper or not, right now I can't tell that, but with more playing time more will be brought to the light of day, more or less pressure is debatable, but tonight will be another audition for him
  13. Turd Ferguson playing in net for Nashville tonight, would be a good thing, a very good thing, yes indeed
  14. well tomorrow is another day, and another game, will be watching and hoping for different results
  15. breaking the shut-out streak, now that's a positive 4 on 4 and a power play, you never know
  16. Devils defense is suffocating, looks like it's not going to be a good night, down 3-0 but I keep rooting for a come back
  17. just remember, nobody puts baby in a corner
  18. Thanks biodork, that was well put
  19. yes, yes, 1000 times yes, as long as I have been a fan, which goes back to orange seats in the Aud, I have had only one mind set, rooting for a Sabres win
  20. Happy birthday, Dave Williams
  21. teddy's blue on blue, on blue, does that mean he like the color, or has a audition after the game with the Blue Man Group
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